Dear RPBC Faith Family,

We have had to make the difficult decision to temporarily suspend all worship services, Sunday School and meetings -beginning immediately. The ministerial staff, media personnel, and praise team will livestream one worship service at 10:00am each Sunday and Prayer Meeting at 6:00pm on Wednesday evenings. Austin and the youth praise team will record their Wednesday night service and upload it via various social media at 6:00pm each Wednesday.

In addition, the church office will be closed . Your staff will perform as much of our work from home as possible, and our custodians and maintenance man (Roger) will only be performing essential services. The custodians have disinfected door knobs, restrooms, pew backs, tables, chairs, etc. We ask that you NOT come into the office or facility until we resume normal operations. Since there are some duties that can only be performed from the office, you may see staff cars in the parking lot from time to time. However, please resist the temptation to come inside. You can phone us individually as you may have need.

The deacons will maintain phone contact with their widows. Please know that your staff, deacons, and others will be available to perform shopping and delivery service for our senior adults and those who's health and/or underlying conditions put them at high risk. If anyone would like to serve as a delivery minister, please let me know.

I am asking that no in-person meetings be held at the church until we resume normal operations. If you have need to call a meeting that you believe cannot be postponed, please phone me to schedule it.

I also want to remind us that church financial obligations do not end because in-person services are not being held. Please remain faithful and prompt in your giving. You may give online by going to our church webpage at , select the RESOURCES tab at the top of the page, select ONLINE GIVING from the drop-down menu, click on the ONLINE GIVING hotlink, and follow the directions. You may also either mail your tithes and offerings to the church, or place them in an envelop and slip them under the office door (I suggest that you not leave checks or cash in the mailbox).

We will continue to publish our online newsletter, E-Recorder, weekly. Any new information and updates will be posted as they occur. These are available through the RPBC Facebook page and the RPBC webpage.

Family, God has not forgotten us and we have not abandoned Him. In this modern day, we are experiencing an unprecedented time for our nation, our society, and the Church. Although the coronavirus COVID-19 and its effects may have surprised us, it has not surprised God. God is still on His throne and Jesus is still making intercession for His church. It is during times like this that the Church has the opportunity to shine!

May the words of God to his servant Joshua be a reminder to us as well that He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us: "Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9, NASB).

Here are some things we all should do during this crisis:
> Pray! Pray for our President, our Governor, all of our government leaders, scientists and researchers who are working on the COVID-19 project, medical personnel, those who continue to have to work where they could potentially be exposed, that God would bring to an end the threat of the coronavirus and that no new cases would develop, that God would heal those already sick, that God would comfort the families of those who have died from this virus, for your church staff, and for one another.
> Call friends, those in your Sunday School class, and others in our church family frequently to check on them and to maintain fellowship and personal contact.
> Remain faithful in your giving.
> Stay abreast of the CDC and Mississippi State Department of Health guidelines and directives.
> Stay informed of RPBC happenings through our online newsletter.
> Maintain your personal and family devotions.
> Did I mention pray??

Please don't hesitate to call me with any questions or for clarification of our actions.

I love you and am praying for you!
Bro. Dan