As we head into May, I think all of us thought we would be back to normal at church by now. However, Governor Reeves has extended the state’s social distancing guidelines through May 11
. We probably will hear on May 8
whether all state COVID-19 guidelines will be dropped or modified at that time. I suspect there will be some sort of phase-in of a complete return to our everyday lives. At least in the short-term, the effect on us at RPBC is that we will continue to stream our services and limit gatherings at least through May 10
For the first time in 4 years we did not meet our Annie Armstrong goal. I know we are experiencing unprecedented times right now. But, please remain faithful in your giving as well as “attendance” through the streamed services. Thank you for continuing to log in to our Wednesday night and Sunday morning services. Your participation and comments have been encouraging! If you know of someone who does not have internet service and has been unable to watch our services, please let me know.
Remain steadfast and keep looking up. God’s got this! In the words of missionary and author Elisabeth Elliot,
"If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things. It is we, of course, to whom things look 'little' or 'big'."
Remember - The staff, deacons, and I are available for you. Please don’t hesitate to phone us on our cell phones if you have a need.
I love and miss you!