What a great day of worship RPBC experienced Sunday as the DNOW children sang and Bro. Austin preached. We welcome Amari Johnson on profession of faith, and rejoice with Morgan Dickerson upon her public surrender to the call to ministry. Folks, we now have 6 who have surrendered to ministry and are in various stages of preparation for the work God has for them. This is an unusual work of God which complements the unusual movement in salvations we have experienced over the past 5 years. As I have said, “God is on the move at RPBC!”
Congratulations to our Bible Drillers who successfully drilled at the State Drills in Petal on April 17th! We will recognize them in the services this Sunday. I especially want to thank Brad & Lori Replogle and Lila Balch. Without their dedicated work, Bible Drill for our church would not have been possible again this year.
Our Kids DNOW event (4th – 6th grades) was this past weekend. Fifty-seven children and adults participated in Friday night, Saturday, and Saturday night sessions packed with fun, food, Bible study, small group sharing, activities, and worship. Several of our youth assisted with the small groups, activities, and praise band. Plus, our group was joined by children and workers from Pine Grove Baptist Church. Thank you Lori Replogle and Austin Mason for all of the hard work you put into making this event such a success!
Have you noticed how beautiful our flower beds are? The roses in the sign planter have just showed out this spring! All of this is due to the loving care and diligent work of Mark & Danielle Jones and their children. Please take a moment when you see them to tell them how beautiful they make our church grounds look, and that their work is noticed and appreciated!
We will have a deacon ordination service this coming Sunday evening, May 2nd, at 6:00pm. To be ordained are James Carroll, Dallas Penton, and Mike Breland. These men have been nominated, screened, elected and examined by an ordination board. Although they have been serving since January, their ordination service was postponed due to COVID concerns. I hope you will come out Sunday evening to support these men and their wives for this most special service.
Janice and I were able to take a couple of days off at the end of last week. I want to thank Bro. Austin for filling the pulpit this past Sunday. I also want to thank Bro. Brad for leading Prayer Meeting and Mickey Clogher for doing the weekly Bible Study. I never have to be concerned about the office, ministries, events and worship services whenever I am away because of the awesome work of our volunteers, office and ministerial staff!
God is on the move!