Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island
315 Forest Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10301
Rabbi Michael D. Howald                     Student Cantor Shirel Richman
Co-Presidents Jerry Gross and Alan Siegel
E-Shalom - OCTOBER 2020
Temple Israel’s Electronic Bulletin
“Shalom, Welcome to Temple Israel....” is a phrase taught to us by Carole Lachman, a beloved, long-time congregant and bulletin editor who died in 2002. We named our bulletin in her honor and worked to realize her vision of Temple Israel as a community that welcomes the stranger and lets no one stand alone. As we move to a new version of this tradition of communicating with our Temple Israel family, we continue to forward Carole’s vision, love and devotion for our synagogue.
Many of our usual Temple activities have now become virtual. Please join us for any or all of the following Shabbat and Festival services and Torah Study sessions by simply clicking on the links in the link boxes at the posted times. All sessions will take place using Zoom. Links are also posted in weekly News and Notes. If you wish to call into these meetings, the phone numbers for audio access are also listed. *Please note that some of the meetings may require that you include the listed password.
Friday, October 2 at 7 p.m.
This is Erev Sukkot!

Friday, October 9 at 7 p.m.
This is Erev Simchat Torah!

All other weeks on Friday at 8 p.m.

Dial by your location
  +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 947 946 323
Passcode: 947053
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kiTgwLeuU
Every week on Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
Saturday, October 3 is Sukkot and Saturday,October 10 is Simchat Torah.
The Service on 10/10 will be a Yizkor/Shabbat Service.

Dial by your location
1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 614 246 852
Passcode: 549042
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbBPyZ5AGn
Friday, October 16 at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting ID: 819 7466 9392 
Passcode: 858975 

Dial by your location 
    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) 
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) 
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 
    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 

Through the generosity of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, there is a free online flip-book version of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah for Shabbat, available 

Through the generosity of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, there is a free online flip-book version of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah for Youth, available 
To Learn About
To Learn About
A Message from

Rabbi Michael D. Howald

This year, for the first time in 20 years, Robin and I were looking forward to watching the High Holy Days while seated together.  We were sitting together at our dining room table, waiting for the service to begin at 8 pm, when Robin’s mom called and told us that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has just died.  We were broken-hearted for her family, for our Jewish community and for our country to have lost such a force for justice and equality on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, a day of reflection when we ask, as a congregation and as individuals, to be written in the Book of Life.  As we began our service just a few minutes after the news of her death was made public, we could only pray that the memory of her righteousness would be a blessing, now and forever.
Now that Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur have ended, we can begin to take stock of a life and career that had such enormous influence.  Over the next days and weeks, we will surely hear many tributes to the life and accomplishments of Justice Ginsberg.  Some have already been posted and published and many hundreds, if not thousands, will certainly follow.  Rather than focus on her many achievements, this article focuses on her defeats because they, in my opinion, exemplify the intersection between law and Judaism that helped define her life.
The tradition of dissent has a long pedigree in Jewish tradition.  The Mishnah, possibly the first systematic attempt to write the guidelines for living a Jewish life contains not just rules, called halacha— “the way,” but also the views of Sages who disagreed about the answer.  “The House of Hillel says he is liable (i.e., he sinned and must atone).  The House of Shammai says he is not liable (i.e., he did not sin and does not need to atone)” is a fairly typical pattern in the Mishnah which strives to preserve both majority and minority positions on issues of Jewish law.  Why does the Mishnah record the opinion of the majority along with that of those who dissent?  “To teach the generations to come that a person should not be stubborn about their opinion, for the Sages were not stubborn about theirs (Mishnah Eduyyot 1:5).”  By preserving both the law and individual objections to it, the authors of the Mishnah reasoned that future generations might see the law, not as a static body of rules, but as a dynamic set of answers with the capacity to evolve as circumstances and societies changed.  In time, in fact, the minority opinion might become the law.
The Mishnah set a pattern for preserving both majority and minority opinions which both Jewish and common law follow to this day.  During her 27 years as a Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg was often in the majority, but she wrote some of her most memorable opinions in dissent.  "Dissent speaks to a future age,” she said.  “It's not simply to say, ‘my colleagues are wrong and I would do it this way,’ but the greatest dissents do become court opinions.”  Justice Harlen’s dissent in the Supreme Court’s 1896 decision in Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling that separate facilities for black and white Americans did not violate the equal protection clause, for instance, later became the majority view in the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown vs. Board of Education, which declared such separation inherently unequal.
In her lifetime, Justice Ginsburg helped change the law, both as an advocate and as a judge, particularly in the area of gender equality.  Her influence in the years to come, moreover, will continue, both through her majority opinions and, perhaps, especially though her dissents.  As former Chief Justice Charles Hughes stated in 1936: “A dissent in a Court of last resort is an appeal...to the intelligence of a future day...”  For most of her 27 years on the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg was known more for her dissents than for the times she joined the majority.  In standing for her principles, and eloquently explaining her reasons for disagreement, Justice Ginsburg exemplified an ancient Jewish tradition that equally respects both the majority and opposing opinions.  According to the Talmud, these viewpoints, even in disagreement, are both “words of the living God.”
Today, accordingly, we mourn as a people and as a nation the death of a righteous advocate and judge.  Her influence on the law will continue for decades and, as her arguments in dissent continue to speak to future generations, may even grow in the years ahead.  May her memory be for blessing and may her dissents continue to guide us in our pursuit of justice!  
Rabbi Michael Howald   
A Message from
Jerry Gross & Alan Siegel

To our Fellow Congregants,

5781 has arrived!  Here at Temple Israel, the New Year was ushered in as no High Holy Days have been celebrated in the 72-year history of Temple Israel.  When confronted with dealing with a Sanctuary that has been effectively shuttered since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, we started working with your Temple leadership to identify alternatives to on-site gathering. It was clearly identified that a Zoom platform would not be appropriate to provide our congregation with a meaningful experience.  At this point, Sisterhood Co-President (and Ritual Committee Member and E-Bulletin Editor) Jodi Siegel volunteered to identify a video production company that could handle this important task.  After interviewing several companies, the services of Gotham Trinity Productions were contracted. The pre-recording of our Services was no small task.  Not only were the various Services recorded but reviewing of each one was necessary to identify necessary editing. Working closely with our Clergy, choir and participating congregants and coordinating with the production personnel, Jodi was able to bring this project to a successful conclusion.  We are all grateful for her tireless efforts.

And now we face the road ahead of us. As you read this message, Sukkot is upon us.  Brotherhood members helped to build our Sukkah on the patio and, under the supervision of our Religious School Liaison, Felicia Otto, our school students (and their parents) joyfully decorated the structure with items that they had created and new adornments provided by Sisterhood.  Although we cannot hold a Kiddush in the Sukkah this year, Sisterhood will be hosting a pre-subscribed Pizza in the Hut followed by an adults only Sippin’ in the Sukkah on Saturday afternoon/evening October 3rd.   This year’s Simchat Torah celebration will have to be held remotely when we Prance in our Living Rooms rather than Dancing in the Social Hall.

Please be assured that we have begun working with our Clergy in order to successfully resume our on-site Services and other gatherings.  We are creating this plan in concert with the guidelines provided by Hebrew Union College, as well as all Federal, State and City mandates.  Social distancing rules will be observed as well as ensuring that all age-appropriate individuals will be wearing masks while on Temple grounds and in the building.  Although singing and reciting of prayers is discouraged, we know that we will all enjoy the spirituality of, once again, being together at Temple Israel.  We are, of course, sensitive to the needs of those congregants who are not yet ready to attend in person and will be making appropriate accommodations.

We are grateful to those of you who have positively and generously responded to our recorded annual appeal.  If you were waiting to first experience our virtual services and enjoyed them as we hoped you would, now is the time to show your appreciation by submitting your pledge.  And please remember to acknowledge family celebrations or memorials by making a donation to one of our Special Funds and having your donation published in our weekly Shabbat program.

Thank you for your on-going support of Temple Israel as we move toward a ‘new normal’.

Jerry Gross and Alan Siegel
We all missed the ability to see and greet each other at services as well as the communal experience of listening to Rabbi, Cantor, choir and accompanists in the presence of our families and friends.
I want to take this opportunity to once again thank Rabbi Howald, Student Cantor Richman and Jodi Siegel for the extraordinary effort they made to provide the Temple Israel Community with an amazing and fulfilling set of High Holy Day services. 
Our clergy usually spends many hours curating the rich liturgical resources available through our new prayer book, Mishkan HaNefesh, to create an inspiring worship experience.  This year, working with the restrictions imposed by the necessity of streaming our services, Rabbi and Cantor had an even more intense job to narrow down the selection of many of our familiar passages to fit into the timelines of the planned broadcasts.  They did an awesome job.
Despite appearances on the broadcast, our clergy and congregants did not just walk into the sanctuary record a service from opening prayer to closing hymn in one unbroken swoop.  So please understand that this experience will not translate into an easy return to in-person services.  An enormous effort was made over several weeks to record those few hours on tape, and that was neither the beginning nor end of the work. 
Great care was taken to record under Covid precautions.  By self-quarantining in preparation for the taping, Rabbi and Cantor were able to be closer on the bimah than they will be in future services when our lives return to the new normal.  Masks and sanitizer were the rule of the day.  Jodi made sure participants were carefully choreographed to avoid interaction.  Couples were called to the Torah so there was no outside contact.  Past Presidents wore matching masks for Kol Nidre.  Everyone involved was spaced widely out in sanctuary, including the recording crew.  In the best traditions of the industry, recording took place in segments, allowing safe movement of people and equipment in between tapings.   The choirs recorded from each member’s home and our Student Cantor skillfully wove them into beautiful music.  A list of all the participants follows the Ritual Committee article in this E-Shalom.
Now came the magic of post-production to put all those pieces together.  We must thank Jodi again, because she worked tirelessly for many weeks with Gotham Trinity Productions to make sure they understood the different parts of each service, the traditions of our services, how to put the pieces together, as well as identifying additional appropriate images and music to enhance each service.  To add to that, to maintain security, individual access codes and passwords had to be created and e-mailed, one at a time, to each of our congregant families and ticket holders.

And it worked!
So once again, we thank Rabbi Howald and Student Cantor Richman for leading us in prayer during the Days of Awe, and please join me in saluting Jodi Siegel for her unstinting dedication to this project on behalf of our congregation.
 Jerry Gross
Dear Temple Israel,

As we begin the new year, new and exciting experiences are waiting. I am looking forward to starting to teach at Temple Israel’s religious school. As a former teacher in Jewish day schools in the New York and Boston areas for the past seven years, I cannot wait to meet and get to know the students in our school here in Staten Island. Through teaching in different day schools (Modern Orthodox, pluralistic, Conservative and Reform) I got to learn about how rich and wide Judaism in America is. This year we will be focusing on a curriculum based on different Jewish values. My goal is to offer our students ways to live their lives through a Jewish lens, while celebrating their Jewish identities and connect them to Judaism through music, movement and joy.  

This month we will celebrate the holidays of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. These are all celebrations of communal gathering and assembly. Gathering is particularly tough this year due to the pandemic, but we at Temple Israel will find a way to experience these holidays together. Sukkot is about getting out of our comfort zone and appreciating the fragility of life.  In the holiday, we are encouraged to leave our stable homes and find a temporary home in a temporary structure. As we are temporarily not able to meet regularly in our Temple Israel building, we now find ourselves out of our comfort zones trying to sustain community and spiritual life. Hopefully this year will be the one and only year that Zoom will serve as our temporary sukkah.

For Simchat Torah, we will once again begin reading the Torah, as we do every year. The text of the Torah never changes, but each year we get to read the stories through new eyes and another year of life experience. This year – a year like no other – will be an adventure we will all share together.

I am looking forward to a year of learning, friendship, and – of course – lots of music!!!

B’shira (with song),
Shirel Richman
Student Cantor
Jodi Siegel & Shariann Ganz
L’Shanah Tovah! 

Sisterhood’s year has gotten off to a great start. We had our first Zoomed General Membership Meeting and were thrilled to have so many in virtual attendance. We all had the opportunity to pray together as we viewed our beautifully produced High Holiday services. A huge thank you to Jodi, Siegel for her tremendous effort to ensure that our services were spiritual and memorable and as close to being “in person” as possible.

As we look forward to the fall holidays, Brotherhood put up the Sukkah, and the religious school children put up new decorations and lights which were donated by the Sisterhood. On Saturday evening October 3rd at 5:30 we will hold our Pizza in the Hut event, which is open to everyone followed by Sippin’ in the Sukkah at 6:30 for the adults.  If you wish to attend Pizza in the Hut, please be sure to RSVP to Shariann by the end of the day on October 1st. Please join us for what will be a wonderful evening.   If you are planning to attend either event, please make sure to bring your own chairs and, if the weather is chilly, dress warmly!  

This year’s Breast Cancer Walk will be done virtually. This will take place on October 18. To donate to or find out additional details please speak with Inez Singer. 

We look forward to having you join us at the Nefesh Mountain Concert on November 1st. Sisterhood is co-sponsoring this event with Adult Learning and the Avis Foundation.  Please see the flyer in the bulletin and contact Blanche Ricci for details.  The suggested donation to Sisterhood would be greatly appreciated. 

On November 22 we will hold our Sisterhood Paid-Up Members Luncheon. A special program will be presented by a docent from the Jewish Museum of Florida’s Exhibition honoring Holocaust survivor turned mega designer, Judith Lieber. This event will take place virtually and you will be able to pick up your lunch at the Temple prior to the start of the program. We will also be raffling a scarf designed by Judith Leiber. A flyer for this event is in this E- Shalom bulletin. You can also speak with Sue Freedman for additional details. If you have not paid your Sisterhood dues as of yet, now is the time to do so before this wonderful event takes place. Watch for details about our annual Holiday Fair.  
Please support Sisterhood in all that we do and be part of our group of strong dedicated women. We also welcome any male members of our congregation who  wish to be a Friend of Sisterhood.

Looking forward to a great year,

Shariann Ganz
To print or download the entire 2020-2021 Sisterhood Calendar, just click on the calendar above.
This year, Sisterhood will be participating in the Annual Breast Cancer Walk in spirit! We are asking for your support, as always. Please send your donations made out to the American Cancer Society to Inez Singer (501 Greaves Avenue, SI, NY 10308. )
Click on flyer to enlarge, download or print.
Havdallah Service
will be led by
Rabbi Howald and
Student Cantor Richman
in between Pizza in the Hut and Sippin’ in the Sukkah.
Click here to print or download this flyer.

If you have not yet paid your Sisterhood ($45) or Friend of Sisterhood ($36) Dues, please send your check to Sisterhood so that you can join us for this wonderful event!
Temple Israel – Reform Congregation of Staten Island
Hello Everyone.
I hope everyone continues to enjoy good health as we move into the new year. High Holiday services were wonderful. A great amount of thought, caring and effort made that possible. It was a beautiful production. I would like to thank those men that came out to help clean the stream as we  prepared it for Tashlich. On Sunday morning September 27 the Brotherhood took part in our yearly Building of the Sukkah. Later that morning the children of our Religious School came to decorate it with all new decorations compliments of the Sisterhood. The children had a great time and the Brotherhood treated them to Ice Cream as a special treat.

Sisterhood will be hosting a Pizza in the Hut and Sippin’ in the Sukkah event on Saturday evening October 3. Flyers are available in many places. There will also be Sukkot services Friday October 2 as well as Simchat Torah services on October 9. Please read all about it in this issue of E-Shalom as well as the weekly News and Notes.

It is very important to keep the work of Brotherhood going strong as we navigate these unprecedented times. I would like to thank those members who have made their annual commitment to our affiliate organization. For those who have not done so yet ,I am asking each and every male member  of our congregation to please consider joining Brotherhood.  The dues are only $45. Now more than ever we need your support.

At this time all in-person events and meetings for the Brotherhood are being cancelled and held via Zoom unless otherwise noted. Hopefully, we will all be able to come together soon and experience the friendship and camaraderie that we so much look forward to.

During these changing times always know that we are here to assist in any way. If you need something done or someone to talk to, please reach out and we will make sure your needs are addressed. Until we can enjoy our interactions in person,  I leave you with this….. stay strong, stay safe,  be positive and do your best.  Together we will come through this stronger.

Brotherhood is a vital affiliate organization to the Temple. Together we are strong and make a difference to our Temple Family.  Please share your ideas with us to enhance the Brotherhood experience.
Your in Friendship and Brotherhood,
Jeff Ganz



 SUSAN ROSCH (former member) and family on the loss of her mother


and to all our members impacted by the coronavirus.

JOHN BURMAN as our New Office Manager

Best wishes to Lara Calderon, Temple Secretary, as she accepts a new job opportunity.  Thanks for her many years of service to Temple Israel.

Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed Services for Rosh Hashanah. 
If you have any questions about your membership at this time please contact me at 917-838-6675 or email me at [email protected].

Jennifer Straniere
Financial Secretary

L’Shanah Tovah.  Happy, Healthy Sweet 5781 to all.  

In these unusual times we have celebrated and observed Selichot, Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat Shuvah and Yom Kippur together and apart.   Our High Holy Day Services led by Rabbi Howald and Student Cantor Richman were recorded in the Sanctuary and broadcasted to members and ticket holders.  The Yizkor/Neilah Services were available to the entire community and the Memory Book was put on-line in PDF form to be downloaded and printed individually.  (It can also be accessed elsewhere in this bulletin.) Although an in-person outdoor afternoon Children’s Service was planned for Yom Kippur afternoon, due to expected weather constraints the Children’s Service was presented over Zoom. As usual, these High Holy Day Services included the voices of our Adult and Junior Choirs with musical accompaniment and the blowing of Shofars, albeit in a different format.

We note there is another Ritual article thanking more fully those who made these different 5781 High Holy Day observances happen, however, we must reiterate here our thanks and gratitude to Rabbi Howald, Student Cantor Richman and Ritual Committee member (among her many hats) Jodi Siegel for their incredible dedication and efforts on behalf of our Congregation.  In addition, for preparing for the High Holy Days, we thank Jeff and Shariann Ganz for having the white Torah Covers dry cleaned, Jodi Siegel for refreshing the White Silk Bimah Flowers and Sisterhood Board Members Silvia Gornstein, Pamela Rogozin, Jodi Siegel and Shari Stein Ballow for working with Linda to polish the Ritual Silver.

And now we look ahead to Sukkot and Simchat Torah, both of which will be observed on Zoom.  Sukkot will be observed on Friday October 2nd and Saturday morning October 3rd.  Lulav and Etrog sets have been ordered for the Temple and for those who requested them.  Watch or wave your own Lulav and Etrog in six directions.  (You can come in person to Temple the evening of October 3rd for the Sisterhood sponsored Pizza in the Hut or Sippin' in the Sukkah).  And Simchat Torah will be observed on Friday evening October 9th and Saturday morning October 10th which will include a Yizkor Service.

Please continue to look to your e-mails, messages, Temple Israel News and Notes, Temple Israel’s Facebook page and this E-Shalom Bulletin for additional information about High Holy Days, Sukkot and Simchat Torah, special Services and Study opportunities.

Please stay safe and healthy, 

Linda Brill and Jeffrey Ganz

We thank the following congregants who have graciously accepted the honors of lighting the candles and reciting the Motzi at Erev Shabbat Services in September:
    Joyce Miller, Marnie Blit, Judy Pessah, Bryn Biren,
Anita and Bob Zuckerberg, Jodi Siegel and Shariann Ganz.
Nina Rohan
Ushering Chair
Thank you for your participation

This was our year of "non-traditional" traditional services.  As the social implications of the pandemic became clearer as summer progressed, Rabbi reported that every rabbinical colleague he reached out to had sadly concluded that in-person services were not practical.  As the Ritual committee considered the matter, Jodi Siegel investigated using a production company as opposed to continuing using Zoom.  With the integrity of presentation as well as security of transmission, the decision was made to use professional assistance to ensure the holiday experience was fulfilling as possible for our membership. An unfortunate by-product of the inadvisabililty of gathering together is that few congregants could participate – we normally have over 100 members play an integral part of our High Holy Day experience.  But we still had many people take part. 

First, we must acknowledge the tremendous efforts of Rabbi Howald and our new Student Cantor Shirel Richman to revise the liturgy to meet the time constraints of a streaming service.  

On Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, our choir added to the majesty and spirituality of the services.  We thank our choir members: Ellen Birch, Bryn Biren, Pamela Carlton, Scott Fuller, Sam Gornstein, Judy Lee, Beverly Mazer, Judith Pessah, Kenneth Pickover, Pamela Rogozin, James Rohan, Jodi Siegel, Remy Smith, Shari Stein-Ballow, and Luigia Weisner who spent long hours during the summer with Student Cantor Shirel Richman.  We must also thank our Organist Elona Migirov, cellist Vincent Moncada and guitarist Lincoln Richman.

Our Junior Choir also participated:  Jacob Chason, Ethan Devito, Jonathan DeVito, Gennifer Lopez, Jordan Padilla, Ahava Walpola and Orly Walpola.

We were stirred by the blasts of the shofar on Rosh HaShanah morning and at Neilah.  Providing those moments were Jaimie Blackman and Su Ellen Silverman.

During the main services, several congregants came to the Bimah to participate:  Stephen Baver, Terry Baver, Bryn Biren, Alan Brill, Linda Brill, Jeffrey Ganz, Shariann Ganz, Jerrold Gross, Dr. Fred Hecht, Lincoln Richman, Susan Sappin, Alan Siegel, Jodi Siegel and Fred Simon.

Scheduled to usher at the Children’s service were Terry Baver, Bryn Biren, Jeffrey Chason, Russell Kaminsky, Judy Scher, Remy Smith and Rhonda Trontz-Allen. Our High Holy Day ushering chair is Nina Rohan. 

Special thanks to Bryn Biren for baking the round Challahs used for the Motzi at the tapings. 

And we again thank the extraordinary time and effort put in by Jodi Siegel working with Gotham Trinity Productions to produce the wonderful services.  

Temple Israel Ritual Committee
Linda Brill and Jeffrey Ganz
October 2, 2020
Edith Fazio
Stuart Schorr
Joseph Steinberg
Louis Benjamin* 
Sylvia Selig
Rebecca Henken
Albert Mulnick
Victor Pessah* 
Lillian Winer* 
Mary Borack* 
Loretta Grossman
Ruth Sommer
Laura Don
Dr. Lewis Gross
Irving Grossman
Howard Bierman
Mollie Hirsh

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Elisabeth Cäcilie Schwarzenecker
Leo Cohn
Heinrik Foldes
Joshua Dawidson
Shimon Lipszyc


October 9, 2020
Rose Rosen
Helene Werb* 
Rubin Levine* 
Harvey Don
Joseph Drescher
Benjamin Herman* 
Minde Herman
Kenneth William Lipsitz* 
Norma Feinberg Andrews
Mark Bronnberg
David Elrich
Abraham Leimsider
Anna Reznikoff

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Leonard Gompen
Gottfried Goldschmidt
Léon Skalski
Herman Feingold
Agnes Lichtenstein
October 16, 2020
Helen Aronson
Josephine Grober
Murray Milton Scher
Diane Teitelbaum* 
Seymour Gold* 
Kermit Krisburg* 
Beatrice Simon* 
Celia Weissglass* 
Malcolm Kass* 
Seymour Richman
Maurice Schlefstein
Simche Silberman* 
Samuel Surpin* 
Erica Greenbaum
Dorothy Holzman
Joseph Yale Lipp* 
Kenneth Peretz* 
Delane Soposnick

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Dirk Lubbersen
Pal Vidor
Idzia Zaydman
Toba Zaydman
Tina Dalfin

October 23, 2020
Rose Grodman
Lottie Hirsch
Maude Kunofsky
Barbara Kurlander* 
Charles Wiesner
Esther Katzman* 
Joseph Werb* 
Joseph H. Diamond* 
Charlotte Nash* 
Rose Talisman
Catherine Howald
Ruth Quartin Weitz* 
Charles Berg
Charles Kalish
Margaret McGowan
Joel Schaefer* 
Sylvia Smith

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Andor Farago
Jozsef Fuchs
Sylvia Koch
Zisl Borowski
Gyorgy Kohn
October 30, 2020
Marvin Aroll
Sidney Don
Israel Kantrowitz
Mildred Cohen* 
Beatrice Don
Thea Silberman* 
Martha Sugar
Seymour Wolinitz* 
Claire Silberlight

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Anna Seda
Erika Manasse
Gustav Ansorge
Maria Cwalina
* These names are on our Memorial Wall.
If you would like to view the Yom Kippur Yizkor Service Memory Book, click on the cover below.
For a printable For a printable version of the Memory Booklet, click here. of the Memory Booklet, click here.
We are sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted. Please contact Lara at the Temple Office to update your membership information.
The Sisterhood of Temple Israel would like to help you celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for you and your family.
You can share the joy of Shabbat and your birthday and/or anniversary by helping to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat on the Friday evening when we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for that month.
In addition to sponsoring the Oneg, the names of those celebrating appear in the Friday night program and celebrants are invited to the Bimah.
A contribution of $10 for birthdays and $18 for anniversaries is suggested to honor your special occasion and help the Temple at the same time.  
Letters are sent out early in the month prior and payment would be appreciated before the first Friday of the month of the celebration. 
As soon as we are able to celebrate Shabbat together
in person at Temple Israel,
we will celebrate all the Birthdays and Anniversaries
that we missed at a very special Oneg!

In the meantime, please celebrate with us at our Zoom Shabbat Services on the 1st Friday of each month.
We appreciate you sending in your contributions toward these wonderful Onegs!
Erev Shabbat Services

Friday, October 2
7:00 p.m. via ZOOM

Friday,October 16
5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat
(via ZOOM)
6:30 p.m.- Shabbat Shalom Dinner via ZOOM
8:00 p.m. via ZOOM

Friday, October 23
8:00 p.m. via ZOOM

Friday, October 30
8:00 p.m. via ZOOM
Torah Study and Shabbat Services
Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.

L’Shana Tovah Parents, 
As we welcome October, we look forward to Sukkot. It was wonderful to be able to see so many families together this past Sunday as the children decorated the Sukkah and enjoyed their Sundaes. Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in this in-person event. 
Now that the Sukkah is beautifully appointed, I’d like to encourage you all to come out to Sisterhood’s “Pizza in the Hut” event this Saturday, October 3rd at 5:30 where the kids can not only enjoy pizza with us all but also sit and eat in the Sukkah they helped create. 
Friday, October 16 at 5:30pm we have Tot Shabbat-- perfect for any family with young children. The Zoom link for that service can be found above with other Shabbat Service information. That same evening the Membership Committee is hosting a Shabbat Shalom dinner that can be delivered to you if you are interested. Please reach out to me if you would like to participate.
I look forward to seeing many of you at these fun events this month and getting together soon to discuss plans for the kids to celebrate Hanukkah. I send out emails and reminders through my gmail account to all religious school and AVIS families. If you are reading this and did not receive my email about Sundaes in the Sukkah or if you know someone who did not receive it, please reach out to me. 
Thank you and Happy New Year!
Felicia Otto
Every Voice, Every Vote.
 The Reform Movement's
2020 Civic Engagement Campaign
Every Voice, Every Vote.
 The Reform Movement's 2020
Civic Engagement Campaign

Here are some important things to think about BEFORE Nov. 3rd: Please share with family and friends.
  • Voting by absentee ballot-  If you have not applied for an absentee ballot, you can complete the application here-https://nycabsentee.com
  • COVID-19 has now been added as a reason to request a ballot under “temporary illness or disability”.  (Please act NOW so that you will receive your ballot on time. You can also call to request an absentee ballot-1-866-VOTE-NYC (1-866-868-3692)
  • When  your receive your absentee ballot-
  • By early October, absentee ballots will be mailed. If you do NOT receive yours, please call to inquire (1-866-VOTE-NYC).
  • Mail your absentee ballot back to the Richmond County Board of Elections as soon as you receive it. Don’t wait because the mail might be slow. It must be postmarked by Nov. 3rd and received by the Richmond County Board of Elections by Nov.10th.
  • Make sure you sign and date the back of the smaller envelope that you put into the larger envelope that is addressed to the Board of Elections. 
  • You can also hand in your absentee ballot in person at the Richmond County Board of Elections- 1 Edgewater Plaza-4th floor.
  •  Early Voting will take place from Sat. Oct. 24th- Sun. Nov. 1st.
  • Go to https://vote.nyc/page/early-voting-information to find out specific information for your address.
  •  In-person voting on November 3rd (Look it up your polling place here- https://nyc.pollsitelocator.com/search)
  • Stay in touch through the Temple’s News ‘n Notes.  We will update you with new information as we become aware of it.
 Let’s all commit to making TEMPLE ISRAEL a

Become part of our community by participating in our community. Temple Israel is where community happens.

The Membership Committee is hard at work to make our first virtual Shabbat Shalom dinner a success. As we hope that you have already heard and read, the dinner will take place virtually on Friday, October 16th at 6:30pm, immediately following virtual Tot Shabbat.
We will gather on Zoom together to light the candles, bless the children, and say kiddush and motzi. We will then dine in smaller Zoom chat rooms/table groups and reconvene as a whole congregation for 8pm Erev Shabbat Services.
Your pre-paid Shabbat Shalom dinner will be delivered to your home between 4 and 6 pm on that day. You must be home between 4 and 6 pm to accept your Shabbat dinner delivery from Mike’s Diner if you are participating.

If you would still like to participate, please act quickly. RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY LIBBY GERSHANSKY AT HER HOME BY OCTOBER 6TH.
·       Complete the Shabbat Shalom Dinner flyer in this edition of the E-Shalom.
·       Make your check out to Temple Israel.
·       Mail your check and your reservation form to:
Libby Gershansky
147 Rolling Hill Green
Staten Island, N.Y. 10312
·        **** Reservations must be made by October 6th. If you have any questions you can e-mail Libby Gershansky- [email protected]

** TI- WIIFM (Temple Israel-What’s In It For Me) –
Temple Israel is a busy place.  
Some things to try this month: (flyers available throughout this E-Shalom)
We hope that you and your family found meaning in the beautiful High Holiday services.  Pizza in the Hut and Sippin in the Sukkah coming up on October 3rd. Our Rabbi, Co-presidents, Temple leadership and committee chairs, along with the Avis Foundation at Temple Israel, are working hard to offer creative ways to engage our minds, bodies and souls. Yoga, photography, art history, Brotherhood and Sisterhood meetings, Shabbat services and Torah study are just some of the offerings that can help us tune out the other noise and tune in to ourselves and to each other. Follow updates through the weekly News ‘n Notes.  If you know of anyone who is interested in joining, please contact the Membership Committee through the Temple Office.
Click on flyer to print or download.
2.Select "Change Your Charity"
3.Type in “Temple Israel Reform 4.Congregation of Staten Island"
5.Click Search
6.Click Select
7.Order as usual.
Temple Israel benefits!

What do you know??? Test your knowledge of all things Jewish. 

Join the Fundraising committee on Wednesday October 28, 2020 at 7:30pm via zoom for Jewpardy. $15 per person to participate in the game and raffle, Additional chance for raffle $10. 

When sending in your payment made payable to Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island please include email address for each player for Zoom information. 
Please send your check to Rhonda Trontz-Allen 660 Bard Avenue, Staten Island NY 10301. 

We hope everyone can join us.  See flyer attached.

Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Trontz-Allen, Karen Frey-Gamoran, Lissa Winchel
Temple Israel Sisterhood Judaica Shop



Just what you need and just what they want!
The only place on Staten Island for all your Jewish gifts.
Special Orders available.
Contact [email protected] or call the Temple Office at 718-727-2231.
Some featured items this month:
Contact Blanche Ricci at [email protected]
if you are interested in any Judaica Shop items.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at 7 p.m.
If you would like to join the Choir, please contact Student Cantor Shirel Richman at [email protected].
Once again thank you to the Avis Foundation ,Terry Baver and Bryn Biren for keeping the level of Adult Learning so high. Temple Israel Benefits from our partnership.

We just enjoyed 4 sessions of “Art History in the 20th Century” given by Mark Meyer, a graduate of Pratt Institute. Mark is extremely knowledgeable, and we had fun trying to accept or reject his opinions, and decide if he could change our views! Mark will be with us on Zoom for four more sessions, having us view works of Art and telling us about the life of each painter. The next 4 sessions will be 10/13,10/20,10/27, and 11/10, at 7:30. If you wish to join us, please let Bryn Biren know at [email protected].

On Sunday, November 1, at 7PM, the singing group ”Nefesh Mountain” will perform for us on Zoom. They are a well known Jewish music group and we enjoyed them at the last Biennial in Chicago. Sisterhood is co-sponsoring this concert with The Avis Foundation and Adult Learning. An $18 donation to Sisterhood would be appreciated. If you wish the codes please tell Blanche Ricci you wish to enjoy the Concert by e-mailing her at [email protected].

In the month of November into December, Karen O’Donnell will help us improve our Photography techniques, The dates will be Nov.18, Dec 2, 9, 16, all at 7:30. If you wish to attend please reply to Cheryl Levine at [email protected].

And in January a program will be given by Student Cantor Richman’s husband Lincoln. Lincoln Richman will discuss “The Jewish History of Rock and Roll! Details to follow next month.

Other probable programs may include:
  • A discussion on the effect of the Pandemic on us Emotionally and Physically.
  • Celebration of Rosh Chodesh.
  • A speaker from the Metropolitan Museum Of Art.
  • A virtual tour of the Jewish section of Paris, Le Marais. (Both Judy Pessah and her daughter Sari have taken tours with this lovely Tour Guide who now will talk to us virtually.}

Cheryl Levine and Judith Pessah
Adult Learning Committee Co-Chairpersons 
It is starting to feel like FALL and our activity level is picking up. 
First and foremost, if YOU have a suggestion for an activity that the children or families might enjoy please let Terry or Bryn know. If you know of a family that might be interested in joining Temple Israel, let us know.
Going forward we have three new activities coming up. 
On Saturday, October 17th adults are invited to BOARD AND BRUSH to create, using tools and paint, an item of your choice for your home. The evening begins at 6:30 PM ( it is a 3 hour event) and social distancing will be followed. BYOB. Registration is limited, please notify Bryn if you are interested in attending.
The next activity is a PARENT-CHILD EVENT at Board and Brush on Saturday, October 24 at 4:00 PM. The children should be 8 years old. The event will last for 2 hours. The family will choose an activity to make and bring home.
On Saturday, November 7 there will be a TEEN TEAM BUILDING activity at Board and Brush at 4:00 PM. This will be the first of pre and teen leadership activities. Our students will be building an activity to be used at Temple Israel at our Purim Carnival.
There is no cost to you for each of these 3 events, but registration is LIMITED. You MUST be registered in advance.
On Sunday morning, November 1st at 11:00 AM we will have a ZOOM visit from the TENEMENT MUSEUM. In advance of that date you will receive materials to let you know about preparing for the program. Each month we hope to have an interesting themed program for your entire family to enjoy, and prepare for in advance.
We also have on-going Yoga classes for adults on Monday nights at 6:15 PM, Thursday nights at 6:30 PM and on Sunday nights at 7:00 PM. Contact Bryn for further information. The classes, led by Denise Nizarre, are WONDERFUL - whether you like mat or chair yoga. Join us!
In the month of October we will also be having four more Adult Art classes led by Mark Meyer, Pratt Institute graduate. The first series was so successful that we are adding in these additional classes on Tuesdays: 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 and on 11/10. Look for further information concerning these sessions.
As you can see, we are back in action. Let us hear from you-- we are interested!
Terry Baver & Bryn Biren
Are you stressed?
Do you want to build your core strength?
Join Us.


SUNDAY class begins at 7:00 PM.
MONDAY class begins at 6:15 PM.
THURSDAY class begins at 6:30 PM.
964 585 2910


Free for Temple Israel Members & Their Friends during the month of September!

Classes are for ADULT ONLY.

Both chair and mat students are accommodated at each class.

For more information, contact
Terry Baver at 718-490-4428 or
Bryn Biren at 718-447-6225

Please contact the committee chair for information.

Pamela Rogozin
Caring Community Chair

If you are in need of any assistance or support, please contact Pamela Rogozin at 917-607-0782.

Pamela Carlton
Caring Community Co-Chair
Please consider becoming a member of our KAVOD SOCIETY.
It helps to make membership available to all our families. Speak to our Financial Secretary to upgrade your membership.
If you have any questions about your membership or if you know a potential new member please contact our Financial Secretary Jennifer Straniere at [email protected].
Contributions to Temple Israel as tributes, dedications or memorials are welcome and are published in the weekly Shabbat program.

Donations can be dedicated to the general Temple Israel Fund or to any of the following specific funds: 

  • Adult Education Fund 
  • Building Preservation Fund 
  • Caring Community Fund 
  • Carole Lachman Memorial Fund
  • Choir Fund 
  • Estelle A. Gootenberg Memorial Fund (for Torah Repair/ Restoration) 
  • Gerald J. Lustig Memorial Fund (for Ark & Ark Doors) 
  • Liheyot Fund 
  • Membership Fund 
  • Prayerbook Fund 
  • Rabbi Marcus Kramer Memorial Library Fund 
  • Shoah Education Fund
  • Scholarship Fund 
  • Rabbi Michael D. Howald Fund for Social Action and Tikkun Olam

A $5.00 minimum donation is requested for these funds. Checks for donations to any of these funds should be made payable to Temple Israel.

PRAYERBOOKS may be dedicated in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. For specific prayerbooks and donation amounts, look for the Prayerbook icons found in this bulletin

Please make checks for Donations to the RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND payable to that fund.

Donations in any amount may be made to SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL or BROTHERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL with checks made payable directly to the affiliate organization.

For a leaf on the TREE OF LIFE in honor of a simcha, please scroll down. 

For permanent MEMORIAL PLAQUES on our Family Memorial Wall or Original Memorial Wall, please call the Temple office at 718-727-2231.
To see list of all recent
Tributes and Program
Donations to Funds...
If you are not receiving this Bulletin via a direct e-mail and would like to, please contact us at [email protected] to be added to our mailing list.
Our E-Bulletin is shared with the entire Temple Israel Family and the Staten Island Community. If you are a local business or community organization and you would like to advertise in our monthly bulletin, please contact the Temple Office at 718-727-2231 or e-mail [email protected]