The Florida-Bahamas Synod Staff has come together virtually to prepare a special Christmas greeting for all our friends and partners in faith!
This past Sunday was the 4th Sunday of Advent! To watch the Sunday message featuring Pastor Rob Rose, Assistant to the Bishop for Administration, click here.
First Sunday of Christmas Worship To Be Sent To Rostered Ministers Today
To provide our Rostered Ministers with respite after Christmas, an upcoming Service of the Word has been produced by our synod office. This service will be intended for the First Sunday of Christmas, December 27th.
All Rostered Ministers will receive a private link to this service via email later today, December 22nd. If you do not receive the video link on December 22nd, please email our Communications Specialist Marina Ernst directly at, and she will make sure you receive it.
The email will include the full worship video, the Bishop's sermon alone, and a text copy of the service for those who desire it.
If you need any help downloading the videos from YouTube or Vimeo, please let us know!
The United As One COVID-19 Special Appeal continues to provide support to congregations during this pandemic.
By supporting our United as One Special Appeal, you will provide humanitarian aid for communities in need, support our congregations and strengthen ministries, provide new technology for congregations offering digital worship, and keep the Florida-Bahamas Synod strong, so we can continue serving and supporting our congregations.
Join the Florida-Bahamas Synod and lift up your neighboring congregations!
Rostered Leaders Zoom Event
Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 1:00pm
At this time of high anxiety in church and society, this presentation will focus on the blatant and subtle effects of anxiety. Steady, thoughtful, and calm leadership is critical yet difficult to engage in such an atmosphere. What do our own symptoms tell us? In the effort to address the anxieties swirling around us, how might we not miss the opportunities for self-reflection and self-regulation? Dr. Walter H. Smith, retired Director of the Western Pennsylvania Family Center, speaks of chronic anxiety as being “quiet and deep,” an elegant description of how these days affect us all.
To help us learn to manage these anxieties, Deacon Mary Ann Schwabe will lead a special presentation for Rostered Ministers via Zoom. Deacon Mary Ann Schwabe is the Natural Systems Coordinator in the Office of the Presiding Bishop for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. From 2005 to 2014 she served as an assistant to the bishop in the Northeastern Ohio Synod and continues to coordinate that synod’s Congregational Resource Team as it promotes well-being in its leaders and congregations through the means of family systems theory.
January 25-29, 2021
Transitions - There are many factors that come into play when a congregation is in transition. Whether that congregation has just received an interim pastor, or has just received a newly called pastor, or is seeking new direction into God's future, it is a time of transition from something that was to something that is yet to be.
The Transition Training Event will help attendees to focus on what it is that properly motivates ministry so that the "yet to be" is fully in the hands of God, and God's people are themselves renewed and ready for that ministry.
Interim Pastors 5 days - $160
First Call and/or New Call Pastors & Others (M-W) - $130
The first three days of presentations focus on elements that are common to all transitional situations, lifting up the differences for new call situations and interim situations.
The final two days are specific to interim ministry and will review the specifics of the Florida-Bahamas Synod Transition Manual and processes.
Continuing Education Credit for Rostered Leaders Annual Report to the Bishop:
9 hours for 3-day attendees
15 hours for 5-day attendees
Advent Lutheran Virtual Mini-Concert
Advent Lutheran in Melbourne, Florida has made their Christmas organ recital virtual for all to enjoy!
Their spectacular show from December 19th features Organist Dr. Jerry Davidson.
In retirement Dr. Jerry Davidson is serving as interim music director and organist for St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Ft. Pierce, FL and has served as music director for parishes in Arkansas, New Jersey, Texas, Louisiana, and Connecticut. His prior academic positions have included the Chair of the Music Department of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Associate Dean of the School of Music of Louisiana State University, and Visiting Professor of Music Theory at Loyola University, in New Orleans.
He is a graduate of Northwestern University (PhD), Union Theological Seminary, and the University of Arkansas. He holds the AAGO and ChM degrees from the American Guild of Organists and served as State Convenor for Arkansas.
In 1996 he was a semifinalist for the National Competition in Organ Improvisation and has just retired from being the Director of the national AGO Committee on Continuing Education.
A Conversation with Congressman
John Rutherford on Community Engagement & COVID Relief
Please join Bread for the World on Tuesday, January 5th at 7:00pm on Instagram Live @Bread4theWorld for a conversation with Congressman John Rutherford from Florida’s 4th district.
He will share his insights into efforts to provide relief for the most impacted communities and people in our country. Please send any questions you or your communities may have to Florence French at by Monday, January 4th to insure that we make your concerns a part of the conversation. For a list of committees and caucuses the congressman is a part of please go here.
As we continue to advance our Racial Justice ministry and dream into being the beloved community that Jesus promises, we are asking for your input via this important survey. This survey is intended for both Rostered Ministers and Lay Members.
Your answers will be anonymous unless you request to be involved in future Racial Justice work or education, or request to receive more information.
Please complete the survey at your earliest convenience. If you have any trouble completing the survey, please contact our Communications Specialist Marina Ernst at Thank you very much for your time and input!
Legacy Giving
Presented by the ELCA Foundation
January 7, 2021, at Noon CST
There is a group of people out there who love your ministry and who just may be the key to a significant source of funding. They have been telling you for some time that they are ready to make that commitment. You just didn’t hear what they were saying.
Join the ELCA Foundation for an interactive conversation about how legacy giving can impact your future ministry plans. Hear from ministry leaders who have experienced real success in ministry funding by unlocking this unexpected source of support. Learn how to add boots on the ground, experts who can uncover these mystery supporters and bring their gifts home without adding to your head count.
Guest speakers will include, among others, Jon Anderson, bishop of the ELCA Southwestern Minnesota Synod, and Paul Erbes, vice president of development for Wartburg Seminary.
Facing Forward: Hear - Help - Heal
Florida Council of Churches Online Annual Assembly
January 7th, 2021 from 9:30am—2:00pm
Morning Session:
- Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, The Reign of God Now
- Rev. Dr. Russell Meyer, Jubilee at the Capitol
- Senior Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Healing the People
Afternoon Session:
- Panel Discussion: Advocacy During Pandemic
- Panel Discussion: The Spiritual Struggle for Good Policy
Crumley Archives December Letter
Dear Friends of the Archives,
The year 2020 has brought challenges of historic proportions, but the Crumley Archives has also experienced so very many blessings in this year. Although the threat of the coronavirus required us to limit our office hours, and most unfortunately, temporarily close our doors to our dear patrons, we’re grateful to report that we have simultaneously enjoyed quite a growth in online research requests and overall interest in our content. While some folks have taken up hobbies in baking and gardening during the pandemic, it seems that many have developed a keen interest in congregational archives and genealogy. So while we lament the many setbacks that 2020 has brought, we are at the same time grateful that the stories we hold in trust remain meaningful and important to new generations of seekers.
Our story began nearly 30 years ago at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary . . .
Synod Office & E-Spirit Reminder
The Florida-Bahamas Synod Office will be closed from December 24th until the New Year. There will also be no edition of the E-Spirit newsletter next Tuesday, December 29th.
Our Central American partners were devastated by multiple hurricanes in quick succession, leading to widespread destruction, flooding, and death.
Please help us provide relief to our family in Christ in Central America.