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E-Sunday Bulletin of St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church

38-65 234th. St. Douglaston, NY, 11363  
Sunday: 10/29/2017 
Sunday Readings:
Wisdom 14:1-8; Isaiah 33:22-34:1; 1 Corinthians 1:18-24; Matthew 24:27-36
Join us in worship this Sunday
Morning Service 10:00 AM
Divine Liturgy 10:45 AM - Sermon 11:45 AM
Մասնակցեցէք Ս. Պատարագին ՝
Առաւօտեան Ժամերգութիւն 10։00
Ս. Պատարագ 10։45- Քարոզ 11։45

News From St. Sarkis Church
Լուրեր Ս. Սարգիս Եկեղեցիէն
This Sunday

This Sunday, October 29, 2017 there will  be no Church Service  at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church.

Please join us to celebrate a very special Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Archbishop Oshagan's ordination to priesthood at 10 o'clock in the morning at St. Illuminator's Armenian Apostolic Cathedral,  22 E. 27th Street, New York, NY.

(From Crossroads)
The long-awaited day of celebration on the occasion of the 50 th anniversary of the ordination of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan has arrived. On Sunday Archbishop Oshagan will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and deliver the Sermon at St. Illuminator Cathedral in New York City. The Liturgy will begin at 10 am. A reception and dinner will follow at the Lotte New York Palace Hotel, 455 Madison Avenue , (between 50 th and 51 st Streets) beginning at 1:30 pm.
For those guests who are driving to Manhattan, nearby public parking garages are located at:
1. 50 th Street, at Madison Avenue. This is right at the hotel but is not managed or owned by the hotel.
2. 62 nd East 54 th Street (between Madison and Park Avenues).
3. 575 Lexington Avenue (between 51 st and 52 nd Streets).
The hotel's website notes that valet parking is available, but it is very expensive with an added surcharge.
At St. Illuminator's Cathedral there is a parking lot across the street from the Cathedral closer to Second Avenue that gives a discount to St. Illuminator's parishioners. Your ticket must be validated at the Cathedral's office.
Last Week's Sermon
Nothing can replace the experience of attending church on Sundays and being part of the Divine Liturgy celebration.  However, you can listen to the sermon that was delivered at St. Sarkis Church last Sunday by Fr. Nareg Terterian.
Driving for the 1st time

Autumn "Harvest Festival"
St. Sarkis Church Sunday School 

Sunday School Calendar 2017/2018:
November 5th & 19th
(November 19th Thanksgiving Feast, 1-3pm)
December 3rd & 17th
(December 17th, Cookie Decorating Party)
January 7th & 21st
February 4th & 25th
March 11th & 25th
April 8th & 22nd
May 6th & 20th
Dates are subject to change
Thanksgiving Feast
SaveThe Date
Saint Sarkis Church Basketball
Saint Sarkis Basketball... Good things happening.
The 2017 Armenian Churches Sports Association basketball season shapes up as a year promising exciting results for the Senior Boys and the Girls teams, while the newly formed Junior Boys team will experience a learning and maturing process.

The Senior Boys team, after winning the League championship 2 years ago and then losing 4 veteran players last year, once again looks poised to have an exciting winning season with the addition of 5 new talented players. In their 1 st game this season against a strong Sts. Vartanantz team, their lack of game experience showed early and we were down by 14 points very quickly before our boys hustled back to tie the game in the 3 rd quarter. They lost the game by a few points, but the team confidence in their ability is sky high. Let's go St. Sarkis.

The Saint Sarkis Girl's team has matured and grown stronger, but faces the challenge of several veteran players prepping for college and SAT exams and other social engagements.
Our younger players, Tonya Orangian, Margaret Sakar, Alicia Mordjikian, Nicole Issagholian, Aline Asarian have shown dedication and improvement in their game. They will be the future of a fast and agile Saint Sarkis Girls team.

Another significant factor in the team level of play has been the addition Breanna and Stephanie Shulman twins
who happen to have good basketball skills and a very intuitive feel for the game.  We feel confident that their high level of play will inspire all the players in the team to play to the best of their abilities.
Another noteworthy addition to the team is coach Emma Biramian, former star player for Saint Sarkis Girls before becoming a principal dancer with Yeraz Dance Group, she finally found the time and gracefully accepted to coach and guide the girls. Although the Girls lost the 1 st game to last year's champs by only 3 points, and 6 of our experienced players were not present, the team played an up tempo game. Alicia surprised all with a strong game in the center and Kasandra used her height and smarts to rebound and score a couple of baskets  while Tonya, Margaret, Aline, Stephanie and Breanna were quick and effective, creating many fast break scoring opportunities. We scored 35 points, a very high score for a Girl's game and lost by 3 points. Saint Sarkis Girls Basketball, in its 3 rd year, promises to be a lot of fun and excitement for the players and fans alike. Let's Go Saint Sarkis.

The Saint Sarkis Junior boys team finally became reality after an absence of several years. 8 young men, coached by Raffi Jamgotchian and Arry Nalbandian will wear the Saint Sarkis colors of navy and orange and will have much fun in mastering the game and playing in an Armenian Churches League environment.
With our good coaches, the Juniors will improve quickly and make us all proud.  
Saint Sarkis Basketball.... Fun and clear skies ahead.

Written by Edward Barsamian
Bible Readings
Աստուածաշնչական Ընթերցումներ
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written:  
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;  
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." 
Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
Խաչելութեան մասին խօսիլը յիմարութիւն կը թուի կորսուողներուն համար, մինչ մեզի՝ փրկութեան դիմողներուս համար Աստուծոյ զօրութիւնն է անիկա: Արդարեւ մարգարէութեան մէջ գրուած է. 
«Իմաստուններուն իմաստութիւնը պիտի խափանեմ, խելացիներու խելքը պիտի կորսնցնեմ»:  
Այն ատեն ո՞ւր պիտի մնան իմաստունները կամ ուսեալները եւ կամ այս աշխարհի հարցերը քննող ճարտասանները: Չէ՞ որ Աստուած ցոյց տուաւ թէ այս աշխարհի իմաստութիւնը յիմարութիւն է: Որովհետեւ աշխարհը իր ունեցած իմաստութեամբ չկրցաւ ճանչնալ զԱստուած եւ անոր իմաստութիւնը, Աստուած ուզեց յիմարութիւն համարուած խաչին քարոզութեամբ փրկել հաւատացողները: Եւ քանի հրեաներ հրաշք կ՚ուզեն, իսկ յոյներ իմաստութիւն կը փնտռեն, մենք խաչուած Քրիստոսը կը քարոզենք, որ գայթակղութիւն է հրեաներուն համար եւ յիմարութիւն՝ հեթանոսներուն համար, թէպէտ նոյն այդ հրեաներէն եւ յոյներէն կանչուածները եւ դարձի եկածները Քրիստոսը կ՚ընդունին որպէս Աստուծոյ զօրութիւնը եւ Աստուծոյ իմաստութիւնը: 
For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.  
"Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.  
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Մարդու Որդին պիտի գայ կայծակի նման, որ երբ փայլատակէ՝ կը լուսաւորէ ամբողջ երկնակամարը, արեւելքէն արեւմուտք: Արծիւները կը հաւաքուին հոն ուր դիակ կայ: 
Նեղութեան այդ օրերէն անմիջապէս ետք արեւը պիտի խաւարի եւ լուսինը այլեւս պիտի չփայլի. երկինքէն աստղերը պիտի իյնան եւ երկնային մարմինները պիտի սասանին: Ահա մարդու Որդիին նշանը պիտի երեւի երկինքի մէջ, եւ աշխարհի բոլոր ժողովուրդները պիտի ողբան, երբ տեսնեն մարդու Որդին որ կու գայ երկինքի ամպերուն վրայ բազմած՝ զօրութեամբ եւ մեծ փառքով: Երբ մեծաձայն փողը հնչէ, ան իր հրեշտակները պիտի ղրկէ, որպէսզի հաւաքեն իր ընտրեալները աշխարհի չորս կողմերէն, երկինքի մէկ ծայրէն մինչեւ միւսը: Թզենին թող ձեզի օրինակ ըլլայ: Երբ տեսնէք որ անոր ճիւղերը կը կակուղնան եւ տերեւ կ՚արձակեն, գիտէք թէ ամառը մօտ է: Նոյնպէս ալ, երբ բոլոր ըսածներս կատարուին, գիտցէք թէ մարդու Որդիին գալուստը մօտ է: Վստա՛հ եղէք, որ այս սերունդը չանցած՝ ասոնք բոլորը պիտի պատահին: Նոյնիսկ եթէ երկինքն ու երկիրը անհետանան, խօսքերս պիտի չանհետանան: 
Սակայն ո՛չ ոք գիտէ թէ ե՛րբ պիտի գայ այդ օրը կամ ժամը. ո՛չ երկինքի հրեշտակները, ո՛չ իսկ Որդին, բայց՝ միայն Հայրը:
Liturgical Calendar (From Crossroads: E-Newsletter of the Armenian Prelacy)
On Saturday, October 28, the Armenian Church commemorates the Twelve Holy Teachers (Doctors) of the Church, namely: Hierotheus of Athens, Dionysius the Areopagite, Sylvester of Rome, Athanasius of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Ephrem the Syrian, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory the Theologian, Epiphanius of Cyprus, John Chrysostom, and Cyril of Alexandria.


This Sunday, October 29, the Armenian Church celebrates the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross (Giut Khatchi). Empress Helena, mother of Constantine and a devout Christian, wanted to visit the Holy Land and explore the sites Christ had walked centuries ago. She went to Golgotha (Calvary), which had become an obscure and neglected place. According to some chronicles, it was an informed Jew named Juda who pointed out the location. At her instruction, workers excavated the site and three wooden crosses were found. Which one was the True Cross? The three crosses were successively placed on the body of a youth who had just died. When one of the crosses was placed on him, the young man came back to life. This was determined to be the True Cross. The commemoration of this event takes place on the Sunday closest to October 26, and can vary from October 23 to 29.
The cross is a great source of pride for Armenians and they have created beautiful works of art using the cross. What once was a means of punishment and death became a symbol of salvation and victory.

"After the marvelous vision which the empress had, she began to search in Jerusalem for the precious wood of the cross on which the Messiah had been crucified. At her awesome command the Jews assembled and pointed out to her the precious wood of the cross which the Creator of creatures had ascended. The discovery of the holy cross in the holy place was accompanied by the spread of fragrance and the universe was filled with great gifts."
(From the Canon for the Discovery of the Holy Cross, according to the Liturgical Canons of the Armenian Church)
Also remembered this week:
St. Anastasius the Priest, Monday, October 30
Sts. Severianus of Sebastia, Hipparchus and his companions, Tuesday, October 31.                            
EDWARD SHAMLIAN and SILVIA SILVA were married on October 21, 2017. Best man and maid of honor were Gary Kesabian and Christina Silva. We congratulate the newly married couple & wish them a happy life together.
DATEVIG  Children's Choir
- October 29, 2017 50th anniversary of the ordination of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
- November 4, 2017
"Autumn Harvest Feast" by  Saturday School
- November 10, 2017  Salt & Light Youth Group kickoff 
- November 12, 2017
Benefactor's Day
- November 19, 2017
"Thanksgiving Feast" by  Sunday School
 - December 10, 2017
"Simply Christmas"
 - December 17, 2017
 Cookie Decorating Party by Sunday School
- December 31, 2017
"New Years Eve" by Ladies Guild
- January 6, 2018
"Christmas Hantes" by Saturday School
- April 14, 2018
"Saturday School Gala"

Basketball Program
Add From Sister Organizations


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