Hello Church!
I have been reading about a deeper spirituality. One of the points of reflection has been, “When Jesus went up a mountain and prayed all night long, what did he pray about?” Did he take a “to do list?” That’s not all bad. I wouldn’t function without a to do list – both physically written down and one that is also seared into my mind. But did he pray about anything else? Even though Jesus was God, he gave up his divine nature to live among us as a fellow human. As a human, he had feelings: he was sad – he got angry – he grieved – he wondered – he was astonished. So, I have to think that he prayed about those feelings too.
Something that I have been learning about (as I shared with our prayer team that meets at 1pm on Thursdays) is that it’s a good thing for me to pray with God, about my feelings. If I’m angry, should I remain angry or should I do something about it? What I learned from my Northern European ancestry, also known as my family system, was to bury negative feelings. And that hasn’t worked so well for me in the past. So, I decided to try and pray through my feelings. Feelings that I learned to ignore; anger – hurt – sadness – loneliness – fear - jealousy. What I learned is that when I share these with God, God listens to me and reveals to me issues and people with whom I need more conversation. As I prayed about these feelings, I began to see how Jesus could spend a whole night praying. My point in sharing this is to invite you to pray to God about everything. Even the things that you are uncomfortable with bringing up. God can do such amazing things – bringing peace and wholeness and reconciliation. We are halfway through Lent. Why not practice a deeper form of prayer?
In the meantime, join us on Sunday as we take a look at a beloved piece of scripture. We will share John 3: 14-21 and our theme will be “Come into the Light!” If you are not traveling for Spring Break, we would love to welcome you in worship!
Pastor Steve