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18th Sunday in Ordinary Time | August 4, 2024


Senior Citizen Bingo & Potluck  

The next Senior Citizen Bingo & Potluck is Monday, Aug. 5, at Noon in the Parish Hall. Cards are $3 each or 2 for $5, and they are good for the afternoon. Bingo games will follow lunch. There will also be a 50/50 Raffle. All are welcome! Questions? Contact Joan Sutton at (626) 824-2105.

Special Needs Ministry Meeting

The St. Luke’s Special Needs Ministry will meet this Wednesday, Aug. 7, 6:30-8:30 pm in Room 404. Individuals of all ages with developmental/intellectual disabilities (Down Syndrome, autism, CP and other neurological conditions) along with their families and caregivers are invited to attend.

Pizza and salad will be served at 6:30 pm. At 7:30 pm we will have a lesson about the Feast of the Assumption and Heaven. All meetings include a time to share and to pray together. Most meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month. To RSVP, please call or text Trina Morrell at (626) 484-8289.

Upcoming VIRTUS Classes

The following VIRTUS classes have been scheduled. Please call the Pastoral Office to register. Reminder - All clergy, paid parish/school personnel and volunteers who work regularly in a supervisory role with children or youth must be fingerprinted and VIRTUS trained.

• Protecting God’s Children (Initial 3-hour Training):

  Saturday, Aug. 10 | 9:00 am-Noon | Main Hall

• Keeping the Promise Alive (Recertification):

  Thursday, Aug. 8, and Tuesday, Sept. 10 | 7:00-8:30 pm | Main Hall

  (For those who have taken the VIRTUS class in the last 4 years and need to update their status.)

Upcoming Special Masses

La próxima misa en español es:

4 de agosto,12:30pm!

Mass in Chinese  

The next Chinese Mass will be on Sunday, Aug. 18, 3:00 pm

Praying for Those Who Serve in the Military

The “Called to Serve” banner in recognition of active-duty military members on the south wall of the church has been temporarily removed so it can be updated. We are asking you for your help. 

If you, your spouse, your child or grandchild, or other family member is serving in any branch of the military or if you know of a parishioner who is serving in the military, we invite you to provide us with their name and the branch of the military in which they are currently serving.  

Please call the Pastoral Office at (626) 291-5900, e-mail, drop by the office or submit information online at (click here) during the month of August. After Labor Day we will submit the updated list to the banner maker. Thank you.

Praying for Those in Church Ministry

Besides remembering those who serve our nation in our prayers it is important also to remember those who have dedicated their lives in a Church vocation. 

If you know of a member of our parish community who was ordained as a priest or a deacon or professed vows as a member of a religious community, please give us their name and the year of their ordination or year of profession of vows (and, if applicable, their religious community).

Please call the Pastoral Office at (626) 291-5900, e-mail, drop by the office or submit information online at (click here) between now and mid-September to give us their names. We hope to have the banner made in time for the Feast of St. Luke in October. Thank you. 

Religious Education Information

Registration for 2024-25 Religious Education Programs

Please download the registration packet for more information.

Registration packs can be mailed or turned

in to the Pastoral Office, or e-mailed to Barbara Hansen.

Classes begin in September.

Please contact Barbara Hansen, DRE, at (626) 291-5900 Ext. 227

or for more information.


Infertility - Proposals in Congress Threatening

Human Life, the Family, and Religious Freedom

Couples struggling with infertility carry a heavy cross, especially when they so deeply desire to live out their vocation to welcome the gift of children from God. It may seem that all is hopeless.

God made male and female bodies to procreate together. When couples are faced with infertility, the Church supports diagnosing and addressing the problems so their bodies can function as they should. 

There are solutions that offer real hope for restoring a couple's natural, healthy ability to have children. For example, Natural Family Planning (NFP) teaches how to pinpoint the fertile window to maximize the chance of conception and is very effective in some cases. Medical procedures or treatments such as hormonal medications, surgery to repair damaged or blocked Fallopian tubes, and other restorative treatments that do not substitute for the married couple's act of loving union can help husband and wife to conceive a baby. There is no moral objection to these treatments, any more than there is in other medical treatments to restore health. 

However, couples facing infertility often find that general medical approaches and procedures toward infertility "pose serious moral problems by failing to respect the dignity of the couple's marital relationship, of their sexuality, or of the child" (see USCCB’s Life-Giving Love in an Age of Technology).

To make matters worse, now there are proposals in Congress that promote morally objectionable infertility technologies. These proposals seek to create a national “right” to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other technologies that destroy preborn human lives and treat people like property, such as surrogacy, gene editing, and cloning. Some of the current proposals would also threaten Catholic hospitals, charities, schools, and other organizations and people that do not enable or cover these medical procedures. They could even allow minors to receive the procedures despite parents’ objections.

The United States Conference of Bishops (USCCB) has asked us to contact our members of Congress and tell them to oppose bills that promote so-called “rights” to IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that cause the death of countless human embryos and violate human dignity. 

The USCCB has resources to help us understand the legislative proposals on IVF and Catholic teachings on infertility,

Sign up for action alerts at the USCCB Action Center: The USCCB makes it very easy to communicate with your elected officials and send them your comments. 

The need to accompany and support the increasing number of families struggling with infertility is real. But members of Congress – including many who consider themselves pro-life – are in a rush to promote access to a new national “right” that is contrary to church teaching. The Church, with sincere compassion and empathy for couples struggling with infertility, offers guidance and hope through her teachings on how to understand and approach infertility in a way that reverences and protects the dignity of the human person and respects God's divine plan for married love. There is always hope!

Though the fig tree does not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, 

the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food . . . 

yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. 

(Habakkuk 3: 17-18)

~St. Luke Life, Justice and Peace Ministry


Your Gifts Support Our Parish

Our thanks to the many generous individuals and families of our parish! 

These gifts benefit the parish in so many ways, including helping to meet everyday expenses for liturgy, faith formation, and operations. For your convenience, gifts may be made several ways:

Envelope Users: Offertory envelopes can be placed in collection baskets during weekend Masses, mailed to the Parish Office, or dropped in the office mailbox.

Online Donations: Click here to give electronically one-time or make a recurring gift.

May God Bless You and Your Family for Your Continued Generosity!

Saints and Observances

Week of August 4, 2024


18th Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Dedication of the

Basilica of St. Mary Major 


The Transfiguration of the Lord 


St. Sixtus II, Pope,

and Companions, Martyrs

St. Cajetan, Priest


St. Dominic, Priest 


St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross,

Virgin and Martyr 


St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr 


Next Sunday

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Lord gave them bread from heaven.

-Psalm 78

Daily Readings

The E-bulletin is a supplement to the Parish Sunday Bulletin and is sent weekly to the e-mail address(s) in parishioners' registration records in our Gabriel Software Database. To update your parish records, click here or call the Pastoral Office. Please do not use the "Update Profile" link below.

Parish Mission Statement

St. Luke the Evangelist Parish is a Roman Catholic Community

dedicated to carrying out the Gospel message of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Our mission is to - welcome, evangelize and educate;

provide spiritual nourishment; promote Christian values;

foster peace and justice; encourage service to others.

Pastoral Office

5605 Cloverly Ave., Temple City, CA 91780

Monday-Friday: 8:30 am-4:30 pm (Closed Noon-1:00 pm)

(626) 291-5900 |(626) 287-2332 (FAX) |