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Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time | February 4, 2024 | |
Burning of the Palms
A Burning of the Palms Ceremony will be held after the 10:30 am Mass this Sunday in the Plaza. Palms from last year’s Palm Sunday may still be brought to the ceremony.
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Senior Citizen Bingo & Potluck
The next Senior Citizen Bingo & Potluck is Monday, Feb. 5, at Noon in the Parish Hall. Cards are $3 each or 2 for $5, and they are good for the afternoon. Bingo games will follow lunch. There will also be a 50/50 Raffle. All are welcome! Questions? Contact Joan Sutton at (626) 824-2105.
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Misa en Español: Próximo Domingo
La próxima misa en español será el 4 de febrero, 12:30pm.
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Ministry of Moms Sharing Meeting
Please join us on Saturday, Feb. 10, 10:00 am-1:00 pm for the next St. Luke MOMS meeting. We will be meeting in a new location - the Upper Room (formerly the Youth Room) on the southwest corner of the Parish Hall. The Ministry of Mothers Sharing (M.O.M.S.) is a study/support group for women to share, learn and bond in our Catholic Christian Faith, while gaining insight into our mission as mothers, whether we are biological, step, adoptive or spiritual moms.
We will be studying “You Are Enough” by Danielle Bean (Ascension Press). You are always welcome to join us at any time. Women who are not mothers are also welcome! We meet on Saturday mornings once a month through June. For more information, e-mail
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Saving God’s Children from Sex Trafficking
The Mary Queen of Heaven Missionary sisters will give a presentation about Human Trafficking on Thursday, Feb. 15, 6:30- 8:00 pm in Room 404 of the Parish Hall. We invite all St. Luke parishioners, families and friends to come and hear about this critical topic.
The sisters will present information about Human Trafficking, about the sisters’ efforts to rescue young girls trapped in poverty and save them from sex trafficking, and about their newly opened MQHM Regina Coeli Home of Love USA, right here in the San Gabriel Valley.
The sisters will have religious items available for purchase, and refreshments will be provided. For questions or more information, please e-mail Wendy McGrail, Life, Justice and Peace Ministry, at
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40 Days for Life Spring Campaign Begins
The spring campaign of 40 Days for Life, forty days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion begins in less than two weeks – on Ash Wednesday. Please consider joining others from St. Luke and neighboring parishes to stand and peacefully pray in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood, El Monte at 4786 N. Peck Road (corner of Peck and Lower Azusa) during the 40-day vigil. Hours are 7:00 am-7:00 pm daily, Wednesday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, March 24.
On Sunday, Feb. 11, after all Masses, we will have tables with information about 40 Days for Life and how you can sign-up to participate. We will also have information about the support provided to pregnant women by our local Pregnancy Help Center of San Gabriel Valley as an important alternative to abortion.
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Bunco Party
All parishioners are invited to a fun afternoon of Bunco on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 11:30 am-3:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Cost: $8 per person. Cash prizes to be awarded for games! Door prizes will also be available! A variety of homemade desserts will be served. Never played Bunco before? We’ll teach you how to play in just a few minutes - it’s easy!
An RSVP is appreciated so we know how many guests to plan for. Please call Ann Baziak at (626) 448-8991 (Can leave a message). Sponsored by the St. Luke Family Ministry.
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Your Gifts Support Our Parish
Our thanks to the many generous individuals and families of our parish!
These gifts benefit the parish in so many ways, including helping to meet everyday expenses for liturgy, faith formation, and operations. For your convenience, gifts may be made several ways:
Envelope Users: Offertory envelopes can be placed in collection baskets during weekend Masses, mailed to the Parish Office, or dropped in the office mailbox.
Online Donations: Click here to give electronically one-time or make a recurring gift.
May God Bless You and Your Family for Your Continued Generosity!
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Next Weekend is Commitment Sunday for Together in Mission
“Be Imitators of Christ” is the theme of the 2024 archdiocesan annual appeal, Together in Mission. St. Luke has been asked to raise $55,723 and Archbishop Gomez is inviting every Catholic to make their annual commitment to this year’s campaign.
We look forward to the continued generosity of our parishioners. Funds in excess of the parish goal are returned to the parish. Look for special envelopes in the pews.
Your gifts to Together in Mission ensure that every Catholic living in the Archdiocese has a parish to celebrate their faith and access to a Catholic school education.
Please prayerfully consider your pledge with the information that was mailed to your home, a pledge envelope found within the pews, or online at If you write a check, please make it payable to Together in Mission. Thank you for your generosity!
2023 End of Year Financial Statements
St. Luke Parish will be sending End of Year Financial Statements only to parishioners who request a statement. Please contact the Pastoral Office at (626) 291-5900 or e-mail to request a statement of your 2023 parish donations. Thank you!
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Saints and Observances
Week of February 4, 2024
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs
St. Jerome Emiliani
St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
St. Scholastica, Virgin
Next Sunday
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Marriage Day
Daily Readings
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Praise the Lord,
who heals the brokenhearted.
-Psalm 147
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The E-bulletin is a supplement to the Parish Sunday Bulletin and is sent weekly to the e-mail address(s) in parishioners' registration records in our Gabriel Software Database. To update your parish records, click here or call the Pastoral Office. Please do not use the "Update Profile" link below.
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Parish Mission Statement
St. Luke the Evangelist Parish is a Roman Catholic Community
dedicated to carrying out the Gospel message of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to - welcome, evangelize and educate;
provide spiritual nourishment; promote Christian values;
foster peace and justice; encourage service to others.
Pastoral Office
5605 Cloverly Ave., Temple City, CA 91780
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am-4:30 pm (Closed Noon-1:00 pm)
(626) 291-5900 |(626) 287-2332 (FAX) |
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