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Ascension Sunday | May 12, 2024


May Crowning & Flower Offering

All are invited to attend the 5:30 pm Mass on Saturday, May 11. This will be our First Communion Mass for our youth receiving this sacrament. A May Crowning will also take place during the Mass. Please join us in congratulating our parish families whose children are celebrating First Holy Communion! Everyone is encouraged to bring flower offerings for our Blessed Mother Mary.

Next Weekend is St. Vincent de Paul Pantry Weekend

Our St. Luke St. Vincent de Paul conference is most appreciative of you for helping us keep our pantry shelves well stocked and our pantry recipients well fed…thank you for your generosity! Our next Pantry Weekend is next weekend, May 18 & 19.  

We had a lot of pantry guests last month, so we need many items to restock our shelves, especially canned meats (chicken, beef stew, Sloppy Joes, etc.), canned fruit, and cereals. Currently, we do NOT need canned vegetables or mac ‘n cheese. Shopping carts will be at the church exists after all the Masses next weekend. Thank you for your support!

The Pantry continues to provide food, by appointment, to anyone who needs food. If you know of anyone in the parish or the community in need of food, please have them call (626) 684-2914.

Crib Project Supports Mothers and Infants in Need

Our Crib Project in support of mothers and infants that are being helped by the Pregnancy Help Center of San Gabriel Valley has begun. A crib will be set up in the Vestibule through June 2 with slips of paper attached that list needed items. Gift(s) can be placed in the crib. 

The Center is also in need of monetary support. There are also pledge/donation envelopes at the crib if you are able to make a pledge or donation. You can also make a direct donation online at the Pregnancy Help Center’s website,; go to the Give Now button.

Thank you for your support and generosity! If you have any questions, please contact Judy McCarthy at (626) 422-8436 or

Window Repair Project Fund

The Pastoral Office will be undergoing an emergency window repair project. We would appreciate any donations to help offset the cost of this project that is estimated to cost over $15,000. Please mark the donation as restricted for “Window Repair.” Donations can be delivered or mailed to the Pastoral Office. Thank you for your generosity!

Mass in Chinese (Mandarin)

Sunday, May 12, at 12:30 pm (Mother’s Day!)

St. Luke Catholic School Presents

If the Shoe Fits...

Thursday, May 16, 6:00 pm

Come support our students! Tickets: $10 Presale; $15 at the door.

For more information, contact the School Office at (626) 291-5959.

Download Flier

St. Vincent Bundle Sunday

Our parish is hosting a Bundle Sunday for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul on Sunday, June 9, 8:30 am-2:00 pm. Please bring your usable clothing and usable household items to their truck here at our church in the North Parking Lot.

They are also in need of all furniture and large appliances that can be arranged for a special pick up at your home by calling 1-800-974-3571. Thank you for your continued support!


Your Gifts Support Our Parish

Our thanks to the many generous individuals and families of our parish! 

These gifts benefit the parish in so many ways, including helping to meet everyday expenses for liturgy, faith formation, and operations. For your convenience, gifts may be made several ways:

Envelope Users: Offertory envelopes can be placed in collection baskets during weekend Masses, mailed to the Parish Office, or dropped in the office mailbox.

Online Donations: Click here to give electronically one-time or make a recurring gift.

May God Bless You and Your Family for Your Continued Generosity!

Saints and Observances

Week of May 12, 2024


The Ascension of the Lord

Seventh Sunday of Easter

World Communications Day

Mother’s Day


Our Lady of Fatima 


St. Matthias, Apostle 


St. Isidore 


St. John I, Pope and Martyr

Armed Forces Day

Next Sunday

Pentecost Sunday

Daily Readings

All you peoples,

clap your hands,

shout to God with

cries of gladness.

-Psalm 47:2-3

The E-bulletin is a supplement to the Parish Sunday Bulletin and is sent weekly to the e-mail address(s) in parishioners' registration records in our Gabriel Software Database. To update your parish records, click here or call the Pastoral Office. Please do not use the "Update Profile" link below.

Parish Mission Statement

St. Luke the Evangelist Parish is a Roman Catholic Community

dedicated to carrying out the Gospel message of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Our mission is to - welcome, evangelize and educate;

provide spiritual nourishment; promote Christian values;

foster peace and justice; encourage service to others.

Pastoral Office

5605 Cloverly Ave., Temple City, CA 91780

Monday-Friday: 8:30 am-4:30 pm (Closed Noon-1:00 pm)

(626) 291-5900 |(626) 287-2332 (FAX) |