Two trails along the Saw Kill are now open, including the "Lookout" trail at Rec Park West and the "Waterline" trail off of Fir Street. These trails are on 335 acres of land in the Town of Red Hook, purchased by Winnakee and enabled with funds from the CWIA/EPF Water Quality Improvement Project Grant administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The primary purpose for the acquisition is to protect the water supply of the Saw Kill through an innovative public private partnership with the Town of Red Hook called the Saw Kill Water Quality Protection Project, a water course that is a source of drinking water supply for Bard College, approximately 5,000 feet downstream. 

On Saturday, June 4th, we will celebrate a Ribbon Cutting with Red Hook Trails and Executive Director Bob Davis will lead a walk along the "Lookout" trail on the role forests play in protecting our watershed. Another unique and important feature of this project is the partnership of Winnakee with the Town of Red Hook. The Red Hook Community Preservation Board provided funds for the purchase of a conservation easement on the lands now owned by Winnakee, which enabled Winnakee to meet the match requirement under the terms of the DEC grant.  These trails complete Phase One. Future trails at the Saw Kill will connect the Town of Red Hook to Bard College. Read more