Two New Saw Kill Trails Open in Red Hook:
Guided Walk & Ribbon Cutting on Saturday, June 4th at 1PM
Two trails along the Saw Kill are now open, including the "Lookout" trail at Rec Park West and the "Waterline" trail off of Fir Street. These trails are on 335 acres of land in the Town of Red Hook, purchased by Winnakee and enabled with funds from the CWIA/EPF Water Quality Improvement Project Grant administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The primary purpose for the acquisition is to protect the water supply of the Saw Kill through an innovative public private partnership with the Town of Red Hook called the Saw Kill Water Quality Protection Project, a water course that is a source of drinking water supply for Bard College, approximately 5,000 feet downstream.
It's official... Burger Hill joins Hudson Valley Greenway Trail System
“The Hudson River Valley Greenway is proud to add the Drayton Grant Park at Burger Hill Summit Trail as the newest segment of its Hudson River Valley Greenway Trail System. Being a part of the Greenway Trail means being a part of a larger regional trail effort in collaboration with neighboring communities and organizations, and Greenway trails link historic sites, parks, downtown areas, and open spaces, while connecting residents and visitors to the resources of the Hudson Valley.
Trails are a great way to exercise and see the outdoors, and a hike on the Burger Hill Summit Trail is a wonderful way to get energized in the fresh air, enjoy impressive views of the Catskill Mountains and Taconic Range, and revel in a spectacular Hudson Valley sunset. Hudson Valley Greenway is glad to work with Winnakee Land Trust, owner of Burger Hill, to highlight the distinctive beauty and outdoor opportunities of the Hudson Valley region.”
Scott Keller, Executive Director of the Hudson River Valley Greenway
Thank you to Rob Pollard, Recreation Director for the Town of Hyde Park; Carl Wagner, Groundskeeper, Town of Hyde Park and Kathleen Davis, Chair of Winnakee's Trails Subcommittee, for helping to relocate a bridge over the culvert on the Yellow Trail at Vlei Marsh. Originally built as an eagle scout project for a flooded area at the Winnakee Nature Preserve, this bridge has found a new home.
Recent sightings along our trails ....
Frank Margiotta retired from his official committee roles at Winnakee where he has been active for many, many years, and has tirelessly made Burger Hill a healthy, safe place for birds to nest and fledge their next generations. Burger Hill is a special place for birders and non-birders alike, and it is work from volunteers--especially volunteers like Frank--that continue to make Burger Hill a gem in our local community. We all have tremendous respect for his care and consideration, and can only hope to appreciate everything he has done to make the park a special place.
To Frank: For the many generations of birds you have fledged, and from all of us at Winnakee Land Trust, we thank you for your years and years of true service and dedication to making Burger Hill a special place for those with wings and without!
Also pictured, two additional phenomenal volunteers: Dave Kliphon, Chair of Burger Hill Commitee and Board member and Valerie Kilmer, Burger Hill Stewards Volunteer Coordinator.
The dedicated volunteers of the Burger Hill Committee at Spring Work Days!