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Back by popular demand!

 EAPO is pleased to offer the

HOPE - Older Adult Risk Assessment Training course!

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A certificate course designed for those looking to improve their skills in Assessing Risk of Older Adults 

This 3 day interactive virtual training (March 3, 5 & 6, 2025) will be facilitated by Dr. Jennifer Storey, author of Harm to Older Persons Evaluation (HOPE) tool and Forensic Psychologist specializing in violence risk assessment and interpersonal violence.

What You Will Learn:

  • Foundational knowledge on older adult abuse and relationship dynamics related to risk and violence
  • Understand the principles of violence risk assessment.
  • Identify risk assessment of older adults and their perpetrators
  • Intervention management strategies
  • Apply risk decision-making to case studies to analyze and discuss risk factors and create risk management strategies, including identifying important resources required.

This skills-based course will be offered virtually, with interactive and facilitated discussions and real cases analyzed for the practical application of the HOPE tool.

Learn more here

At the completion of the training, participants will be provided a Certificate of Training from Dr. Storey that will verify use of the HOPE tool.

Dr. Storey also developed a new website, CEASE - Countering and Ending Abuse via Structured Evaluation that provides an overview of HOPE training and serves as the HUB for training materials and future follow-up communications including the HOPE Community of Practice.


Training Dates and Times

March 3 & 5 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

March 6 | 9:00 am - 1:00 pm EST

Seats are limited so register early while still available!

Booking on FIRST COME Basis!

 Fee: $225 includes a Training Manual and Certificate of Completion

Register Now

Facilitator: Dr. Jennifer Storey

Jennifer’s research focuses on the abuse of older adults, stalking, intimate partner violence and violence risk assessment and management. She is currently working on a grant with the World Health Organization examining the consequences, risk and protective factors for older abuse.

Dr. Storey is the author of a violence risk assessment tool for the abuse of older people called the Harm to Older Persons Evaluation or HOPE and is presently working on a grant from the National Institutes of Health in the USA to develop a risk assessment tool for the abuse of older adults with dementia. Dr Storey has also provided risk assessment and safety skills training to social workers, nurses, police, and mental health professionals.

Read more about the Hope Training on Dr. Jennifer Storey's NEW Website here

Register Now

If you have any questions, please reach out to:

Raeann Rideout, EAPO via email:

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario 

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