e-Newsletter January, 2023



Welcome to the January Edition of

EAPO's e-Newsletter!

Every January, EAPO recognizes and brings awareness to Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Did you know, more than 15 people in Canada are diagnosed with dementia every hour. During this month, we encourage organizations and individuals to learn more about dementia and its stark impact on Canadians. Alzheimer Society of Canada by understanding what people living with dementia experience in their day-to-day-lives – their struggles, their successes, and their hopes – together we can raise awareness of dementia throughout Canada. 

Please take the time to review resources and past webinars that EAPO, in collaboration with community partners, has developed to bring awareness of Alzheimer’s and Dementia to support seniors, and their caregivers.

Fact Sheet: Initiating a Dialogue on Dementia and Elder Abuse Project (IDDEA)

Webinars: * Reducing Risk & Increasing Support: Risk Future Directions in Dementia Care

* Coming Together to Support 2SLGBTQI People Living with Dementia and their Unpaid Primary Carers


EAPO is excited to invite you to attend our Annual Virtual Conference Series. The first event in our series will be held on January 31st, which focuses on "Risk Assessment of Older Adults: Practical Tools for Early Detection and Intervention of Elder Abuse". Further details are provided in our newsletter - Register early!

Don't miss your opportunity to learn more about elder abuse by attending our educational webinars, sessions and topics are offered in English and/or French. EAPO also encourages you to review the many resources, supports and articles posted in the newsletter that raise awareness of Ageism and Alzheimer’s Month.

We hope you will enjoy reading this month’s issue!

EAPO is excited to host its Annual Virtual Conference Series on Elder Abuse Prevention bringing together experts, practitioners, community partners, researchers, and older adults to share knowledge and practical tools for assessing risk and providing early intervention and response to elder abuse. While the series is without cost to participants, we encourage everyone to REGISTER EARLY to secure a spot.

Join leading International, National and Regional Experts who will share their expertise and knowledge in the field of aging and elder abuse prevention. Be sure to learn more about extensive roster of speakers.

Register Now

Join EAPO on Jan. 24th for our Free Webinar: "Ageing in the Right Place: Actions to promote healthy ageing in communities in Ontario".

Supporting more older adults to age in their own homes and communities for as long as possible, commonly referred to as “ageing in place,” will be essential to caring for Canada’s ageing population. Yet doing so effectively requires responsive systems and services that can enable what the National Institute on Ageing (NIA) calls “Ageing in the Right Place.”

Learn more here | Register HERE today

Register Now

Join EAPO on Jan. 27th for our Free Webinar: "Mapping the contours of ageism in the Canadian public discourse and countering its impact on older adults".

Ageism is a unique form of discrimination in that it can be relevant to all of us as we keep moving fromone age group to another. It is also complex as it can be expressed in hostile but also subtle ways. This webinar aims at a better understanding of how ageism is conveyed in the Canadian public discourse and addresses the social and economic impact of ageism on older adults.

Learn more here | Register HERE today

Register Now

Join EAPO on Feb. 16th for our Free Webinar: "Combler l’écart : promouvoir la santé et la dignité des personnes âgées noires"

Dre Mireille Norris et Dr. Idrissa Beoga, RN, MBA, PhD, partageront leur point de vue sur les expériences des personnes aînées de race noire et des personnes aînées racialisées dans le système de soins de santé. Ils discuteront des obstacles à l’accès au soutien en raison du racisme systémique et des services inadéquats, ainsi que des systèmes qui devraient changer.

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EAPO's Archived Webinars

View EAPO's Archived Webinars:

View Recordings

Read EAPO's Blogs

Keep informed through EAPO's weekly posts at: https://eapon.ca/the-eapo-blog/

NEW NIA Ageing in Canada Survey

Perspectives on Growing Older in Canada

In less than 10 years, about one-quarter of Canada’s population will be aged 65 years and older. Adequately understanding the circumstances and evolving needs of this ageing population requires collecting regular and reliable data from older Canadians themselves. The National Institute on Ageing and the Environics Institute for Survey Research partnered on an annual survey of ageing in Canada to track, over the next decade, how Canadians feel about both their experience and expectations of growing old in Canada.

The survey captures older Canadians’ perspectives across three dimensions of ageing: social well-being, financial security, and health and independence. It does so with 10 key indicators that, when analyzed annually, will make it possible to measure progress — or setbacks — over time across these three dimensions of ageing.

Read More

Service Canada is offering monthly webinars to provide information to Service Delivery Partners about federal government programs and services that could benefit their clients - including Indigenous peoples, seniors, persons with disabilities, families, youth, workers (including self-employed individuals), employers and newcomers.

Click here to view a list of upcoming dates and to register for a session.

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility:

Seniors Community Grant Program

The Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility Seniors Community Grant Program is now open for applications. The Seniors Community Grant Program funds local not-for-profit community groups and organizations to deliver projects, supports and resources that help older adults (aged 55+) to:

  • live independently
  • live with safety and security
  • stay connected to their community
  • avoid isolation
  • achieve greater financial security and social connections

Programming can be delivered remotely, virtually, or in-person with proper health control measures in place.

Eligibility: Grants are available between $1,000 and $25,000.

Learn more here



The National Institute on Ageing (NIA) and KPA Advisory Services are inviting a group of thought-leaders on ageing-related issues to join us for the Canadian premiere of the film. Following showing of the film, an expert panel will place the film’s keen insights into the social, health, and economic consequences of ageing in a Canadian setting.

Date: Monday Feb. 6, 2023, 3:30 - 7pm EST

Location: Virtual (see registration link below). Please use code KPA-STREAM when registering

Learn more here Film trailer here

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2023

Help us plan this year's event

On June 15, 2022, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder AbuseCanAge, and the British Columbia Association of Community Response Networks hosted a joint virtual WEAAD eventbringing together experts on aging and elder abuse, politicians and community members to discuss what we can all do to ensure older Canadians are safe from abuse and neglect. With the success of that event behind us, we are now looking forward to WEAAD 2023.

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey and let us know what topics you think should be included in our upcoming event. 

Click here to answer our 5 questions | FRENCH Survey

Deadline to respond: January 31, 2023

Sheatre’s Elder Abuse Prevention Podcast


Be Part of "Wrinkles" – Sheatre’s Elder Abuse Prevention Podcast

DEADLINE: January 31, 2023

1 in 6 seniors experience abuse. Stories can help people to heal. Share your vision.

Sheatre, a community-engaged arts company, invites you to contribute your voice to Mishoo miinwaa Noki ~ You, Me and Wrinkles. "Wrinkles" is a podcast where a multiplicity of voices, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, come together to raise awareness, break stigma and prevent elder abuse. It's a project with theatre, stories and music at its heart.

Learn more here

NEWEST paper: Recommendations for Canada's National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence

Dalhousie researchers offer guidance on building a national action plan to address violence against women. Using the insights of frontline workers and survivors of gender-based violence, researchers at Dalhousie University have come up with recommendations to help develop a national action plan to address violence against women.

Read the paper here

Age Friendly News


Bell Let’s Talk Day is held on January 25, 2023. This is an initiative focused on engaging Canadians to take action to create positive change for mental health.

Read more

January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. #Alzheimers month is an opportunity for people living with Alzheimer's, their care partners, and their communities to raise awareness about the realities of living with this dementia. Read more

January is Crime Stoppers Month and this year the theme is “Stand Up, Stand Together,” to encourage people to speak with police or use the anonymous service to solve crime. Read more

January is Ontario March of Dimes Month! March of Dimes Canada provides a wide range of services to people with disabilities throughout the country. Read more

Upcoming Webinars/Conferences

Jan. 25: The Critical Role of Caregivers: Insights from Ontario’s Caregivers and Strategies for Caregiver Inclusion and Support (Research & Innovation in Aging Forum)

Jan. 25: World Falls Guidelines (Loop Fall Prevention Community of Practice)

Jan. 25: Adapting Environments for Sensory Loss (DeafBlind Ontario)

Jan. 25: Get your benefits and credits! (Canada Revenue Agency, CRA)

Jan. 26: Mobilizing to Promote Health and Well-Being for Older Adults Series: Housing and Living Arrangement Options for Older Adults: At home. In community (Healthy Aging CORE)

Jan.31: Annual Virtual Conference Series. Risk Assessment of Older Adults: Practical Tools for Early Detection and Intervention of Elder Abuse (EAPO)

Feb.16: Combler l’écart : promouvoir la santé et la dignité des personnes âgées noires (EAPO)

June 27-30, Bangkok: 16th Global Conference on Ageing: Challenge – Transformation – Change (The International Federation on Ageing)

   Donate Today   

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario | WWW.EAPON.CA  | 416-916-6728

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