Welcome to EAPO's e-Newsletter!
In February, EAPO recognized and brought awareness to Black History Month in Canada to honour the legacy of achievements, history and culture of Black Canadians. Elder abuse can be experienced by anyone, anywhere, yet the prevalence disproportionately affects older Black Canadians. EAPO is working towards raising awareness, particularly as Black older adults are at-risk or more likely to be victims of elder abuse than any other racial group.
Please take the time to review posts and past webinars EAPO has hosted in collaboration with community partners to recognize this important month. EAPO's Blogs: Black History Month and Black History Month in Canada, a month that honours the legacy of achievements, history and culture of Black Canadians and Webinar: Combler l’écart : promouvoir la santé et la dignité des personnes âgées noires.
EAPO successfully hosted the first session of our Virtual Conference Series -"Risk Assessment of Older Adults: Practical Tools for Early Detection and Intervention of Elder Abuse" on January 30, 2023 with over 520 participants enjoying a new platform, complete with interactive features for networking and concurrent sessions where they met, regional, national and international Keynote Speakers. The conference proceedings are being posted to EAPO's expanding website!
We invite you to register for the 2nd event in our series on March 22nd, which will focus on "Elder Abuse Interventions: Reducing Harm & Building Connections", featuring experts from provincial and local organizations who will be sharing best practices and showcasing new resources for older adults and service providers in responding to and preventing abuse. Register Early!
To learn more about elder abuse, we invite you to attend our many educational webinars, offered in English and/or French to hear about the new resources, programs and supports. and articles posted each month in our newsletter.
We hope you will enjoy reading this month’s issue that includes articles and links to blogs, videos, funding grants, and more. Watch for our upcoming issue in March as we focus on Fraud Awareness Month!