e-Newsletter November, 2022

Welcome to the November edition of EAPO's e-Newsletter!

This month's edition, highlights important Annual Events which raise awareness of Financial Literacy Month, Woman Abuse Prevention Month and GivingTuesday. We encourage you to not only join us for our upcoming webinar, Managing Your Money During Challenging Times: A Guide for Seniors, but also to review the many resources, supports and articles posted to strengthen your financial literacy and resilience.

Every November, EAPO recognizes and brings awareness of Woman Abuse Prevention Month. Domestic violence affects women of all ages. Unfortunately, the abuse of older adults continues at the hands of family members, leaving seniors to live in fear, silently suffering behind closed doors. Please take the time to review the resources being shared and attend upcoming events to fully educate yourself about this important issue and learn how to best support an older woman who may be at-risk or experiencing abuse.

If you are looking for other ways to get involved in the prevention of elder abuse, consider volunteering with a local Elder Abuse Network, or support our GivingTuesday campaign by making a donation. Every action, no matter how small, makes a difference. We continue to build on our vision, that ALL seniors in Ontario live free from abuse, have a strong voice and are safe and respected.


We hope you will enjoy reading this month’s issue!

Join EAPO on Nov. 17th for our Free Webinar: "Peer to Peer Support: for older adults and those who support them".

By participating in this webinar, you will gain a better understanding of what peer support is, and the significant benefits it has in reducing isolation, learning best-practices for care, and how a “peer support group” can be established in your community.

Learn more here | Register HERE today

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Join EAPO on Nov. 29th for our Free Webinar: "Managing Your Money During Challenging Times: A Guide for Seniors".

In recognition of Financial Literacy Month, EAPO is collaborating with Credit Canada, Canada’s first and longest-standing credit counselling agency, to host this webinar for seniors or those planning for their future retirement.

Learn more here | Register HERE today

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Webinars in December

Registration is open!

Dec. 01: Reducing Risk and Increasing Support: Future Directions in Dementia Care

Dec. 07: Do Interventions to Reduce Ageism Work? A Meta-Analysis Review Finds Promising Results

Dec. 08: Closing the Gap: Promoting Health and Dignity for Black Older Adults

January 31st, 2023

EAPO's Annual Virtual Conference Series

"Risk Assessments for Older Adults: Tools: Practical Tools for Early detection and intervention of Elder Abuse"

Register NOW: Here

EAPO's Archived Webinars

View EAPO's Archived Webinars:

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Read EAPO's Blogs

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Scan the QR code with the camera on your mobile phone to get quick access to Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario website without having to type or remember a web address!

How to scan a QR code:

  • Open the Camera app from the Home Screen
  • Select the rear facing camera. Hold your device so that the QR code appears in the viewfinder in the Camera app.
  • Tap the notification to open the link associated with the QR code.

Financial Literacy Month

Improve your financial literacy. During Financial Literacy Month in November, the Ontario Securities Commission is publishing NEW resources and holding in-person and online events to help you get smarter about money. Learn more here

When will you be out of debt? OSC calculator can give you payment plans for up to 8 credit cards or loans. Learn more here

Fraudsters are smart. Hear tips to protect your money and fraud-proof your life at these special OSC events: Fraud Prevention Twitter Chat – November 22, from 1 to 2 p.m. Join Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario on the OSC’s Twitter chat with special guests from law enforcement, community organizations and regulatory partners.

Follow the OSC’s investor education Twitter handle, @smarter_money and use the hashtag  #FraudChat to participate. Learn more here

New Reports

Ageing in the Right Place: Supporting Older Canadians to Live Where They Want

Supporting older adults to age in their own homes and/or communities for as long as possible, commonly referred to as “ageing in place,” can help Canada’s already-strained LTC systems. Yet doing so effectively also requires responsive systems and services that can enable what the National Institute of Ageing calls “Ageing in the Right Place.”

Read the Full Report

Driving and Dementia Roadmap

The Canadian-made Driving and Dementia Roadmap helps healthcare providers guide older adults with dementia and their caregivers throughout the driving cessation process. Among the many practical resources are the 8 strategies for having discussions and managing emotions. Read more

Age Friendly News


November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month. It is an opportunity to raise awareness about gender-based violence and how we can all help to end the cycle of abuse. Read more

GivingTuesday is November 29th, 2022 | Anyone can take part in #GivingTuesdayca. Everyone has something to give and every act of generosity counts. Read more

Fall Prevention Month in November, encourages organizations to coordinate fall prevention efforts for a larger impact #PreventFallsCA #FallPreventionMonthCA. Read more

November is Diabetes Awareness MonthEvery day, 640 Canadians are diagnosed with diabetes, or 1 person every 3 minutes—and diabetes is not slowing down. Read more

Upcoming Webinars/Conferences

Nov. 16-18: Diverse Voices, Annual Family Violence Conference in Western Canada

Nov. 17 : Canada's National Action Plan To End Gender-Based Violence: Regional Recommendations

Nov. 23: Developing a Council on Aging – Advancing your Local Age-Friendly Efforts, Ontario Age-Friendly Communities Outreach Program

Nov. 24Housing for Older Adults, Healthy Aging CORE

Nov. 24: Ageing Well Together: Centre for Healthy Aging KFL&A Launch, Canadian Frailty Network

Nov. 30: Policy Rounds Webinar: Is innovation in the details: What have we learned from the Band-Frail Project, AGE-WELL

   Donate Today   

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario | WWW.EAPON.CA  | 416-916-6728

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