Welcome to the November edition of EAPO's e-Newsletter!
This month's edition, highlights important Annual Events which raise awareness of Financial Literacy Month, Woman Abuse Prevention Month and GivingTuesday. We encourage you to not only join us for our upcoming webinar, Managing Your Money During Challenging Times: A Guide for Seniors, but also to review the many resources, supports and articles posted to strengthen your financial literacy and resilience.
Every November, EAPO recognizes and brings awareness of Woman Abuse Prevention Month. Domestic violence affects women of all ages. Unfortunately, the abuse of older adults continues at the hands of family members, leaving seniors to live in fear, silently suffering behind closed doors. Please take the time to review the resources being shared and attend upcoming events to fully educate yourself about this important issue and learn how to best support an older woman who may be at-risk or experiencing abuse.
If you are looking for other ways to get involved in the prevention of elder abuse, consider volunteering with a local Elder Abuse Network, or support our GivingTuesday campaign by making a donation. Every action, no matter how small, makes a difference. We continue to build on our vision, that ALL seniors in Ontario live free from abuse, have a strong voice and are safe and respected.
We hope you will enjoy reading this month’s issue!