E-Newsletter October, 2022


Upcoming Webinars

🔹 Join EAPO and CNPEA on October 26th for our webinar on Online Scams!

This webinar will feature, Stephanie Senecal, Senior Support Unit Coordinator with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, who will provide older adults and service professionals with knowledge about current online crimes and tips on how to prevent ourselves from becoming victims of cyber-fraud. * ASL will be provided. Learn more here.

Register today here.

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🔹 Rejoignez PMAO le 27 octobre pour notre webinaire sur "Arnaques En Ligne -Sécurité Et Confidentialité". 

Ce webinaire, qui sera dirigé par Stephanie Senecal, coordonnatrice principale de l'unité de soutien au Centre antifraude du Canada, fournira aux personnes âgées ainsi qu'aux professionnels des connaissances sur les crimes en ligne actuels et des conseils sur la façon d'éviter d'être victime de cyberfraude. Interprétation LSQ disponible

Pour plus d'informations ici

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EAPO's Archived Webinars

EAPO in collaboration with CNPEA marked Cyber Security Awareness Month with an online panel discussion focused on Cyber Security and Privacy: Key Principles and Tools for Older Adults, to increase digital literacy, safe behaviours online, as well as online privacy and security for older people using technology.

View Recording 

Take EAPO's Cyber Security QUIZ


Do you want to check your knowledge about Cyber Security? Find out by taking this NEW Quiz, created by EAPO.

Access the Quiz here

Take more Quizzes here

Take the Quiz

View EAPO's Blogs

Read EAPO's Blogs


Keep informed of EAPO's weekly posts at: https://eapon.ca/the-eapo-blog/

Cyber Security & Fraud Prevention TIPS

Fraud Prevention TIPS:

Protect yourself from online financial fraud with the CBA’s Cyber Security Toolkit for consumers, which can help you protect against online financial fraud. Read more here

Here are a few more resources to help strengthen your cyber defences:

Read more

Media Literacy Week

#MediaLitWk Events

Researching Digital Media Literacy in Canada

🔹 Disinformation Disorder and Potential Solutions for Canada

October 26th  12:00pm-1:30pm EST

This talk will explore the history of disinformation to examine what is new about our present problems. Click here to register

🔹 Being Online: Establishing Communities of Care for Digital Sociologists

October 26th  2pm-3pm EST

Communicating research in online spaces is becoming more and more challenging, with researchers facing skepticism and outright abuse on social media. Click here to register

🔹 Collaborator event: Effective Counterspeech

October 27th  1pm to 3pm EST

Hosted by We Are Here Canada Click here to register

Funding Announcement!

The NEW Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) Call for Proposals (CFP).

DEADLINE: November 1, 2022 

Community-based projects are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in grant funding. Program Details here

Le programme Nouveaux Horizons pour les aînés (PNHA) Appel de propositions.

LA DATE LIMITE: Le 1er novembre, 2022  

Les projets communautaires peuvent recevoir une subvention jusqu’à 25 000 $.

Détails du programme ici


World Alzheimer Report 2022

Life after diagnosis: Navigating treatment, care and support. Published by: Alzheimer’s Disease International.

Read Report

Dementia in Canada Cross-Country Report 2022

CanAge has released a NEW REPORT that shows Canada is not prepared to support the growing number of Canadians living with dementia.

Read Report

Age Friendly News

NEW Educational Resources

The Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI)

Free eLearning course: HL. Facilitating Client and Family-Centred Learning: Best Practices.

The content in this course is divided into 3 sections: Plain language, Teach-back, Resource Reliability

It is strongly encouraged that you complete the Plain Language module before starting the Teach-back module. You will receive an Ontario CLRI certificate for completing this course.

Learn more here

October is Investor Education Month

OSC hosted a Twitter chat (Oct. 4) about investing and protecting yourself in uncertain times. EAPO participated with other experts to provide information on being a #SmartInvestor  @smarter_money.

Learn more about October Investors News here

Canadian Patient Safety Week 2022

Canadian Patient Safety Week (CPSW) 2022 runs from October 24 to October 28, 2022, and the theme is “Press Play on Safety Conversations” focusing on safer care of older adults through safety conversations and actions. When we have safety conversations, it changes the way we think about safety. Ask questions, listen, and act.  

Learn more here

Risk Management and Working with Older Women Experiencing Abuse.

In this self-paced course you will learn about effective risk management with older women in Ontario who have experienced violence/abuse.

Learn more here

Learn more about training: training.oaith.ca

Updated Resources

CLEO announced the new and updated resources:

Health and Disability:  Bill of Rights for home and community care. Ontario’s Patient Bill of Rights applies to home and community care services that are paid for by the government.

View entire document here

Read here about Complaints and appeals about home and community care services.

Housing Law: Care homesA care home is a place you rent, where you get health care services, attendant care, or help with daily living. If you live in a care home, you are a tenant and have legal rights... Learn more here

Does your landlord want you to move out? In Ontario, it is usually against the law for your landlord to make you leave your home unless the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) has made an eviction order.  If you do not want to move out - read the entire document here

EAPO in the News

EAPO took part in 4th Annual International Women in Cyber Day Symposium! Canada's well known, cybersecurity reporter Howard Solomon covered the event and shared his opinion in his national article.

"Raeann Rideout, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, where, among other things, she counsels seniors on how to avoid being victimized by online fraud, said being outgoing has been central for communicating knowledge. Like the others, she also said a willingness to keep up with change is important. “If you’re not willing to learn what’s out there, you can’t pass that information to others.”  

Read the Article here           


October 26, 2022

Digital Citizen Day

The first annual Digital Citizen Day takes place during Media Literacy Week on October 26, 2022, encouraging all Canadians to share what it means to be a digital citizen using #DigitalCitizenDay.

What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital citizenship is the ability to navigate our digital environments in a way that’s safe and responsible and to actively and respectfully engage in these spaces. 

Learn more here

October 24 to 28, 2022

Media Literacy Week

Media Literacy Week (MLW)Media Literacy Week (MLW) is an annual event promoting digital media literacy across Canada, taking place each October. Schools, libraries, museums and community groups organize events and activities throughout the week. 

Learn more: here

Download Media Literacy Week + Digital Citizen Day Promo Kit 2022

The Long-Term Care Trilogy

A series of free, interconnected, hybrid events, The Long-Term Care Trilogy will bring together actors, activists, authors, public figures, and caregivers to perform readings of plays.

Oct 26, 2022 - Oct 28, 2022

Presented by Theater of War Productions, the Toronto International Festival of AuthorsFamily Councils Of Ontario, and Writers Collective of Canada with support from Canada Council for the Arts and TD Bank Ready Commitment.

Learn more here


November - Fall prevention Month

Raise awareness about fall prevention in your community! All Canadians have a role to play in preventing falls. The Fall Prevention Month website has everything you need to make your campaign a success, from promotional materials to ideas for activitiesYou CAN Prevent Falls! Learn more here

Upcoming Webinars/Conferences

Oct. 24 – 26:  This is Long Term Care 2022 virtual conference, the Ontario Long Term Care Association

Oct. 26: Online Scams – Security and Privacy, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO) is partnering with CNPEA to host a series of webinars for Cyber Security Month

Oct. 27: Arnaques en Ligne -Sécurité et Confidentialité, Prévention de la maltraitance envers les aînés Ontario et le Réseau canadien pour la prévention du mauvais traitement des aînés co-animeront une série de webinaires pour le mois de la cybersécurité en octobre

Oct. 27: Age-friendly communitiesHealthy Aging CORE

Nov. 4: OSC in the Community: Toronto, OSC staff will be speaking to Syme 55+ Centre clients about making informed financial decisions


Nov.16Introduction to Sensory LossDeafBlind Ontario Services

Nov. 16: 12th Annual Update in GeriatricsMcMaster University

Nov. 16: Managing Meds and Minimizing Risk: Deprescribing, Loop Fall Prevention Community of Practice

   Donate Today   

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario | WWW.EAPON.CA  | 416-916-6728

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