Join EAPO on September 8th for our Webinar on “Grandparent Rights”, presented by Andrew Feldstein, Founder of Feldstein Family Law Group.
🔹 Grandparents can and do play an important role in a child’s life. Unfortunately, the rights of grandparents are often overlooked and ignored when family dynamics change. Despite being intimately involved in their grandchildren's upbringing, the rights to access are often refused or withheld.
🔹Advocates say an estimated 75,000 grandparents in Ontario, have limited or no access to their grandchildren, citing reasons such as divorce, marital separations, or fractured relationships with their adult children. There are however remedies to address these difficult situations.
🔹 In recognition of Grandparent's Day (Sept 11th), EAPO is hosting a webinar on September 8th to raise awareness of the rights of grandparents. Together we will learn about what the laws, both across federal and provincial jurisdictions, that address grandparental rights to access and custody. Our guest speaker will cite options to resolving disputes, from family mediations to the court process route.
🔹 These sensitive and challenging matters of grandparent rights, whether from a legal or emotional perspective carry significant burdens to those experiencing them. Our guest speaker Andrew Feldstein (Founder of Feldstein Family Law Group) will speak to the many, very real facets of this very important and timely topic and answer general questions that respect the privacy of all participants.
Learn more here
Note: ASL will be provided
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EAPO's Archeived Webinar & Blogs | |
EAPO hosted a webinar on the Economic Abuse of Senior Immigrant Women in collaboration with WomenACT.
Speaker: PremilaChellapermal (she/her), Project Coordinator, Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WomanACT)
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How Much Do You Know About Elder Abuse?
Do you want to check your knowledge about Elder Abuse? Do you know who can report the case of elder abuse or what the warning sign that indicates emotional abuse?
Find out by taking this NEW quiz, created by EAPO
Access the quiz here.
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Upcoming Webinar: Learning & Leading with Pride | |
Seniors Services and Long-Term Care (SSLTC) at the City of Toronto recognizes and celebrates the diversity and lived experiences of 2SLGBTQI+ seniors. With close collaboration from community members, service providers, advocates, and allies, SSLTC has released a revitalized 2SLGBTQI+ Tool Kit – Leading & Learning with Pride.
Join our webinar on September 15th to learn how you can use the Tool Kit to advance respectful, inclusive & affirming care for 2SLGBTQI+ seniors. The presenter, Joseph Friedman Burley, will highlight how the toolkit provides useful resources for providers throughout the care continuum, and share useful examples, insights, guidance, and resources to support providers to provide respectful, inclusive, and affirming care to 2SLGBTQI+ seniors.
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Upcoming Webinar: Ageism in Canada | |
Join EAPO on October 5th for our Webinar on "Ageism in Canada: Reporting the Social and Economic Impacts and COVID-19", presented by Martine Lagacé - Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion and Development. Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation.
Ageism continues to be an important and key issue we continue to address. This webinar will highlight key findings in the recently released Ageism Research Reports - An Examination of the Social and Economic Impacts of Ageism and A Case Study on Ageism during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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In the News.. A new strategy for preventing and addressing elder abuse
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Alberta's Strategy
Alberta’s government is taking action on elder abuse by releasing a new prevention strategy to make our province safer for seniors.
New five year plan to counter elder abuse announced in Alberta.
On July 19, the Government of Alberta announced an updated five-year plan to counter elder abuse. The plan lays out five main goals:
Improved awareness to better prevent, identify & address elder abuse.
Training for skilled service providers, including customized training for Indigenous communities, health professionals and housing providers.
Coordinated community response where communities and partners coordinate effectively to address elder abuse.
Protective laws and policies to protect seniors and uphold their rights.
Enhanced data, information-sharing research and evaluation.
Access the press release and the Strategy here.
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Government Announcements! | |
Share your thoughts on how ageism affects older Canadians!
The Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for Seniors Forum has launched a consultation on ageism. The Forum is looking to better understand and address the negative impacts of ageism towards older adults in Canada. This public consultation focuses on how older adults experience ageism, and potential solutions to address it.
How to participate:
You are invited to take part in this consultation by completing the questionnaire and sharing your story here by September 30, 2022.
Visit here for more information.
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Partagez votre point de vue sur l'âgisme touchant les aînés canadiens!
Le Forum des ministres fédéral, provinciaux et territoriaux (FPT) responsables des aînés a lancé une consultation sur l’âgisme. Le Forum cherche à mieux comprendre et à traiter les impacts négatifs de l’âgisme envers les aînés au Canada. Cette consultation publique porte sur la façon dont les aînés vivent l’âgisme et sur les solutions possibles pour y remédier.
Comment participer:
Vous êtes invités à prendre part à cette consultation en remplissant le questionnaire et en partageant votre histoire sur ce site d’ici le 30 septembre 2022.
Visitez ici pour plus d'informations.
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Each year, the program recognizes extraordinary seniors who, after the age of 65, have made significant contributions to their community and/or province.
The deadline for nominations has been extended to September 9, 2022.
Learn more about the program or to submit a nomination.
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On September 21, 2022, the Government of Canada will launch the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) 2022-23 Call for proposals (CFP) funding community-based projects across Canada. Eligible organizations can apply for up to $25,000 for projects that are led by seniors and volunteer based. Program includes projects expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse. The deadline to submit applications is November 1, 2022.
This program is offered by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
Learn more here
Nouveaux horizons pour les aînés – Projets communautaires
Le 21 septembre 2022, le gouvernement du Canada lancera l’appel de propositions (AP) 2022-23 pour des projets communautaires dans le cadre du programme Nouveaux horizons pour les aînés (PNHA) partout au pays. Les organismes admissibles peuvent demander jusqu’à 25 000 $ pour les projets qui sont dirigés par des aînés et réalisés par des bénévoles. Objectifs du programme include accroître la sensibilisation aux mauvais traitements envers les aînés, y compris à l'exploitation financière. La date limite pour présenter une demande est fixée au 1er novembre 2022.
Ce programme est offert par Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC).
En savoir plus ici
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Violence against seniors and their perceptions of safety in Canada
A new Statistics Canada report on violence against seniors and their perceptions of safety in Canada also came out recently:
- Police-reported senior victimization increased in every P/T (22%) between 2015 and 2020.
- The largest increase is observed in the past 5 years among older men.
- Older women were twice as likely to have been victimized by an intimate partner compared with senior men (16% versus 7%).
- Among senior women who were homicide victims, 2/3 (67%) were killed by an intimate partner (32%) or family member (35%)
Read the full report
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Federal, Provincial and Territorial Forum of Ministers Responsible for Seniors
An Examination of the Social and Economic Impacts of Ageism
Read Report
A Case Study on Ageism during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Read Report
Available in multiple formats (large print, MP3, braille, e-text, DAISY), by contacting :
1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232). or by
TTY: 1-800-926-9105.
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le Forum fédéral, provincial et territorial des ministres responsables des aînés
Examen des répercussions sociales et économiques de l’âgisme
Lire le rapport
Une étude de cas sur l’âgisme pendant la pandémie de COVID-19
Lire le rapport
Les formats en gros caractères, braille, MP3 (audio), texte électronique, et DAISY sont disponibles sur demande en commandant en ligne ou en composant le : 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232).
Si ATS : 1-800-926-9105.
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Staying steadfast in guiding our work with four foundational pillars, Research, Education, Awareness, and Legal advocacy, Egale offered REAL impacts towards inclusion for 2SLGBTQI communities. Learn more here | |
Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities
Read Report
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Coming Out and Coming in to Living with Dementia: Enhancing Support for 2SLGBTQI People Living with Dementia and their Unpaid Carers
In this report, Egale and NIA share the findings from their national qualitative research study that engaged 2SLGBTQI community members living with dementia, primary unpaid carers of 2SLGBTQI people living with dementia, and community group representatives, and dementia care and service provider stakeholders.
Read Report
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Communities Taking Count & Taking Action
OAITH's website now features press releases created by Violence Against Women Coordinating Committees and gender-based violence agencies across Ontario to acknowledge recent femicides in their communities and call for action.
OAITH has two new courses available focused on increasing capacity to provide support and services to gender-based violence survivors!
"Taking Action in Our Spheres of Influence: Intersectional Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression Gender-Based Violence". Access the Course Outline.
"Gender-Based Violence, Technology and Safety". Access the Course outline.
YWCA Canada & Member Associations launch First National Emergency Support Fund for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence.
Learn more about #WeCountFemicideBecause
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Fostering Dialogues Among 2SLGBTQI Older Adults and Homecare Workers: An Arts Based Action Research Project
Through a series of guided dialogue and arts-making sessions, this project aims to deepen understanding of 2SLGBTQI older adults’ and personal support homecare workers experiences and perspectives on care, bridge divides, and identify calls to action.
Egale is seeking participants!
Seeking 10–15 participants who are 2SLGBTQI and over 65 years old and 10–15 personal support workers who currently work in the homecare sector.
Participants provided an $800 honorarium and art supplies.
Learn more here
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Action through Connection: Promoting LBQ Health in Canada
This research project aims to learn more about the health and healthcare access concerns for women, trans, and nonbinary people who are lesbian, bi+, or queer (or resonate with these experiences) in Canada, and to identify priorities for intersectoral action.
By engaging in a process of community visioning through advisory committees and focus groups, this project will result in the creation of a community action plan and a pilot national survey created by, with, and for women, trans, and nonbinary people who are lesbian, bi+, or queer (or resonate with these experiences) in Canada.
Learn more here
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Preventing, Recognizing, and Reporting Abuse and Neglect in Long-Term Care is a self-paced Orientation course on abuse prevention that will equip or refresh long-term care team members on the knowledge and skills required to support residents. Understanding how to prevent abuse and neglect is a critical skill for LTC team members as they care for residents from a position of power and trust.
By taking this course, team members will learn the importance of following protocol in situations of abuse or neglect to ensure the safety of residents.
Learners will receive an Ontario CLRI certificate for completing this course.
The Orientation eLearning courses, created by the Ontario CLRI at the RIA, with the support of Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and Schlegel Villages in collaboration.
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Ageism and Psychological Well-Being Among Older Adults: A Systematic Review
Ageism may harm older adults' psychological well-being, leading to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. This study examined qualitative studies of the relationship between ageism and the psychological well-being of older adults. (OPEN ACCESS) Click here to read more
Advancing Equality for Older People
Report by HelpAge International. Learn more
Conducting trauma-and violence-informed community-based programming and research during a pandemic and other crisis situations.
Guided by the Knowledge Hub, Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children, Western University. Learn more
Guided Pathway for responding to elder abuse
CLEO has information and resources that help to understand, prevent, and respond to elder abuse and violence. The pathway asks questions, provides information, and inputs the user's responses into a safety plan. The site allows for one to save notes and information to a personalized checklist.
Click here to read more.
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Where to get help
There are many organizations in Ontario that can provide legal help and information about elder abuse.
Learn more here
New and updated Resources
All CLEO resources are provided free of charge. For a complete list of publications, please visit Learn more here
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Through Our Eyes: Bringing the Residents’ Bill of Rights Alive
The program provides educators with a step-by-step guide, videos, exercises and resources to develop the education about the Residents’ Bill of Rights (FLTCA 2021).
Learn more here
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Grandparent scams and how to avoid them
Imagine a loved one is in trouble or hurt. You get a call asking for urgent help.
You'd likely want to act right away because you care about them. Exploiting family ties is the driving force behind grandparent scams - or emergency scams.
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Avoiding One Time Passcode scams
Scammers don’t take the summer off so this month we’re letting you know about an emerging scam: fraudulent QR codes. Scammers are taking advantage of the widespread use of QR codes to launch new versions of old scams.
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Elder Abuse in the News | |
September 11th, 2022
National Grandparents Day
Grandparents and children have a special connection that is proven to both make grandparents live longer, and also make children more emotionally resilient. Grandparents Day is an opportunity to treasure that connection and spend some quality family time together.
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September 25th, 2022
Franco-Ontarian Day
First recognized in 2010, Franco-Ontarian Day represents over 400 years of Francophone history, celebrating the community's social, economic, cultural, and political contributions in our province.
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September 30th, 2022
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
and Orange Shirt Day
The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.
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October 1st , 2022
The International Day of Older Person
Theme: The Resilience and Contributions of Older Women
On 14 December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.
Learn more here
Click poster below for UN Webinar details C C
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Upcoming Webinars/Conferences
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Family Violence Family Law FVFL
Recognizing Litigation Abuse as a Form of Family Violence: Understanding the Concept and the Potential Harm
September 27, 2022
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm EST
In this webinar, you will explore: Common litigation abuse tactics and their consequences to survivors and their children; challenges courts face in identifying and responding to litigation abuse; and patterns in court judgements and findings. Click here to register
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Innovating a Better Future 2022
October 18 - 20, 2022
Delta Hotels Regina, Saskatchewan
The AGE-WELL Annual Conference is attended by researchers, industry leaders, care providers and organizations, older adults, caregivers and government representatives to discuss current issues and innovations in the field of technology and aging. View details here
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Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Conference
Closing the Research-Practice Gap
Knowledge Mobilization & Implementation Science
October 20-22, 2022
Delta Hotels Regina, Saskatchewan
For more info, visit:
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CAGP- CCSMH Annual Scientific Meeting
Human Rights and the Law: Legal, Ethical and Moral Responsibilities in Seniors’ Mental Health
October 14 - 15, 2022
Montreal, QC
For more information, visit:
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The Long Term Care 2022 virtual conference seeks to highlight emerging research, quality improvement initiatives, innovations and expertise that can educate and inspire others in seniors’ care and provide practical strategies that improve quality of care and quality of life.
To submit an abstract or to learn more click here.
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Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario | WWW.EAPON.CA | 416-916-6728 |
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