Our Mission: "We are an inclusive Open and Affirming faith community reaching out with love, compassion, and justice."
Quarterly Gathering April 24 in the Sanctuary
The Quarterly Gathering is this Sunday, April 24, in the Sanctuary following worship service. You'll hear reports from our Sabbatical Planning committee, Environmental Justice team, and the Organ committee, in addition to the financial report and reports from our seven areas. Click here for a draft of the job description for the interim pastor who will be working with us while Pastor Jill is on Sabbatical in June, July and August.
This excerpt from Rick England's report to the Organ Committee might prove useful in understanding the thinking of the Organ Committee.
A Message from Our Pastor and Teacher
Sunday, April 24 - Earth Sunday ~~ “Resurrecting Earth”
We hear the grim news: ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, climate refugees are increasing, coral reefs are dying, crops are failing, and the land is plagued by drought. As a result, we lock ourselves away, with our heads hung low and our hearts broken, believing it is too late for our precious planet. Likewise, the disciples believed it was too late for Jesus. He had died on a cross. He uttered the words, “It is finished.” Yes, it was finished, but it was not over. A resurrection was on the way! As Easter people, there is no better group to take up the challenge of a wounded planet than the ones who know the God of new life!
Sunday's Scripture
John 20: 19 – 22
Sunday, April 24 ~ It's Earth Sunday!
Prelude: Here Comes the Sun by Paul McCartney.................. Sophia Ohanian
Welcome and Announcements..........................Rev. Dr. Jill A. Kirchner-Rose
Call to Worship:...................................................................................Nan Root
Opening Hymn: # 237 I Come to the Garden Alone
Opening Prayer: .................................................................................Nan Root
Childrens' Circle:.......................................................................... Janet Wilson
Silent and Pastoral Prayer:.................................................Rev. Kirchner-Rose
Lord's Prayer
Special Music: For the Beauty of the Earth by John Rutter ......Covenant Choir
Scripture: John 20: 19 – 22........................................,,.......................Nan Root
Message: “Resurrecting Earth”.............................................Rev. Kirchner-Rose
Offertory: Garuna (Spring) by Komitas....................................Sophia Ohanian
Doxology:.................................................................................,Sophia Ohanian
Prayer of Dedication: .........................................................................Nan Root
Closing Hymn: # 433 In the Bulb There is a Flower
Benediction: ..........................................................................Dr. Kirchner-Rose
Time of Reflection:Somewhere Over the Rainbow.......(sung by Zoe Petersen) ...................................................................................................Sophia Ohanian
Joy :
- We welcomed Sarah Breslaw as a coventing member on Easter Sunday.
- Maegan Hill requests prayers for her father, Lon, who is recovering from a heart procedure.
- Rosemary Touhy requests prayers for her niece Teresa who is preparing for her final exam for her Master's degree.
- Loring Fiske-Phillips requests prayers for Bev Ching who is undergoing Chemotherapy.
- Judith Turian requests prayers for her dear friend, Judith, whose son passed from life to Life in March.
- Prayers for Nan Root and her family. Richard Johnson, her older brother in Minnesota, passed from life to Life.
- Prayers for the family and friends of Glenda Bates, friend of Gretchen Andrews, who passed from life to Life.
- Prayers for Ken Hurley and his daughter Debbie. Ken's daughter Kelly passed from life to Life in a house fire.
- Paul Hodson and Charlie Wheeler ask for prayers for their friend Jerry Linkhart, who had a stroke recently.
- Eliza Ames requests prayers for Jennifer, Nicole, and Brody who are struggling with a changing reality.
- Floyd Orr requests prayers for Zelda Faye Smith who is facing health challenges.
- Caroline McAllister requests prayers for Mark.
- Prayers for the mother of Dawne Simmons who is recovering from surgery on her vocal cords.
- We continue to hold in our prayers the people of Ukraine.
- Prayers for Dick Ault who broke his femur and is at Redlands Health Center.
- Rosemary Tuohy requests prayers for her neighbor, Lorenzo and his family. Lorenzo’s house burned down this past week.
Prayers for Cid Breyer who fell and broke her femur in several places. She would welcome calls and cards! You may send cards to her home.
- Jennifer Brainerd requests prayers for her father, Gary, who is in the hospital with extreme confusion and agitation. Cause unknown.
- Kenneth Lee requests prayers for his mother, Melinda, who has had complications following surgery.
- Debra Van Engelen and Mark Janz request prayers for grandson, Johnathan, who is in the army stationed in Germany during this time of Russian build-up outside Ukraine.
- Prayers for Cynthia McGuigan who faces complications with her chemotherapy treatments. Cynthia and medical staff are determining next steps.
- Jolene Barrow requests prayers for her mother, Karen Barrow, who is facing continued health challenges.
- Rosemary Tuohy requests prayers for her friend Holly, who is recovering from surgery.
Prayers for Eleanor Kemp who broke her hip and is recuperating at Mission Commons.
- Cid Breyer requests prayers for her sister in law, Karen, who is going through chemo and radiation for blood / bone cancer.
- Prayers for Carole Wesson who is currently in the Health Facility at Plymouth Village.
- Prayers for Eber, brother of Lara Urrutia, who is undergoing tests for a mass in his neck.
- Prayers for Lisa, friend of Beth Welsh, who is recovering from emergency surgery.
- Eliza Ames requests prayers for her brother Coyne who is hospitalized and is very ill.
- Beth Welsh requests prayers for her brother, Michael, who is recovering from surgery following a work accident.
Ongoing Concerns:
Joe Adcock, family member of Mary Mortensen
Anden, nephew of Michelle McNevin
Jerry Andrews
Jeff Bonadiman
Les Budai
Burt, family member of Johanna Ballard
Diane Campbell
Diane, Sister-in-Law of Heather King
Dave, brother of Johanna Ballard
Carol Chaney
Caroline, mother of Karen Blad
Claudine, grandmother of Paul & Dantae Welsh
Precia Gwenhwyfer Courtney-Hveen
Cousin of Rick Cruz
Norma Erickson
Michael Flores
Emma Grimauld
Katia Hage
Beki Hill
Jody Hoelle
Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother
Mark Alan Johnson, friend of Nancy Hotaling
Susi Jacobsen
Kim Johnson, friend of Gretchen Andrews
Jenny, Sister of Jules Rattray
Emily Jones
Hank Kirchner
Amber McGuigan
Sara Montez
Bill McIntyre
Maria Montano
Carmen & Jim Neafsey
Ryan and Evan Paul
Rick Peetz, Sr.
Kristin Farmer Preslica
Nancy Rojas
Adolph Romero
Joan Roth
Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene
Miguel Sewer
Doris Stockton, Kathi Roth's Grandmother
Heather Tee
Arika Torres
Rosemary Tuohy
Vasquez Family
Special note regarding the Prayer List: Please review the list for any prayer requests you made that are outdated or that may be removed. Please notify both TheView@redlandsucc.org and Office@redlandsucc.org of any changes that are needed. Thank you.
Reflection of the Week from the Racial Justice Team
Texas and Idaho have passed legislation letting private citizens sue anyone who helped a pregnant person get an abortion, while potentially getting a $10,000 payout. Other states are considering copycat laws. Some experts refer to these kinds of measures as “bounty hunter” bills, and they say there are aspects of them that are similar to the Fugitive Slave laws that required civilians help capture enslaved people and led to the Civil War.
“It’s not unconstitutional to create ways in which private citizens can enforce the law. What does start to offend the Constitution is when you are encouraging people to act as bounty hunters when other folks are exercising a constitutional right,” says Kim Mutcherson. “These laws allow private citizens to line their pockets while undermining constitutional rights, which is outside the mainstream of lawmaking in this country.”
From the Environmental Justice Team
Whatever our gift, we are called to give it
and to dance for the renewal of the world.
“We are all bound by a covenant of reciprocity: plant breath for animal breath, winter and summer, predator and prey, grass and fire, night and day, living and dying. Water knows this, clouds know this. Soil and rocks know they are dancing in a continuous giveaway of making, unmaking, and making again the earth. This covenant of reciprocity calls us to honor our responsibilities for all we have been given, for all that we have taken. It is our turn now, long overdue. Let us hold a giveaway for Mother Earth, spread our blankets out for her and pile them high with gifts of our own making. Imagine the books, the paintings, the poems and songs, the kind acts, the beautiful ideas, the perfect tools. The fierce defense of all that has been given…all the Gifts of mind, hands, heart, voice, and vision all offered up on behalf of the earth. Whatever our gift, we are called to give it and to dance for the renewal of the world.
In return for the privilege of breath.”
~ Robin Wall Kimmerer, from Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants
Thank You for Your Generosity
Thanks to the generosity of members of RUCC, our church was able to contribute $1,459 to One Great Hour of Sharing. OGHS is one of four Special Mission Offerings of the UCC and supports partners in countries with ministries that fund health, education and agricultural development, emergency relief, refugee ministries and both international and domestic disaster response.
The next Special Offering is Strengthen the Church, which is received on Pentecost Sunday (June 5). This offering supports church growth, pastoral and lay leadership development, as well as youth and young adult ministries within conferences.
Tai Chi Class Back to Its Original Time
Beginner Tai Chi will continue Thursday evenings from now until June 9. We will meet from 6:00-7:00 pm in Covenant Hall. If you haven't been able to come before now, no worries. We can catch you up! If you have any questions, contact Pam Dunn.
Check the Lost and Found this Sunday
Are you missing something you may have left behind at Church? Please check the Lost and Found bucket in the narthex this Sunday, April 24 to collect your items before the rummage sale on April 30.
Rummage Sale - Saturday, April 30
On Sunday, April 24, the RUCC Rummage Sale will begin accepting donations. The Rummage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 30, from 8-1 in Covenant Hall. Donations can be brought into the Garden Room on the 24th, and to Covenant Hall on Tuesday, April 26 through Thursday, April 28 from 9 am - 4 pm, and on Friday, April 29 from 9 a.m. to noon. Please, do not bring furniture, and donate clean clothing (on hangars if possible). eWaste donations such as used cell phones, VCRS, printers/scanners, computers, and televisions must be brought on Saturday ONLY to the designated spot in the church parking lot.
April 30 - Chapman University's 38th Founders Day with the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II
Come hear the Rev. Dr. William Barber II speak on the same stage that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King did in 1961!
The Office of Church Relations is very pleased to bring the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II to teach and preach on Saturday, April 30, 2022 on Chapman University's campus in Orange, CA.
“Earth Day is Every Day” Faire
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle
Our “Earth Day is Every Day” Faire, sponsored by the Environmental Justice Team, will be held Sunday, May 1, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the patio. Stay after service and celebrate the Earth! Learn more ways of supporting and protecting our planet together. Here is a sample of the offerings we will have:
- Vegetarian lunch and snacks
- Fair Trade Table with coffee, chocolates and more to buy
- Speaker on composting and recycling
- Repurposing Table with information, instructions, examples, and giveaways
- Informational Table with ideas and resources for protecting the Earth
- Children’s Reading Nook featuring beautiful books about our planet
- Bee blocks, wren houses, gift bag Table
- “All About Water” Table with information on grey water, saving water, more!
- University of Redlands Community Garden students with information on their tree project
- “About Plastics” Table with information, resources, and examples of eco-bricks
Come celebrate together and learn!
Book Group Plans through July 2022
The RUCC Book Group will be meeting on Sunday, May 8 (note date change), after church at noon, in the patio area in front of the church. We will discuss The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice by Patricia Bell-Scott. The presenter will be Rosemary Touhy, and everyone is welcome.
“A groundbreaking book—two decades in the works—that tells the story of how a brilliant writer-turned-activist, granddaughter of a mulatto slave, and the first lady of the United States, whose ancestry gave her membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution, forged an enduring friendship that changed each of their lives and helped to alter the course of race and racism in America”. (Goodreads)
April 21 - Tai Chi Class at 6 p.m.
April 24 - RUCC Quarterly Gathering - see article above
April 28 - Tai Chi - 6 p.m.
April 30 - Rummage Sale - see article above
April 30 - Chapman University Founders' Day
May 1 - "Earth Day is Every Day" Faire - see article above
May 8 - Book group at noon
June 10 - 11 - SCNC Annual Gathering
9:15 a.m. Seekers
9:30 a.m. Virtual and in-person - Kids' Zone
- 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service & Sunday School
11:30 a.m. Quarterly Congregational Gathering in the Sanctuary
11:30 a.m. Youth Group
12:00 p.m. Fellowship on the Patio
12 p.m. Maj Jongg on Sundays
Monday, April 25
- 4:00 p.m. Pastoral Relations Committee
Tuesday, April 26
Wednesday, April 27
- Noon "- The Pastor is In" Zoom gathering.
- 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Mah Jongg
Thursday April 28
Friday, April 29
- 7 p.m. Closed women's AA meeting in the Founders' Room.
Saturday April 30
Sunday, May 1 - Earth Day Celebration
9:15 a.m. Seekers
9:30 a.m. Virtual and in-person - Kids' Zone
- 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service & Sunday School
11:30 a.m. Youth Group
11:30 a.m. Fellowship on the Patio
- 12 p.m. - Earth Day Celebration
12 p.m. Maj Jongg on Sundays
RUCC Staff
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship: Rev. Erin Beardemphl
Music Director: Jim Tong
Accompanist: Sophia Ohanian
Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Vacant
Office and Facilities Manager: Karen Hester
Child Care: Joette Orman
Phone: (909) 793-3520
Staff and Other Emails
pastorjill@redlandsucc.org office@redlandsucc.org
musicdirector@redlandsucc.org youth@redlandsucc.org
childrenseducation@redlandsucc.org weddings@redlandsucc.org