This Week: Honestly Not That Much


The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies

is looking for two-three undergrad and graduate student workers during Summer 2023 to help with projects related to Communications and Administration.


Communications work:

· Writing Critical Issues and other speakers summaries

· Editing videos clips from conference speakers

· Organizing Critical Issues programs and brainstorming presentation


Administration work:

· Preparing/tracking/completing invoicing, visa work, and other docs for Fairbank Affiliates

· Preparing welcome and orientation documents for incoming Fairbank Affiliates

· General admin and filing, preparation for Fall 2023


We are looking for 20 hours a week, starting from June 1-August 18, or parts thereof depending on student availability. Our rate is $20 an hour.


Interested applicants please send resume and cover letter to Harriet Wong at and Dinda Elliott at

Are you interested in global affairs and US-China relations? Would you like a chance to engage with peers from China through discussions on social issues? If so, apply for the in-person iMUSE conference in Beijing and consider joining the organizing committee for next year's winter conference!


What is the iMUSE Summer Conference? 


iMUSE (Initiating Mutual Understanding Through Student Exchange) is a week-long student-run conference with bi-annual sessions co-hosted by MITHarvard University, and Wellesley College with our partners Tsinghua and Peking University in China. Our goal is to facilitate mutual understanding and conversation between Chinese and American college students in hopes of expanding perspectives and promoting relevant discussions. 


This summer, Peking University and Tsinghua University will be hosting an in-person conference from Aug 27-31, 2023 in Beijing! The theme for this summer will be "Unleashing the Future of Tech Beyond Tech". Delegates will participate in forum discussions, expert talks, visits from companies like ByteDance, Baidu, Meituan, and NVIDIA, and scavenger hunts to explore Beijing! 


Although airfare to Beijing is not provided, all meal and accommodation expenses during the program are covered. Participants may choose to attend virtually, but we highly encourage in-person participation if possible so you can get the full experience! 


When should I apply for the conference? 

Apply here!:

Apply by: Rolling admissions (please apply as soon as possible).


How can I help organize the next winter iMUSE?

If you are interested in the conference but cannot make it this summer, consider joining our organizing committee for Winter 2024! We are currently recruiting for a Co-Publicity Chair, members of the Newsletter Team, a Co-Event Chair, and general committee members for the iMUSE 2024 Winter session. Please apply at by April 16, 2023, at 11:59pm.


If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at Thank you, and we look forward to reading your applications! 

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Yenching Academy of Peking University

Fellowship Opportunity!

Yenching Academy of Peking University offers a prestigious, interdisciplinary, two-year Master’s Program in China Studies, taught primarily in English. The Academy brings together about 120 exceptional Chinese and international students from approximately 40 different countries in each cohort who participate in classes, field studies, and self-designed research trips. Scholars may also organize and participate in the Yenching Global Symposium, an annual student-led and organized event. Yenching Academy aims to shape a new generation of global citizens with a nuanced understanding of China and its role in the world. 

I'd attach the brochure but it's too large a file size so here's a link instead!

The Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies is accepting submissions for the 2023 Noma-Reischauer Prizes in Japanese Studies.

The deadline for submission is Monday, June 5, 2023 by 5 PM EST.


Prizes will be awarded annually for the best essays on Japan-related topics written by Harvard University students: 


  • one prize of $1,500 for the best essay by a graduate student, and
  • one prize of $1,000 for the best undergraduate essay


ELIGIBILITY: Essays must have been written during the current academic year and be submitted to the Reischauer Institute by Monday, June 5, 2023 at 5 PM EST. The essays may be of any length. Accepted submissions include course or seminar papers, B.A. and M.A. theses, essays written specifically for the competition, and chapters from doctoral dissertation projects. Full dissertations, however, will not be considered. The essay must be in English. Essay submissions should be for work completed at Harvard; previously published materials are not eligible. One entry per student is allowed per year. Awards are announced in September. Full prize description and the application process, which includes a required cover sheet and abstract along with the essay submission for Harvard undergraduate and graduate students, can be found below:


Undergraduate Noma-Reischauer Prize in Japanese Studies

Graduate Noma-Reischauer Prize in Japanese Studies


For specific questions, please email Catherine Glover,, or Dr. Gavin Whitelaw,


RIJS Grants and Fellowships webpage

Call for Proposals - 2023 Meeting of the Northeast Conference on Chinese Thought

We are pleased to announce that this year’s meeting of the Northeast Conference on Chinese Thought (NECCT) will be held on November 11-12 at Brown University. This annual meeting is an opportunity for scholars of Chinese thought (broadly construed) from across the northeast US (also broadly construed) to gather and share their research. This year, we are accepting panel proposals (3-4 presenters) in addition to paper proposals. As we are interested in generating interdisciplinary discussions, we welcome work of any disciplinary/methodological orientation that bears on Chinese thought, including but not limited to history, religious studies, anthropology, literary studies, art history, and philosophy.


We are grateful for the generous financial support of Brown’s China Initiative and Department of East Asian Studies.


When: Saturday, November 11, 2023 and Sunday, November 12, 2023

Where: Brown University (exact venue TBA).

Format: Fifteen thirty-minute slots. We ask that presenters each plan for a twenty-minute presentation and ten-minute Q&A.

Accommodations: Presenters will be provided all meals for the duration of the conference and hotel rooms in downtown Providence for the nights of Friday, November 10 and Saturday, November 11.

Travel: We have earmarked $1500 to cover/defray travel costs for students.

Submissions: Please email your paper/panel proposals by Saturday, July 15 to Christopher Yang ( For paper proposals, only a title and abstract are required. For panel proposals, a panel title and abstract are required in addition to the titles and abstracts for individual papers; please be sure to also provide the names and email addresses of all members of the proposed panel. We expect to have the schedule finalized by August 1.


Please direct any questions about the conference to Christopher Yang ( We look forward to hearing from you!

No Upcoming Harvard Events This Week!

Ongoing Events To Check Out: 

(On Hiatus for the Summer:

First Wednesday of each Month, 12:30 - 2:00 pm: Japanese Language Table, Kang Room (S050), CGIS South Bldg., 1730 Cambridge Street

Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:00 pm: Mandarin Language Table, Harvard Language Center, 1 Oxford St, Cambridge, Room B06. All proficiency levels welcome. Info: 

Every Other Friday, 4:30 - 6:00 pm: Uyghur Language Table, 9 Kirkland Place, Room 201

Every Friday 4:30 - 5:30 pm: Korean Language Table, Language Center Room B09a, 1 Oxford Street. All proficiency levels welcome. Info:

Every Friday, 2:00 - 4:00 pm: Indonesian Language Class, Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center, Ash Center Conference Room, #226, 124 Mt Auburn Street, Suite 200N)

Last Thursday of Each Month: Harvard Art Museums At Night (5:00 - 9:00 pm), 32 Quincy Street, Cambridge

Until June 30, 2023: “Motherland” ئانا يۇرت: A Photography Exhibition by Uyghur Photographer Emet Ablikim, CGIS South, Friends of Japan Concourse, 1730 Cambridge St.

Until April 14, 2024: Shehuo: Community Fire 社火, Peabody Archaeological Museum, 11 Divinity Ave.

Until July 6, 2025: Disrupt the View: Arlene Shechet at the Harvard Art Museums, an exhibition centered around contemporary and ancient pottery. 32 Quincy Street, Cambridge

Poetic Interlude      

쌍시옷 쌍시옷         

알고 싶지 않다 당신의 마음

알고 싶지 않다 당신의 처절


도시는 아무것도 알고 싶지 않다

하지만 나에게 여러 넘버들을 매겨주었지


나는 이 도시에서 더 이상 자리를 차지하지 않겠다

더 이상 먹지도 않겠다


부리처럼 입술에 조개껍데기를 물고

물고기의 피를 얼굴에 바르고

바람의 손목을 두 손에 나눠 잡고






나는 도시의 눈에 띄지 않겠다


얼마나 오래 걸었을까? 아이스크림집 빵집 책방 국숫집 아케이드를 잘근잘근 씹어서 먹으면

뜨거운 해변이 목구멍에서 쏟아질 것 같다


나는 이제 줄이 긴 새 떼가 될 거다

이 도시를 칭칭 감을 거다

그러면 새 떼가 말할 거다


(다음에 서로 어울리는 항목끼리 줄을 그으세요)

53352c609344f4176894900241fbb6aa image

남극의 고래는 꽃의 정원


햇빛을 정육면체로 잘라 차곡차곡 담장을 쌓는다


강물에 발을 담그자 이 물결이 개미 떼라는 걸 알았다


뿌리내린 배



도로들이 일어서게 한 다음

자동차를 공중에 띄우고

새 떼가 공중에 뜬 강물로 활강해 갈 거다


금빛 가는 실로 검은 바다에 수를 놓던 한 마리 새가

바다를 물고 하늘 높이 솟구쳤다가 그만 탁 놓아버리면

물결이 도시를 뒤덮을 거다

내 공책의 행과 행 사이로 물이 들어올 거다


새들은 발바닥에 쌍시옷이 두 개 달렸다

(한강의 다리 난간 위 새 한 마리

왼발에 미래

오른발에 과거

었, 겠, 었, 겠, 었, 겠

엉덩이를 흔들며 걸어가고

내 일기엔 쌍시옷이 쌓인다)


(나는 도시 한복판에서 갑자기 이 세상이 너무 좁다고 폐소공포증에걸린다)


그리하여 나는 공책에 긴 줄을 내리그으며


새는 누구에게도 먼저 말 걸지 않는다

물론 나도 그러겠다

얼굴에 깃털을 기르겠다





Double S Double S


Ssity doesn’t want to know—your mind

Ssity doesn’t want to know—your ssorrow


Ssity doesn’t want to know anything

yet it offers me sseveral numbers


I’ll no longer take up any sspace in this ssity

I’ll no longer eat anything


I’ll pick a clam with my lips as if I had a beak

ssmudge fish blood onto my face and

grab the wrists of the wind in two equal sstrands


I’ll laugh

I’ll evaporate

I’ll retire


I’ll sstay inconspicuous


How long have I walked? When I chewchew the arcade—ice cream sshop, bakery, bookstore, noodle sshop—

it feels as if the sscorching ssandy beach is about to pour out from my throat


I’ll now become a long trail of birds

I’ll sswaddle the ssity

then the flock of birds will sspeak


(Next, please draw lines to match ssimilar words)



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Whale of the SSouth is a flower bed


Cut the ssunlight into cubes and build a wall cube by cube


As ssoon as I dipped my feet into the river, I realized the river’s current was a sswarm of ants


Boat has grown roots


Sstreets make the cars ssit up

then ssuspend them up in the air and

the flock of birds sslides down to the river


When the bird embroiders the dark ssea with a golden thread then

ssnatches up the ssea in its beak, ssoars up, and lets go of it

the ssea currents will sswell over the ssity

Sseawater will leak from between the lines of my notebook


Birds have double s dangling from the bottom of their feet

(Bird on the railing of the bridge of Han River

Future on its left foot

Past on its right foot

Less, ness, less, ness, less, ness

Bird waddles by sswaying its butt

and ss pile up in my diary)


(In the ssity center, I ssuddenly feel the world is sso ssmall; I become claustrophobic)


Therefore, I draw a line across my notebook




Bird never sspeaks to anyone first

Of course, I’m the ssame way

My face will grow feathers

I’ll fly away

Kim Hyesoon

Trans. from the Korean by Don Mee Choi

Image: The Korean Lucky Bird, photographed by Matthew Schwartz, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Other Upcoming Events

Wednesday, May 31

Wednesday, 6:30 pm

Interview with POSCO Group Chairman Jeong-Woo Choi

The Korea Society

Online event; registration required

Ongoing Events To Check Out:

Until June 30, 2023: Japan Foundation's JFF+ Independent Cinema Film Festival (Online)

Until July 16, 2023: Hokusai: Inspiration and Influence, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

East Asia in Research and Media    

Foreign Affairs: China’s Hidden Tech Revolution - How Beijing Threatens U.S. Dominance

Nature Scientific Reports: Habitat Variability and Ethnic Diversity in Northern Tibetan Plateau

Nature Correspondence: Japan: reform leadership in clinical medicine

Educational Opportunities

Grant and Scholarship Opportunities

Call for Papers: Southeast Asia Digital Library Undergraduate Paper Award

The Southeast Asia Digital Library Undergraduate Paper Award seeks papers from undergraduates concerning original research in Southeast Asian Studies. The first place winner will receive their choice of two books from the Cornell University Press catalog. Both first and second place winning papers will be published on the Southeast Asia Digital Library.   

Deadline: June 9, 2023.

Job and Internship Opportunities

Two Different Travel Internships Available!

Want to spend 10 days in Japan this summer for free?

Join the HLAB 2023 Student Team as they ignite the passion for learning in hgih school students across four stunning regions of Japan during their week-long summer school program, where you'll teach engaging seminars in English.

Click here to see more details or here to visit their website!

Are you interning in New York City this summer? Harvard students who reserve housing with Educational Housing Services for summer 2023 will receive special rates. Click here for Harvard promo code.

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Literacy Training Internship with Pre-Texts

Pre-Texts will pair one or two undergraduate interns with an organization, and the interns will be on location in person. The program runs for two months (8 weeks) from May 30- July 28, during which the interns meet the participants thrice weekly for two-hour workshops at a location arranged by the host organization. The commitment of an intern usually represents up to 40 hours/week.

Internship Opportunity: Ibaraki Christian University is looking for interns to help undergraduate English majors in Japan to improve their English. Interns will work with students in and out of the classroom to help them academically and provide opportunities to practice English communication. Interns will also plan and create opportunities for students to use their English in nonacademic settings such as playing games, sports and other extracurricular activities. Click on the image to see the full-size flier. Dates for internships are flexible and can be arranged around individual schedules. 

Publication Opportunities

Asian American Writers' Workshop: The Margins

The Margins publish 1) original creative writing, whether poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or even interdisciplinary work; 2) essays on literature and politics by sophisticated thinkers who can speak to a general audience about race, gender, sexuality, immigration, postcolonialism, pop culture, and diaspora; 3) reportage about immigrant communities in NYC by narrative storytellers who can set a scene with rich imagery and descriptive detail. 

The Michigan Journal of Asian Studies
Deadline: Rolling
The Michigan Journal of Asian Studies is an undergraduate academic journal at the University of Michigan centered around political, economic, social, and cultural affairs in Asia. Our journal seeks to highlight original research papers and creative works related to Asia produced by undergraduate students.
Click here to learn more about the journal and submit your work or email for questions!
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The Wittenberg University East Asian Studies Journal
Deadline: Rolling
The Wittenberg University East Asian Studies Journal is an undergraduate academic journal at Wittenberg University which is completely written, edited, and published by undergraduate students. The student staff selects academic articles and creative pieces having to do with East Asia, regardless of whether they are written from a Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or integrative perspective. No limitations are placed on the academic area from which works are written, as writings from all disciplines are welcome.
Click here to learn more about the journal and submit your work or email for questions!
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The Carleton College Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies
Deadline: Rolling
The Carleton UJHS is looking for high-quality papers that present serious research with fresh points of view in the humanities and social sciences, with a mission to bring to light new narratives, neglected points of view, and highlight work that challenges dominant perspectives. Creative and opinion pieces not accepted. 
View their website here or contact with questions!
Journal of Sino-American Affairs
Deadline: Rolling
Journal which publishes twice a year, plus a blog which publishes intermittently. 

The Journal of Sino-American Affairs (JOSA) is a student-run publication dedicated to providing a forum for young leaders to publish and discuss topics relevant to the U.S.-China relationship. See here for submission requirements for journal articles, and here for the blog. 

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Journal of Languages and Culture

Browse more opportunities for fellowships, research, travel and more at the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships!

Below is a static list of academic and social resources.

Events by Institution

Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies Event Calendar

Harvard Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Events and Exhibitions

Asia Center Virtual Programs
Experience Harvard Asia Center programming through current and archived digital exhibitions, as well as podcast talk series and author conversations! Click to view virtual programs at the Asia Center.

Left: Still from 3D virtual exhibition "Harvard Asia Center Poster Art 2010-2020"

Asia Center Grant Opportunities!

Check back later as more grants are posted at different times of year!

Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia: a Harvard Kennedy School - Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation -affiliated program convening leaders from the academic, policymaking, business, and student communities, committed to enhancing public policy research and teaching on Asia. 

Got an Interview? Presentation?

Nothing to Wear? 😰

Check out the

Crimson Career Closet

to rent snazzy professional clothing for free!

Student Groups

*Please be aware that student groups may have become inactive during our time off campus. If you are aware of any updates to a group on this list, please let us know by e-mailing

Asian American Business Association

The Asian American Business Association (AABA) provides a forum for the promotion, understanding, and cross-cultural exchange of East Asian and Asian American business, social, academic, cultural, political, and community-related initiatives. Visit their website here.

Asian American Dance Troupe

For over twenty years, the Asian American Dance Troupe (AADT) has sought to spread an appreciation and awareness of Asian culture through the medium of dance. Our repertoire includes a diverse range of dance forms including traditional, ethnic minority, fusion, martial arts, modern, and hip hop. Membership open to all students in good standing currently enrolled in Harvard College. Visit their website here.

Asian American Studies Working Group is a space of interdisciplinary collaboration between faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates pursuing scholarships in Asian American and Pacific Islander (API) histories, experiences, and intellectual traditions. Its goals are to build scholarly community, explore major debates and developments in API Studies, and enrich the research pursued by its members across Harvard University. To contact the organizers, see when the group meets next, or to learn more, visit their webpage.

China Forum

Founded in 1998, Harvard College China Forum is currently the largest China-focused conference in the New England area and annually attracts audiences from all over North America. Every spring the forum invites influential business leaders, policy shapers, and leading scholars to Harvard to address current events in a wide range of topics relevant to the development of China today. Operating under the Harvard China Review framework, HCCF, together with the Harvard China Review, runs a series of sub-programs, including monthly seminars and an annual cultural exchange program in the summer. Visit their website here.

Gaongil (Harvard College Modern Korean Studies Society) 

A tight-knit organization that meets to discuss various economic, social, political, cultural issues related to modern Korea. As the Korean word "Gaongil" means "Middle-Path," the organization is committed to remaining nonpartisan while encouraging free, unhindered discussion. Anyone interested in joining Gaongil is welcome! No prior experience with Korean language or culture is needed; meetings are in English.

Fill out the interest form here to be included in their e-mail list.

Harvard Asian American Womxn's Association

The Asian American Womxn's Association recognizes the need for a unified, open community at Harvard concerned with the issues facing people of Asian descent in Western society. The purpose of the Asian American Womxn's Association is to address these needs by creating a collective voice and promoting the prominence and concerns of the Asian-American population, both within the community and without. Visit their Facebook page here.

Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA)

Harvard CSSA is dedicated to the goal of promoting social, intellectual, and cultural activities of Chinese students and scholars at Harvard and for other interested members in the Harvard community. It facilitates communication among its members and acts as a liaison between with other organizations on campus. The group facilitates the exchange of information between China and the US. Its activities include sponsoring/co-sponsoring social, intellectual, & cultural events and seminars. Contact or visit their site.

Harvard Taiwanese Culture Society

TCS is a student-run organization at Harvard College dedicated to promoting the culture and heritage of Taiwan and Taiwanese-Americans. From cultural events like making muaji to social events like karaoke to special events like their annual Winterfest: Taste of Taiwan, their goal is to enhance awareness of Taiwanese culture and provide a place for those interested in learning about Taiwan to meet. Visit their website here; or Facebook.

Harvard Task Force for Asian American Progressive Advocacy and Studies (TAPAS)

The Task Force for Asian American Progressive Advocacy and Studies (TAPAS) is an advocacy organization of Harvard undergraduates aiming to support Asian American communities and stand in solidarity with progressive struggles. Visit their Facebook page for more info.

Harvard Vietnamese Association

The Harvard Vietnamese Association is dedicated to fostering an awareness of Vietnamese culture on campus and within the Greater Boston area, and promoting the interests of the Vietnamese student body at Harvard. Visit their website here, or like their Facebook page for regular updates--including a biweekly Vietnamese language table for native speakers and learners to enjoy each other's company and conversation!

Korea Caucus

The mission of Korea Caucus, a student-run organization at Harvard Kennedy School, is to actively raise the awareness of Korea within the KSG community by sharing the country's cultural heritage through social events, serving as a bridge and resource to non-Korean students who are interested in learning more about the country. They also aim to provide a forum to address key issues facing Korea and their implications for the rest of the world through activities and events. Visit their Facebook page.

Korean Association

The Korean Association leads the undergraduate Korean-American community's efforts to teach & learn about Korean culture and political issues. KA also provides a social outlet for Korean-American students to meet others with shared heritage & interests. KA supports cultural groups including YISEI the magazine, the fan dance troupe Chunsa, and the Korean drumming group (poongmul pae) Han Ma Eum. Visit their site or Facebook.

Organization of Asian American Sisters in Service

OAASIS consists of members committed to each other in three aspects: commitment in sisterhood, commitment in service, and commitment in exploring the diverse experiences of Asian and Asian American women. Visit their Facebook page at Direct any questions to OAASIS welcomes students of all gender and ethnic identities.

The Wave Literary & Arts Magazine

The Wave is a literary and arts magazine that seeks to create a platform for artists and readers to express and reflect on Asian anglophone experiences. We publish art, poetry, fiction, and essays by Asians anglophone of all backgrounds. Our mission is to expand prevailing notions of what it means to be an Asian anglophone and to showcase the vast range of talent and energy in our Harvard community and beyond. Visit our website to learn more.

Links & Resources

Browse opportunities for fellowships, research, travel and more at the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships! Virtual Drop-in Advising Hours: Monday through Thursday, 2-4pm

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is here to assist undergraduate and graduate students with navigating their studies and reaching their goals for this semester and beyond. Through the ARC, you have access to academic coaching, peer tutoring, workshops, and accountability sessions to help you succeed.

This fall students can choose whether they want to engage with the ARC in person or virtually, and can access all services through the ARC Scheduler.
banner showing Widener Library to the left and HarvardX logo on the right
Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. Harvard University courses on EdX can be audited free, or students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee. Multiple EAS-related courses are offered via HarvardX, including Japanese Books: From Manuscript to PrintChinaX Book Club: Five Authors, Five Books, Five Views of China; and Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard Kennedy School hosts programs dedicated to the interdisciplinary research of Vietnam and China.

Harvard Office of BGLTQ Student Life serves as a central resource for bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, queer, and questioning (BGLTQ) students at Harvard College. They foster the inclusion, affirmation, and celebration of all BGLTQ identities and expressions, and strive to create a community where BGLTQ students can thrive and where all students are well-equipped to engage knowledgeably and compassionately with regard to gender and sexuality.

Chinese Art Media Lab (CAMLab)

CAMLab explores innovative ways of showcasing Chinese art and culture through immersive installations, exhibitions, films, digital publications, curatorial projects, and other multimedia forms. For more information, visit their website and Instagram

Questions? Contact

The Harvard College China Forum is North America’s leading and longest-running student-run conference on China, dedicated to a constructive dialogue on the challenges, trends, and issues affecting China. Visit the website to find out more and participate in helping to organize the conference! 

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies provides undergraduates studying China with a myriad of opportunities and resources, including funding to travel to China, information about programs in China, and opportunities to do research with respected scholars of Chinese studies. Visit their undergraduate resources page:

Free Peer Tutoring for Undergraduates

A new program implemented to replace the former Bureau of Study Council. Read more here.

The Harvard Asia Center generates and shares knowledge about Asia from a transnational and transregional perspective. With its core lectures, seminars series, and conferences, the Center engages with topics critical to Asia and its connections with other regions, bringing in notable academics, government officials, business leaders, and other specialists as featured speakers and panelists. Learn more about Asia Center lectures, events, and student grants here:

The Harvard-Yenching Institute is an independent foundation dedicated to advancing higher education in Asia in the humanities and social sciences, with special attention to the study of Chinese culture. Learn more here.

International Chinese Studies Virtual Events Clearing-House

In spring 2020, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, China Studies around the world moved online. One unanticipated consequence of this unfortunate situation is that it is now possible to attend events regardless of one’s location. The China Studies Virtual Events Clearing-house has been created to share information about upcoming online events with the broader China studies community. The clearing-house was created and is maintained by the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University. Learn more here.

International Japan Studies Event Database

The International Japanese Studies Events Database was created in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the shift to online event programming undertaken at institutions and programs worldwide. Inspired by a similar initiative within the Chinese studies community and Harvard's Fairbank Center, the Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, in cooperation with the Weatherhead Center Program on US-Japan Relations, has launched this site as a service to the wider Japanese studies community. Learn more here.

Japan Digital Research Center (Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies)

Click here.

Japan Disasters Digital Archive

Click here.

Japan Foundation Digital Library Free access to over 1,800 titles in ​broad genres such as manga, literature, Japanese language, art, history, culture, society, cooking & food, etc.. Sign up here to get your library card.

The Korea Institute provides dozens of funding, travel, grant, and research opportunities for undergraduates studying Korea. Visit their Student page here:

Korean Studies Portal

Click here.

The Office of International Education can connect you with over 200 Harvard-approved study abroad programs across the world. Their advising team is also available for international students needing any help or guidance with Harvard matters. Click here.

Open BU: Boston University Libraries' Free Access to Publications World Languages and Literatures Section

The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study is dedicated to creating and sharing transformative ideas across the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Visit their events page here:

The Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies is an excellent resource for EAS concentrators studying Japan. Find a calendar of Japan-related events and lectures, undergraduate grant information, and internship opportunities on their website:

The Metropolitan Museum Database of Asian Art

Ukiyo-e Online Database

Facebook          Instagram

Throwing an event? Starting a student group? Have a favorite poem or find a cool map?

Email me about it so I can spread the word!