EBBN - Electronic Blackboard News
March 2, 2018
Upcoming Events
Mar. 3—
Bandcakes, 7:30 a.m.-Noon, KHS Cafeteria.
Mar. 3—
Kings Kloset, 9:00-11:00 a.m., Kings Education Center, Second Floor.
Mar. 5-23—
Kindergarten Registration, by appointment, Kings Central Registration Office, Kings Education Center.
Mar. 8—
Kings/Hoxworth Blood Drive, 10:15a.m. -4:15 p.m., KJH Multipurpose Room.
Mar. 13—
Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
Mar. 17—
Knight to Remember, 5:30-11:30 p.m., Cincinnati Marriott NE, Mason.
Mar. 20—
Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
Mar. 26-Apr. 2
Kings Treasurer's Office Earns Auditor of State Award
A recent financial audit of the Kings Local School District by the Auditor of State’s office has returned a clean audit report. The Kings Local School District’s excellent record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award for 2017.
The Auditor of State Award is presented to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a financial audit. To receive the award, entities must meet the criteria of a “clean” audit report such as filing on time, an audit that does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Single Audit findings, or questioned costs.
The Auditor of State’s office is responsible for auditing more than 5,800 state and local government agencies. Under the direction of Auditor Yost, the office also provides financial services to local governments, investigates and prevents fraud in public agencies and promotes transparency in government.
Congratulations to our hardworking Treasurer's Office Staff!
Pictured L-R: Tim Scott, Lori Kesner, Jill Nickels, and Jane Boehm.
KHS Engineering Students Collaborate with Food Service Department
Kings High School Engineering ll students partnerned with the Kings Food Service Department to create a new coffee cart for the high school.
Several months ago, the engineering students were asked to create a coffee cart to use at KHS. The students worked with the KHS Food Service staff to assess their needs. Students researched products and found that to purchase a coffee cart would cost between $3,000-$5,000.
Approximately 50 students from 2 different engineering classes had to collaborate together to design and implement their ideas. They created 16 different designs using Solid Edge 3D drafting software.
The new cart features a roll away ice chest, drainable ice drawer for iced coffee, adjustable canopy sign to fit through doors, collapsible side countertops, and locked storage. The cart also complies with food safety regulations
The final cost of the project was $1,200. Kings Engineering teacher, Jason Shields said, "This was a great engineering resume' project for students." The students had to constantly cooperate with the team of 50 students on design changes. All measurements and changes had to be agreed upon and the incorporated into other groups designs. Shields added, "Students had to work with changing client needs, safety regulations, budget and physical constraints."
On Monday, March 5 at 7:00 a.m. there will be a grand opening of "Castle Coffee." The new Castle Coffee cart is sure to be enjoyed at KHS for years to come! Great job, Engineering ll students!
A Note From Our SRO
**We have asked our School Resource Officer, Deputy John Downs to be a contributing writer in EBBN to keep parents informed on the latest trends that affect our youth.**
Youth in our society have alway been influenced by trends or fads. Lately one trend seems to be electronic cigarettes. There are several reports claiming electronic cigarettes are better for you compared to traditional cigarettes. This may be true, but there are not enough studies to conclude one way or another. One thing I do know, nicotine has been proven to be highly addictive.
One of the more popular forms of electronic cigarettes goes by the brand name of “Juul.” Juul is small device which is very similar looking to a USB flash drive. Coincidence? I don't think so. Most people would see somebody with this device and not look twice, thinking its a USB flash drive. These devices are easily carried by students in schools without being noticed. A Juul cartridge containing the liquid has the same amount of nicotine as one pack of cigarettes and lasts about two hundred puffs. Some nicotine solutions have been exchanged out for dissolved hash oils or THC in vegetable oil. Most know that THC is the chemical compound responsible for the euphoric high in marijuana.
Many parents may not be familiar with what exactly an electronic cigarette is or how its used. It is a battery powered device that converts liquid nicotine into a mist or vapor, that the user inhales. The more popular device mentioned earlier the Juul, is a two piece device (pictured). The long piece contains the battery and temperature regulation system which will convert the liquid nicotine into vapor. The small piece which just snaps onto the end of the longer piece contains the liquid nicotine and is the mouthpiece. Many may not prefer the taste regular cigarettes leave in their mouth so alternative flavors are offered, which in my opinion, is also geared toward our youth. Some of these flavors include mango, cool mint, cool cucumber, fruit medley, creme brulee', along with classic tobacco flavors including menthol. The Juul device comes with a charger that just plugs into any USB port and the device is placed on it and charges.
Parents, get familiar with these devices and search your kids rooms. Yes, you can search your kids rooms, they do not have privacy while living under your roof. If these devices are found on your child while at school they are facing disciplinary action by the school and could also face criminal charges. We know the harmful effects smoking can cause on our youth, let's not wait to find out the results from studies on electronic cigarettes.
Seuss or Spinner?
Kings Assistant Superintendent, Timothy J. Spinner celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday with 2nd graders at South Lebanon Elementary on Thursday, March 1. He read three Dr. Seuss books with the students while wearing the iconic red and white striped hat made famous by Dr. Seuss himself!
SLE 2nd grade teacher, Miss Pagan said, "The kids had a great time listening to Mr. Spinner read to them and found out that Mr. Spinner's favorite Dr. Seuss book is
The Sneeche
KME 1st Graders Celebrate Dr. Seuss
On Thursday, March 1 the first graders at Kings Mills Elementary performed their Dr. Seuss-inspired First Grade Program,
A Birthday Celebration of Dr. Seuss
KME 1st grade teacher, Christina Shepherd and Music Teacher Matt Jenkins collaborated on the special event. For the past 4 or 5 years, Shepherd and Jenkins have worked to make the first grade musical a special event for students and their parents.
What makes the musical so special is that Mrs. Shepherd created the Dr. Seuss theme and authored all of the lyrics for the program while Mr. Jenkins wrote all of the music.The first graders looked adorable in their brightly colored clothes with Lorax mustaches, hats, and striped shirts.
Kings Students Volunteer in Mexico
Fifty-four Kings students along with some Kings parents and staff members, traveled to Monterrey, Mexico over the President's Day holiday to volunteer with Back2Back Ministries.
The trip was organized by Beth and Todd Guckenberger. The Guckenbergers founded Back2Back Ministies, an international Christian non-profit organization, in the late 90’s. They spent 16 years living in Mexico expanding their ministry of providing care for orphans.
Their family returned to Cincinnati four years ago. For the past three years, the Guckenbergers have included Kings High School students to return to Mexico to volunteer at two children's homes.
While in Mexico, the students worked on construction projects to improve the living conditions in two orphanages such as mixing and pouring concrete for a slab patio, power washing and cleaning the roof of the home, painting, digging a trench, and cutting down trees. While on campus, our students prepped and cleaned up meals, played soccer with the kids who live on the back2back campus and had about 45 minutes of "class" every morning learning about what trauma does to the brain, body, and belief system.
They also accompanied children on two field trips to a trampoline park and bowling. The student volunteers would agree that playing with the children for hours each day was the best part. Beth Guckenberger said, “They were all amazing and represented this district so well!
KHS teacher, Andy Endress, who also accompanied the students on the trip said, “The great thing about this trip is you get to see the best side of our kids. When there are no social, economic, societal, and technological barriers (or distractions), our students are impressive. Their work-ethic and energy is second to none. They are compassionate and kind, not only to the orphans, but to each other."
Kings/Hoxworth Blood Drive
The next Kings/ Hoxworth Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, March 9 in the Kings Junior High School Multipurpose Room. All community members are welcome!
Appointments are available from 10:15 a.m. –4:15 p.m. and can be made by
clicking this link.
All blood types are welcome!
Give blood. Save a life!
The Kings Kloset is open on Saturday, March 3 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. The Kloset is in need of formalwear for men and women for Prom. They are also now taking donations for Spring and Summer.
If you have any clothing you or your kids have outgrown, and they are still in GREAT shape, bring them to us this Saturday, as well.
Hope to see you tomorrow in the Kings Education Center, Second Floor between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
National School Breakfast Week
To encourage more families to take advantage of the healthy choices available for school breakfast, our Kings Food Service Department will celebrate
National School Breakfast Week
March 5-9.
Busy weekday mornings make it a challenge for many families to find time for a healthy breakfast. "A healthy breakfast at the start of the day is one way to ensure students are getting the best education possible," said Jennifer Arlinghaus, Director of Food Services.
Kings offers a healthy breakfast for students daily. Cost is $1.50 for 7-12 grade students and $1.25 for K-6 grade students. Students on the reduced meal plan will be charged 30 cents and students on the free meal program are eligible for free breakfast daily.
Mark Your Calendar for "Knight of Innovation
Join the Kings Local School District at the second annual Knight of Innovation Family Fair on Thursday, April 19, 2018.
This night celebrates STEAM education, highlighting interactive booths in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics subjects. Faculty, students, and business partners will present their different fields of study in interactive booths, including an electric car, geocaching, arcade machine programming, 2-D Animation, paper airplanes, 3-D printing, bridge building, hydraulics, resistors, and playing music on bananas and cheese. Food trucks will be providing dinner and snack options.
are being accepted for exhibitors. Deadline to submit is March 20.
Kings Football March Madness
Spring is right around the corner, so it’s time to start thinking about MULCH! The Kings Football Team is holding their
Annual Mulch Sale
. This year, you have a choice of Hardwood, Black Gold, and Black Dyed mulch. All mulch comes in 2.0 cubic foot bags and the cost is only $4.50 a bag.
The Football Team offers FREE DELIVERY to your home or place of business on April 7-8. To be eligible for free delivery, you must be within a 5-mile radius of the Kings School District with a 10 bag minimum.
Deadline for orders is March 30.
Kings Athletic News
Check out Kings Athletics
! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues.
Find us on Facebook
Check out this week's Knights Weekly to get all of the scoop on the State Swim Meet, Wrestling, Bowling and our Kings Dance Team!
A Knight to Remember - Early Bird Deadline Soon!
A Knight to Remember,
All That Glitters is Red
, is on Saturday, March 17 from 5:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Cincinnati Marriott Northeast, Mason.
This year features our ALL NEW registration system that will allow you to reserve your spot in minutes and all bidding will be done on your phone at the event! No more bid sheets or long checkout lines!
Our always popular Happy Hour will be from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. followed by a seated dinner and live auction at 6:45 p.m.! We will have live entertainment from "Marsha Brady," basket raffles, silent auction, reverse lottery, sports memorabilia, and more! We will also be streaming the NCAA March Madness games throughout the night!
Tickets are $70.00. RSVP below, bring your check to the Athletic Office or mail your check to: Knight to Remember, c/o Erin Deutsch,
7071 Overton Way, Maineville, OH, 45039
. Checks are made payable to the Kings Athletic Booster Club.
KHS Bowler Advances to State
The Kings High School Bowling Team participated in the OHSAA District Bowling Championship on Thursday, March 1. This is the first bowling team in Kings history to advance to the District competition.
Congratulations to Kings High School Sophomore, Eric Middlekamp who was named District Champion and Gold Medalist at the meet.
Eric threw a 731 series at the District meet. He advances to the OHSAA State Bowling Championship which will be held at Wayne Webb's Columbus Bowl on Friday, March 9.
Good luck Eric!
Walk of Champions
It's been a great winter season for Kings Athletics! Today they hosted the
Walk of Champions
to celebrate our state-bound athletes in Indoor Track and Bowling.
Representing the Knights this weekend at the State Indoor Track Meet in Geneva, Ohio are Brooke Garter (4x800), Leah Maschino (4x800, 1600, 4x400), Jennifer Cooper (4x400, 4x800, 800), Karleigh Conner (4x800, 4x400, 800), Gwyn Gorley (4x400), Isa Melton (Triple Jump), Samaria Newton (Weight Throw), Alex Marsh (Weight Throw), Duncan Sagraves (Weight Throw), Yale Godfrey (Triple Jump), Alex Justus (4x800, 4x400, 800), Zack Justus (4x800, 4x400), Jacob Krynock (4x800, 4x400), Ryan O'Connor (4x800), and Jack Chambers (4x400).
Firecrackers Jump Rope Clinic
There is one more jump rope clinic on March 13.The clinic are open to all 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Kings students and are hosted by Coach Lynn Kelley and her team, The Firecrackers. The clinic will take place from 4:00-5:15 p.m. at South Lebanon Elementary School gym.
The cost is $25. Official Firecracker jump rope $10 extra (optional). Please bring a water bottle, gym shoes, shorts, completed permission slip, and a jump rope.
Click here
for more information and the registration form.
All flyers for school events and non-profit organizations are posted in our Virtual Backpack. Please be sure to check the Virtual Backpack weekly to stay up to date on district events.
We’ve added lots of great district events and opportunities and activities for your child! We are beginning to add Summer Camp Information!
Kings Food Service Looking for Subs
The Kings Food Service Department is looking for Food Service Substitute employees. If you are interested please contact Jennifer Arlinghaus, Food Service Director, 513-398-8050, ext 10017 or
Kings Transportation Seeking Bus Drivers
Be a part of our growing community! Become a Kings Bus driver! Starting pay is $18.25/hr. Now offering a sign on bonus and paid training. No experience necessary!
For more information call: 513-398-8050, x10023.
KME Extravaganza
On Saturday, March 10 from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Kings Mills Elementary will host their annual EXTRAVAGANZA! Families are welcome to attend to enjoy food, games & prizes!
The ever-popular Classroom Themed Basket Raffle will include sports, tailgating, Star Wars, kids in the kitchen, Science & Technology, Let’s Eat Out, and and many more!
A Silent Auction will include an American Girl Doll, Local Sporting Events, Vacation Packages, and lots of great local businesses!
Parking will be available at Kings High School and a shuttle bus will run continuously throughout the event.
If a student would like to volunteer for service hours, please click on
this link
to sign up. If you have any questions, please email Beth Smith at
Thank you for supporting Kings Mills Elementary!
Support the Joshua's Place/Kings Power Pack Program at Upcoming 5K
Do You have a New Years’ Resolution? If your New Years’ Resolution is to be healthier or to get involved with the community here is a way to help out the Kings Power Pack Program for our very own Kings Families!
The Joshua's Place Power Pack 5K Run/Walk will take place on Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. The registration fee is $20 by March 24, and $25 up to race day. The easy route will begin at the South Lebanon Community Center and will utilize the bike trail near the Little Miami River.
Medals and trophies will be awarded to top participants in several categories. We hope to see the community help the Kings Power Pack Program at this year's 5K run/walk!
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034