EBBN - Electronic Blackboard News
March 9, 2018
Upcoming Events
Mar. 5-23—
Kindergarten Registration, by appointment, Kings Central Registration Office, Kings Education Center.
Mar. 13—
Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
Mar. 13—
KHS Chamber Choir Preview Concert, 7:00 p.m., KHS Auditorium.
Mar. 15—
Winter Guard and Drumline Community Performance, 7:00 p.m., KHS Auditorium.
Mar. 17—
Knight to Remember, 5:30-11:30 p.m., Cincinnati Marriott NE, Mason.
Mar. 20—
Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
Mar. 26-Apr. 2
Apr. 23
— Kings High School College and Transition Fair, 6:00-7:30 p.m., KHS.
Don’t forget to “SPRING
” this weekend! Daylight Savings time 2018 begins at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 11.
KHS Students Compete in Rotary Contest
Two Kings High School students participated in the Mason-Deerfield Rotary’s Four Way Test Speech Contest this week. Congratulations to Savannah Mussari who was named this year's contest winner.
The Four-Way Test Speech Contest, sponsored by Rotary International, is held annually for interested high school students at local and district levels. The speech is presented from memory without the aid of a podium, notes, displays or props, and lasts between four and six minutes. Contestants apply the Four-Way Test which asks the following four things: Is it the TRUTH?, Is it Fair to all concerned, Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS, and Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Each year, two students from Kings High School and two from Mason High School participate in the Mason-Deerfield Rotary contest. This year Savannah Mussari and Nathan Hutzel represented Kings as they presented their speeches in front of Rotary Members and Guests.
There are 29 Rotary Clubs in Rotary District 6670 (basically southwestern Ohio). Each of the clubs in Rotary District 6670 holds its local contest in Feb/March, and local winners compete in the District 6670 Competition on Sunday, April 8 at Wright State University. Four prizes are awarded for District Winners from $100-$400.
Rotary International is a world-wide organization dedicated to serving others. Great emphasis is placed on using one’s vocation, not only to serve others, but to establish honesty and integrity as marks of one’s profession and involvement in the world of work. The Four-Way Test has a long tradition or use around the world and is a part of Rotary’s motto: Service Above Self.
Savannah and Nathan are pictured with KHS Teacher, Peter Moore.
Good luck, Savannah!
National School Breakfast Week
This week we celebrated National School Breakfast Week in our district. On Wednesday, our Food Service Department put together a special breakfast for our students that included toasted cinnamon flatbread with yogurt and fresh fruit.
The Kings Food Service Department serves approximately 4,800 school breakfasts per month. Kings Food Service Director, Jennifer Arlinghaus said, "We are striving to improve to make a difference in nourishing more students at breakfast." Studies have clearly proven that eating breakfast nourishes the body for greater learning throughout the day. "During the month of March, we are working with the Children's Hunger Alliance to review our current district practices at breakfast service in order to identify areas of needed improvement," she said.
After School Care Students Learn While Playing
Students in Kings Kids After School Care at J.F. Burns Elementary spent some time figuring out how to use newspaper and tape to support the weight of a basketball. Looks like they figured it out pretty well! Great job, guys! #relatecreateinnovate
Pictured L-R: Henry Sandeers, Austin Siereveld, Jack Combs, and Avery Faulkner.
KHS Art Students Work Advance in Governors Art Exhibition
Several Kings High School students’ artwork was recently selected at the Regional Level to advance to the State level of the Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition. Out of 15 regions, approximately 2,500 pieces of art enter into state judging from 11,500 regional entries. State jurors then select 300 for the actual exhibition, with 25 of the 300 chosen to receive the Governor's Award of Excellence. Scholarships are offered to seniors by over 30 universities and colleges of art.
Good luck to the following students whose work will be competing at the STATE level this weekend: Katie Arnesen, Annie Allen, Anna-Claire Barker (3 pieces selected), Elise Belanger, Sam Buckel, Etain Brunner, Madison Burke (2 pieces selected), Avi DiPasquale (2 pieces selected), Sarah Giesy, Austin Hodges, Emma Hunt, Thomas Jamieson, Adelaine Jelinek (2 pieces selected), Stasia Jones, Mickey Kruse, Kevin Lewis, Jakub Palmeter, Grace Pansch, Crystal Renz (2 pieces selected), Faith Shields (3 pieces selected), Bella Spleen, Chris Stock, Destiny Stuck, Shannon Tuggle, Megan Wagner, and Michaela Williams.
KHS Chamber Choir Travels to Indy Next Week
The Kings High School Chamber Choir will perform at the Music for All National Choir Festival in Indianapolis, Indiana March 15-17. The Chamber Choir is one of 71 high school and middle school choir, orchestra, chamber ensemble, concert band, and percussion ensembles from across the nation selected to perform at the 2018 Festival. They were chosen via recorded audition by a panel of esteemed choral directors from around the nation.
The 27-member choir will travel to Indianapolis on Thursday morning to participate in rehearsals, clinics, and workshops with choral masters and other invited choirs from around the country. On Friday, March 16 at 2:00 p.m., they will perform an individual set of 6 works by Victoria, Mozart, Rachmaninov, Hogan, Entsminger, and Narverud in the magnificent St. John the Evangelist Cathedral, 126 W. Georgia St., Indianapolis, IN 46225.
Dr. Deen Entsminger from Belmont University composed an original piece for the Choir. Dr. Entsminger traveled 10 hours round trip to spend one rehearsal with the choir where he was able to hear his piece for the first time and give the students feedback and imagery to bring the Byron text to life. KHS Chamber Choir Director, Hope Milthaler said, "This is just one of the many impactful musical experiences that the singers and I have enjoyed along the journey to Indy."
The Choir's final experience at the festival will be a mass concert of all choirs (500+ singers) accompanied by the Ball State Symphony Orchestra at the Hilbert Circle Theater, 45 Monument Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46204 on Saturday, March 17 at 2:00 p.m., being conducted by renowned choral composers on their own challenging music.
The Choir is also excited to be reunited with former accompanist (2008-2012) Jared Adamson (now of Circleville, IN), who has traveled back “home” twice to rehearse and perform with them in preparation for the festival.
Family and friends are invited to attend the performances which are first serve seating and free to the public. Anyone who would like to watch either performance via live feed can follow this link to subscribe to watch (payment required):
The Chamber Choir will give a preview concert on Tuesday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kings High School Auditorium along with All the Kings Men and the Women’s Chorale. Milthaler said, "The choir is tremendously honored to represent Ohio, Kings High School, and their beloved Kings families, friends, and community on the national stage at this prestigious event!"
***Just a reminder- State testing will begin
in our district on April 19.***
SLE Book Swap
Thank you to the Mason-Deerfield Rotary Club for helping organize the Annual South Lebanon Elementary Book Swap. SLE Media Specialist, Jennifer Burkholder said, "Over 1100 books were put in the hands of students!"
7th Annual JFB Loves the Troops Care Pakage Drive
On Monday, March 5, 2018, J. F Burns Elementary will kick off the 7th Annual J.F. Burns Loves the Troops Care Package Drive. The drive will run through March 9. Collections can be sent in with students to J.F. Burns or dropped off at the school during school hours. There will be a collection box in the main hallway for after hours donations. In addition, Mac's Pizza Pub in Landen will have a drop box located near the front door. Donations will be accepted there until the evening of Monday, March 12.
This year's care package recipients will include U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Aaron Plaskon. Aaron is a 2002 Kings High School graduate and uncle to Kings students. U.S. Air Force Airman First Class David Fulcher. David is a local resident and uncle to a JFB student. Marine Corporal Brian Huffman. Brian is a 2012 Kings High School graduate and JFB alumnus.
Click here
for a suggested list of items that are needed.
We are looking for local service members to send our packages to. If you have a family member that is deployed or serving overseas please email their information to
KHS Transition and College Fair
At Kings High School, they focus on providing students with the best education possible. In meeting the demands of the future, they believe it’s important to allow all students the opportunity to have exposure to the various options they have available to them once they graduate from Kings High School.
In order to meet that goal, they have planned to hold their first ever Kings High School College and Transition Fair on April 23, 2018. Students in grades 9-11 will have the opportunity to attend during school hours and this event will be open to the public beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Students and parents will have the opportunity to visit different booths to increase their knowledge of post-secondary opportunities including military, two-year, and 4 year college degree programs. Additionally, there will be services available from select colleges to discuss student accessibility and accommodations at the collegiate level. As part of the event, they have also invited adult service providers, transition programs, and adult agencies to provide families with information about the opportunities available to their students post-secondary options.
We hope you are able to participate. Mark your calendars for April 23, 2018!
Don't forget to Save the Date for May for the South Lebanon Elementary ALL STUDENT ART SHOW AND SALE.
Each student at SLE will have their artwork framed and on display in the cafeteria. There is an option to buy the frame at the show if you choose. There is no cost to get in to the art show. This is a school fundraiser and art of the proceeds go to the art department for purchase of art supplies. If you have any questions contact SLE Art Teacher Stacy Hoffert at
KHS Senior Yard Signs
Graduation is right around the corner. Don’t miss your opportunity to purchase a Senior Yard Sign! For the 17th year, the Kings After Prom Party Committee is selling the signs for seniors.
The 24x18 signs are printed on both sides with your student’s name hand printed by parent volunteers and then stapled onto brackets. You can personally pick up your sign or have your senior bring the sign home from school.
Pick up date will be Monday, April 30, between 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., in the KHS Cafeteria, or seniors will bring signs home from school on May 1. We know how proud you are of your student’s accomplishment in graduating and this is such a fun way to show it to family, friends, neighbors and the community in general!
Simply complete
this form
and return by Monday, April 13 along with a $10 check made payable to KAPP (Kings After Prom Party). Feel free to order as many as you want! ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN APRIL 13.
The KAPP is looking for volunteers to help with the printing of the student’s names on these signs, please indicate if you can help on the order form. If you have questions, please feel free to call Diane Westaway at 513-543-3371 or email at
Kindergarten Registration for 2018-2019
Kindergarten registration for the 2018-2019 school year will begin on March 5 and run through March 23. Registration will take place by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call Amy Andrews in Kings Central Registration at 513-459-2932. Morning, afternoon, and evening appointments are available. Appointments will take approximately 15 minutes.
In order to register, please bring your completed
kindergarten registration packet
along with Original Birth Certificate or Passport, Custody or Court Papers (if applicable), Photo ID of the Parent/Guardian, Immunization Records, Proof of district residency, such as a Rental or Lease Agreement, Deed, or Settlement Statement. The Parent's/Guardian's name MUST appear on the legal proof of residency document. If the documents are in any other name than the child's parent's/guardian's name that individual must be present and provide a photo ID.
Mark your calendars as each elementary school will hold a kindergarten tour day:
- J.F. Burns Elementary School – May 8 at 9:30 am
- South Lebanon Elementary School – May 8 at 9:30 am
- Kings Mills Elementary School – May 11 at 10:00 am
To register, a child must turn 5-years old on or before September 30, 2018. Please visit ou
Kindergarten Registration
page on our website for more information.
Mark Your Calendar for "Knight of Innovation
Join the Kings Local School District at the second annual Knight of Innovation Family Fair on Thursday, April 19, 2018.
This night celebrates STEAM education, highlighting interactive booths in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics subjects. Faculty, students, and business partners will present their different fields of study in interactive booths, including an electric car, geocaching, arcade machine programming, 2-D Animation, paper airplanes, 3-D printing, bridge building, hydraulics, resistors, and playing music on bananas and cheese. Food trucks will be providing dinner and snack options.
are being accepted for exhibitors. Deadline to submit is March 20.
Kings Football March Madness
Spring is right around the corner, so it’s time to start thinking about MULCH! The Kings Football Team is holding their
Annual Mulch Sale
. This year, you have a choice of Hardwood, Black Gold, and Black Dyed mulch. All mulch comes in 2.0 cubic foot bags and the cost is only $4.50 a bag.
The Football Team offers FREE DELIVERY to your home or place of business on April 7-8. To be eligible for free delivery, you must be within a 5-mile radius of the Kings School District with a 10 bag minimum.
Deadline for orders is March 30.
Kings Athletic News
Check out Kings Athletics
! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues.
Find us on Facebook
Check out this week's Knights Weekly to get all of the scoop on the State Swim Meet, Wrestling, Bowling and our Kings Dance Team!
TODAY is the Last Day to Reserve Your Spot!
A Knight to Remember,
All That Glitters is Red
, is on Saturday, March 17 from 5:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Cincinnati Marriott Northeast, Mason.
This year features our ALL NEW registration system that will allow you to reserve your spot in minutes and all bidding will be done on your phone at the event! No more bid sheets or long checkout lines!
Our always popular Happy Hour will be from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. followed by a seated dinner and live auction at 6:45 p.m.! We will have live entertainment from "Marsha Brady," basket raffles, silent auction, reverse lottery, sports memorabilia, and more! We will also be streaming the NCAA March Madness games throughout the night!
Tickets are $70.00. RSVP below, bring your check to the Athletic Office or mail your check to: Knight to Remember, c/o Erin Deutsch,
7071 Overton Way, Maineville, OH, 45039
. Checks are made payable to the Kings Athletic Booster Club.
Indoor Track Team Heads to Nationals
Good luck to the following members of our Indoor Track Team who travel to New York City this weekend for the New Balance Indoor Track Meet: Jacob Krynock, Ryan O'Connor, Zack Justus, Alex Justus, Leah Maschino, Brooke Garter, Jennifer Cooper, and Karleigh Conner, and Ryan Flecker.
The 4x800 teams will race on Saturday, March 10 at 6:15 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, March 11, Ryan Flecker will run the junior high mile and Alex Justus will run the freshman mile.
This year's Indoor Track Team finished their season with school record breaking times and National qualifying times. You can follow them on a
from NYC! #KingsFast
All flyers for school events and non-profit organizations are posted in our Virtual Backpack. Please be sure to check the Virtual Backpack weekly to stay up to date on district events.
We’ve added lots of great district events and opportunities and activities for your child! We are beginning to add Summer Camp Information!
Kings Food Service Looking for Subs
The Kings Food Service Department is looking for Food Service Substitute employees. If you are interested please contact Jennifer Arlinghaus, Food Service Director, 513-398-8050, ext 10017 or
Kings Transportation Seeking Bus Drivers
Be a part of our growing community! Become a Kings Bus driver! Starting pay is $18.25/hr. Now offering a sign on bonus and paid training. No experience necessary!
For more information call: 513-398-8050, x10023.
KME Extravaganza
On Saturday, March 10 from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Kings Mills Elementary will host their annual EXTRAVAGANZA! Families are welcome to attend to enjoy food, games & prizes!
The ever-popular Classroom Themed Basket Raffle will include sports, tailgating, Star Wars, kids in the kitchen, Science & Technology, Let’s Eat Out, and and many more!
A Silent Auction will include an American Girl Doll, Local Sporting Events, Vacation Packages, and lots of great local businesses!
Parking will be available at Kings High School and a shuttle bus will run continuously throughout the event.
If a student would like to volunteer for service hours, please click on
this link
to sign up. If you have any questions, please email Beth Smith at
Thank you for supporting Kings Mills Elementary!
Support the Joshua's Place/Kings Power Pack Program at Upcoming 5K
Do You have a New Years’ Resolution? If your New Years’ Resolution is to be healthier or to get involved with the community here is a way to help out the Kings Power Pack Program for our very own Kings Families!
The Joshua's Place Power Pack 5K Run/Walk will take place on Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. The registration fee is $20 by March 24, and $25 up to race day. The easy route will begin at the South Lebanon Community Center and will utilize the bike trail near the Little Miami River.
Medals and trophies will be awarded to top participants in several categories. We hope to see the community help the Kings Power Pack Program at this year's 5K run/walk!
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034