EBBN - Electronic Blackboard News
May 11, 2018
Upcoming Events
May 15
— Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 17— 4th Grade District Chorus Concert, 8:00 p.m., KHS Auditorium.
May 19
— KHS Graduation, 2:00 p.m., Cintas Center.
May 22
Last Day of School!
KHS Ranked Top 25 High School in Ohio
Cultural Competency Training Coming to Kings
KHS Students Compete at Envirothon
Students in Kings High School's Advanced Placement Environmental Science class recently participated in an environmental academic competition called Envirothon.
The event was hosted by the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District and was open to all area high school students. There were three teams from KHS and all performed above average, and one team earned 10th place out of 92 teams.
Teams competed on their knowledge of conservation of natural resources. This includes the ecology of soil, water, forestry and wildlife, along with the environmental problems associated with each topic. The competition is held outside and includes hands-on observations.
The team pictured are looking forward to return next year with a goal of finishing in the top 4 and move on to state! KHS AP Environmental Science Teacher, Anne Schipper
said, "They all had a great time and really got into the hands-on topics. It was a good experience for them."
Pictured L-R: Nora Combs, Grace Thomas, Anna Combs, Erin Seccia, and Chloe Bernard.
KHS Junior Receives Associates Degree
Congratulations to Kings High School Junior, Caroline Mott who received an Associate in Science degree on Sunday, May 6 at the Sinclair Community College commencement ceremony.
She enrolled in Sinclair's College Credit Plus Program two years ago and has completed over 60 college credits while in high school, thanks to the CCP Program.
Next year, during her senior year at Kings, Caroline will begin working on her Bachelor's Degree in Geology with a minor in Spanish.
What an accomplishment for a 16 year-old. Way to go, Caroline!
JFB PTO Purchases New Picnic Tables
J. F. Burns Elementary received a special gift from their Parent Teacher Organization. The JFB PTO purchased three new picnic benches to be used for lessons, lunches, or special events in the courtyard area of the school.
Special thanks to John and Danelle Bernard who set them all up!
Congratulations KHS Work Study Students!
Recently we told you about the students at Kings High School who celebrated their Work Study achievements. In
this video, the students tell us about where they worked and what they learned. Enjoy!
We hope all of our Kings Moms have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for all you do for us!
KHS 2nd Semester Exam Schedule
End of course exams will begin at Kings High School on Thursday, May 17.
Click here
for the exam schedule and information.
Kings Students Featured in Upcoming Hunchback of Notre Dame
4th Grade District Chorus Concert
Last Day of School is Almost Here!
Last day of school for students is Tuesday, May 22!
You're Invited to KHS Graduation
Kings Athletic News
Check out Kings Athletics
! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues.
Find us on Facebook
Kings Athletics Summer Athletic Camps
Kings Athletics and the Kings Athletic Booster Club has started taking registrations for their ever-popular Summer Athletic Camps.
This is a great opportunity to learn your favorite sports from Kings' coaching staff this summer! The Kings Athletic Department is offering several athletic camps that are focused on fun and learning the fundamentals of each sport!
Our camps are run by our own coaching staff and are a great chance to learn from the best! Get more information and register
. No experience is necessary!
If you have any questions regarding summer camps, please contact the Athletic Department at 513-459-2937.
KJH Track & Field State Qualifiers
Congratulations to the following Kings Junior High Track and Field athletes for qualifying for the 2nd Annual Middle School State Championships: Sara Doughman - 1600 meter run; 4 x 200 meter relay team - Daniel Georgesen, Aiden Guckenberger, Will Kocher, and Evan Harper; and 200 m hurdles - Michael Sarchet.
The OHSAA Junior High State Track and Field Meet takes place on Saturday, May 12 starting at noon at the Fulton Field Athletic Complex at Lancaster High School, 1312 Granville Pike, Lancaster, Ohio.
Good luck to our runners!
Information packets will be available next week for athletes interested in joining the 2018 Kings Cross Country Teams. The information packet will include details about summer open runs, start of the season, and time commitments for the fall season.
CIS students will receive their packets on Wednesday, May 16 from the CIS Office, KJH students will receive their packets on Thursday, May 17 during Homebase, and KHS students will pick up their packets on Friday, May 18 at 9:45 a.m. in Room 208.
Kings Color Guard Seeking Members
Kings Jr. High Soccer Informational Meeting
All girls going into 7th and 8th grade next school year that are interested in playing soccer for Kings Junior High, there will be a pre-season meeting Tuesday, May 14 at 5:30 at the Junior High Cafeteria. Any questions contact Mariah Rhoads at
All flyers for school events and non-profit organizations are posted in our Virtual Backpack. Please be sure to check the Virtual Backpack weekly to stay up to date on district events.
We’ve added lots of great district events and opportunities and activities for your child! We are beginning to add Summer Camp Information!
Dave Segrist Annual Golf Outing
Former Kings teacher and coach Dave Segrist lost his battle with pancreatic cancer on May 30, 2011. A fund was founded in his name to offer financial support for seniors wanting to continue their education at the collegiate level, and help to support underprivileged kids who want the opportunity to attend educational or athletic camps during the summer. This fund has contributed 10 scholarships to Kings students to help with college expenses.
To help support this fund, an annual benefit golf outing is held yearly. This year’s tournament, the 7th Annual, will take place Saturday, June 2 at the Golf Center at Kings Island.
Click here
for more information.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034