EBBN - Electronic Blackboard News
May 4, 2018
Upcoming Events
May 5—Kings Kloset, 9:00-11:00 a.m., KEC 2nd floor.
May 8
— Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 15
— Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 17— 4th Grade District Chorus Concert, 8:00 p.m., KHS Auditorium.
May 19
— KHS Graduation, 2:00 p.m., Cintas Center.
May 22
Last Day of School!
KHS This is Kings International Corridor
On Monday, April 30 the Student Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion at Kings High School dedicated the new "This is Kings International Corridor," a line of flags from different countries representing the countries of some KHS students.
The Task Force's goal of putting up the flags was
to get conversations started about spreading acknowledgement regarding cultural competency, which simply means, increasing the amount of awareness about different cultures and backgrounds that are displayed through the students at Kings.
While the flags are a symbol for a specific country, the student task force wants to
spread acknowledgement about differences in race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economics, and any other way people might feel misrepresented.
KHS Junior, Jordan Harkins who is Secretary for the Student Task Force came up with the idea after being a part of the same process at KJH in her 8th grade year. She said, "
To us, the flags aren't just pieces of material hanging from the wall with some cool colors. They represent the diversity of the students at Kings"
The flags are a gesture of inclusiveness and acceptance. Harkins said, "To me personally, it's a part of the legacy that I will be leaving at Kings. The feeling of knowing that all your work has finally paid off is one that can't be described in words. It's also a small moment in the bigger movement of increasing cultural awareness not just in the High School, but also around the Kings community as well."
e leaders of the Task Force include Chair, Caleb Owens, Vice-Chair Dunia Alkurdi, and Secretary, Jordan Harkins. Caleb Owens is excited about the new flags. He said, "
It’s so cool seeing how different people are and learning about those differences. The next step will be to push for a change in curriculum. I want to see more classes that represent all beliefs and ways of thinking instead of Eurocentric viewpoints and history."
On Thursday, May 3 Kings Preschool parents and students spent the evening preparing the flower and vegetable gardens behind the school. Named "Knight in the Garden," it was an opportunity for adults and students alike to help beautify the school.
With so many activities happening that evening, it was difficult to get a lot of physical help, however, many families donated soil, gloves, shovels, plants, and watering cans.
The Keegan family including mom, Lisa and children, Liam and James, Eileen Besso and children, Sophia and Aiden, as well as Kings Preschool teacher, Heather Combs and her son, Jack helped to pull weeds, prepare the soil, and plant some new butterfly plants for the butterflies all the classes are working on releasing.
They will also be planting, tomato plants, orange peppers, cucumbers, and pumpkin seeds over the next couple of weeks during classroom time. Mrs. Combs said, "We are working on creating our own little preschool 'green team'."
KHS Work Study Students Celebrated
On Thursday, May 3, students in the Kings High School Work Study program celebrated their accomplishments with a Year End Celebration for the 2017-2018 school year.
Students shared where they worked, what they learned, along with what they enjoyed most. Additionally, they received their certificates, along with recognizing those that supported the students in their work this school year.
Some of the opportunities students were given were working in the cafeteria, school office, Rivers Crossing Community Church, LePeep, Pizza Hut, TJ Maxx, and Countryside YMCA.
This program is successful because of the commitment that the students, supervisors, coordinators and teachers were provided. We are also grateful for the support of the Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities and the Warren County Educational Service Center. Great job, students!
KHS Students Win Film Awards
Several of our talented Kings High School Digital Media Arts students were winners in the Golden Lion Awards High School Film Festival. Students took home awards in the categories of Alternative, Animation, Informational/Educational, and Short Documentary.
The big winner of the coveted Golden Lion Award for their Alternative Film titled, The Recurrent Dream are
Aviana DiPasquale, Lo Riddell, and Bella Spleen.
Several other Lion Awards were given to our students.
Click here
for the full list and view their films. To learn more about the Golden Lion Awards
click here
A Visit to Bonnybrook Farm
Students in the Multiple Disability classrooms at Columbia Intermediate, J.F. Burns, South Lebanon, and Kings Mills Elementary recently enjoyed a joint field trip to Bonnybrook Farm in Clarksville, Ohio.
The students learned about parts of a plant and then planted a sunflower plant to take home. They also took a wagon ride to the barn where they learned about animals and also interacted with the farm animals.
JFB teacher Lissa Parker said, "
It was an AMAZING day for our students! The farm was so accommodating!"
For the second year in a row, the entire student body of South Lebanon Elementary took a field trip to ARMCO park on April 27. It was a great day filled with learning, exploring, fun, sun, and smiles.
At the park, students participated in 4 different stations, explored the Playscape, which is a playground made of all natural materials, hiked on the trail, and had a picnic with their peers. At one station students explored different furs and met a K-9 dog in training, while another station provided by Warren County Soil and Water taught about the importance of protecting our water. They also learned participated in nature exercises led by Bill Lindauer, an Ohio Certified Naturalist, and decorated kindness rocks to hide throughout the park led by Shannon Russell from Mother Nature's Classroom.
Not only was this an awesome educational opportunity for students, but it was also an opportunity to grow as individuals and together. Students persevered as they walked across the tops of logs, problem solved to figure out how to cross the creek on ropes, collaborated to get enough force for the water pump to work, used their imagination when building structures, helped each other to climb to the top of a deck, and challenged themselves to find everything on the nature scavenger hunt.
SLE would like to thank the people that made this day a huge success. First of all, for Jon Flikkema with PPG, and the
Eco-Green program
, a STEM education partnership between the National Wildlife Foundation, General Motors, and McCluskey Chevrolet who made the trip financially possible. Also, Larry Easterly and Shannon Russell who made the trip possible by providing park plans, gui
dance, resources, and support. Additionally, for the Friends of Warren County Park District that volunteered to help man stations and Warren County Soil and Water. Lastly, thanks to the park staff, the transportation department, the many parents that chaperoned, and the SLE staff that worked together to oversee students and areas around the park. Special thanks to SLE 3rd grade teacher, Amanda Wey who wrote the grant for funding and arranged the entire day!
Feel free to visit and explore the park this summer. There is no entrance fee! You can also try to see if you can find the rocks that students decorated. Happy exploring!
If you are looking for more opportunities to get outside this summer check out
Tech Free Tuesdays
! featuring
Warren County Park District naturalist Shannon Russell.
KHS Artists Work Win Governor's Art Awards
We are proud to announce that five Kings High School students' artwork was selected out of over 11,500 entries as one of the top 300 works of art in the State of Ohio in the Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition. Congratulations to Elise Belanger, Aviana DiPasquale, Sarah Giesy, Crystal Renz, and Shannon Tuggle.
The exhibition opens at the James A. Rhodes State Office Tower, across from the State Capitol, in through the end of May. The students received Awards of Excellence and scholarship awards at the opening of the exhibition. Learn more
United Way of Warren County Donates Books
For the fifth year in a row, the United Way of Warren County has provided books to all Warren County Public School District Preschool Classrooms. This week, Community Impact Director, Jerri Langworthy delivered their Summer Slide Book packet to each child enrolled in the Kings Preschool.
The United Way of Warren County, in partnership with Duke Energy and the Warren County Foundation are working together to promote childhood literacy and ensuring that every child in Warren County is ready for kindergarten. The Summer Slide packet was created so children and their parents could enjoy reading and learning together this summer.
Summer Slide is the tendency for students to lose some of the achievement gains they made during the previous school year. Encouraging children to read 4-6 books over the summer has the potential to prevent a decline in reading achievement scores.
It is recommended that children have 20 age appropriate books in their home library to master required literacy skills throughout their early and elementary education career. The Stop Summer Slide Program provides 20% of the recommended requirement of books for 3 and 4 year old children enrolled in our preschool classrooms.
Pictured are the students in Mrs. Theresa House's afternoon preschool class.
KHS Engineering Students Teach JFB Students
With the help of technology, the second grade students at J.F. Burns Elementary School were able to connect with Kings High School Engineering students to learn about Trebuchet's.
Students in Mr. Shields’ Engineering 1 class
tested the trebuchet's that they have been building. A trebuchet is a compound machine that is powered exclusively by the force of gravity. It works by using energy of a falling counterweight to launch a projectile. It was used in the middle ages to throw heavy payloads at enemies.
This project teaches students about linear and angular velocity, parametric equations, and torque. Students maximized these physics concepts in the design of their trebuchet. The students went through multiple iterations of their designs improving it each time they threw.
The second graders at JFB have been participating in lessons about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math, specifically building bridges. The JFB teachers thought it would be a good idea for the students to watch the high school engineering students test their designs. Using Google Hangout, the elementary students were able to watch as the high school students test the trebuchet's that they built.
JFB second grade teacher, Andrea Thomas said, "Seeing how our curriculum plays out in the upper grades is ideal!" She is hoping to connect with the high school with other projects. She said, "It was fun for all of the kids. The second graders and high school students seemed to enjoy it!" #relatecreateinnovate
CIS & KJH Polling Locations on 5/8
We would like to make you aware that on Election Day, Tuesday, May 8, 2018, the Warren County Board of Elections will be utilizing two of our school buildings for polling stations.
Voters will enter Columbia Intermediate School through door A-2. Voters will only have access to the polling location directly inside the door. A Warren County Sheriff's Deputy has been assigned to the building during polling hours.
Additionally, voters will be utilizing Kings Junior High School Multipurpose Room as a polling location. Voters will only be permitted to enter the outside doors of the MPR and a Warren County Sheriff's Deputy will be assigned to this location, as well.
Polling locations are open from 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
CIS Art Show
Don't miss the Columbia Intermediate School Art Show on Wednesday, May 9 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at CIS. All are welcome!
4th Grade District Chorus Concert
Last day of school for students is Tuesday, May 22!
Kings Athletic News
Check out Kings Athletics
! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues.
Find us on Facebook
Kings Athletics Summer Athletic Camps
Kings Athletics and the Kings Athletic Booster Club has started taking registrations for their ever-popular Summer Athletic Camps.
This is a great opportunity to learn your favorite sports from Kings' coaching staff this summer! The Kings Athletic Department is offering several athletic camps that are focused on fun and learning the fundamentals of each sport!
Our camps are run by our own coaching staff and are a great chance to learn from the best! Get more information and register
. No experience is necessary!
If you have any questions regarding summer camps, please contact the Athletic Department at 513-459-2937.
Kings Women's Lacrosse Youth Night
Don't miss Kings Women's Lacrosse Youth Night on Tuesday, May 8 at Kings Stadium.
All women's/girls junior high and youth players will be admitted free if wearing Kings Women's Lacrosse spirit wear. Players need to be at the stadium by 6:45 p.m. so they know what teams are attending. Teams will be introduced at halftime.
Kings Women's Lacrosse Youth Night
All girls going into 7th and 8th grade next school year that are interested in playing soccer for Kings Junior High, there will be a pre-season meeting Thursday, May 10th at 5:30 at the Junior High in the multi-purpose room Any questions contact Mariah Rhoads at
All flyers for school events and non-profit organizations are posted in our Virtual Backpack. Please be sure to check the Virtual Backpack weekly to stay up to date on district events.
We’ve added lots of great district events and opportunities and activities for your child! We are beginning to add Summer Camp Information!
Kings Kloset Open Saturday 5/5
Tomorrow, Saturday, May 5 is the last time Kings Kloset is open for this school year. They will be open from 9:00-11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Kings Education Center.
They will re-open on August 11. They are still in need of men's and women's Summer clothing in all sizes. Stay tuned for their First Annual Stuff-the-Bus Event on August 4.
Donations can also be dropped off during store hours.
A special thanks to Kim Milazzo, Karen Manis, Karen Wiley and their children for their service to the Kings Kloset all year!
You are all
The Teen Alliance Council's primary purpose is to bring youth from Warren County school districts together to develop leaders in preventing sexual and dating violence among their peers. The program is designed to be student-led, adult facilitated; while recognizing youth engagement is both a process and a desired outcome. The program aims at providing a range of rolls for youth while providing them with opportunities to become leaders in addition to participants.
An Open House will be held on Sunday, May 6 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Franklin Library.
Dave Segrist Annual Golf Outing
Former Kings teacher and coach Dave Segrist lost his battle with pancreatic cancer on May 30, 2011. A fund was founded in his name to offer financial support for seniors wanting to continue their education at the collegiate level, and help to support underprivileged kids who want the opportunity to attend educational or athletic camps during the summer. This fund has contributed 10 scholarships to Kings students to help with college expenses.
To help support this fund, an annual benefit golf outing is held yearly. This year’s tournament, the 7th Annual, will take place Saturday, June 2 at the Golf Center at Kings Island.
Click here
for more information.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034