EBBN - Electronic Blackboard News
August 17, 2018
Upcoming Events
August 21— Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2
September 3— Labor Day,
September 11— Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
September 18— Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
September 21— District In-Service Day,
Kings Recognized as One of the Best School Districts in Cincinnati!
The latest Niche rankings are in, and Kings Local School District, again is rated in the top 10 school district's in Cincinnati!
Niche is an online research resource to find the best schools, communities, and companies. In the 2019 Best School District's in America, Niche ranks Kings #10 in Cincinnati!
"This ranking is a direct result of the commitment to academic excellence that our staff and students make each day," said Superintendent, Tim Ackermann. "We will continue on our mission to provide educational opportunities for our students, as well as foster relationships so our students can grow to become more creative and innovative."
There are 608 public school districts in the state of Ohio and the Kings Local School District consistently ranks highly in the state. Niche analyzed 3,903 private schools, 83,542 public schools and 10,758 school districts to create its 2019 lists. All schools in our district have been awarded an overall Niche Grade of an A
New Thoughtexchange Results Now Available
The results from the Spring Thoughtexchange regarding our district facilities is now available. We sent them out to our community this week. If you did not receive the email, you get review the results
here. Our Facilities Planning Team will be working with the information received by the community and taking the next step of drafting a final option. We will present this final option to the community in a 3rd Thoughtexchange in early September. We hope you'll participate!
Welcome Back, Kings Staff!
It was a great start to the year! We welcomed our smiling staff back on Monday, August 13 with a pancake and sausage breakfast provided by LOVE513. They also offered a reverse supply drive where they brought in school supplies for the teachers! Our staff was also treated to chair massages by Dr. Kristen Zumberger and the staff from Everybody's Health in Mason.
The Staff enjoyed summer pictures from their colleagues' summer adventures and Mr. Ackermann shared with the staff about our increasing enrollment and our #KingsStrong Strategic Plan that we can't wait to share with you!
Michael Douglas, Chief Diversity Officer from Diversity Initiatives, was the featured speaker of the day. He brought a positive message to the staff about understanding the differences in people. He challenged the staff to serve as "change agents" by resolving inequities of gender, socioeconomic class, race, and sexual orientation.
In addition, he took the staff through an exercise which focused on the differences in people and how we as educators, have the opportunity meet people where they are by developing genuine, caring relationships and embrace crucial conversations that address the unique differences that we all have.
We, as a district, will continue to focus on building relationships as we believe that relationships are the core to success.
Knights are Back to School
It’s been a great start to the school year! Students and staff are settling into their new routines. Students and families have been attending ice cream socials, open houses, and orientations. Our schools are in great shape, thanks to our maintenance and custodial staff.
Watch for next week's EBBN to see first day for our Kindergartners!
Visitors to any Kings school building are required to show a photo ID when entering a building. The District uses a school security system called LobbyGuard Visitor Management system. LobbyGuard will help protect our students and staff by tracking visitors, volunteers, and vendors who come into our schools.
All visitors will need to sign-in via the LobbyGuard system at the front desk at each building. You will be required to scan your driver license as a part of this process. If you do not have a driver license, another form of valid photo ID is required. A visitor badge will be printed and is to be worn at all times while on school property.
Prior to leaving the building, all visitors must visit the front office and sign-out using the LobbyGuard system. We hope you will find LobbyGuard a welcome addition in the continuing effort to provide the most secure learning environment for our students. We appreciate your understanding.
We are happy to welcome and introduce to you our newest School Resource Officer, Deputy Charles Hale.
Deputy Hale has been with the Warren County Sheriff's Office since April 2013. He
was born and raised in Middletown and graduated from Middletown High School. He attended the University of Cincinnati’s Police Academy where he obtained his police officer certification. He is married and is the father of one year-old twin daughters. Deputy Hale said, "I look forward to serving the Kings Local School District in this new capacity and fostering many positive relationships."
This is Deputy Hale's first year as a school resource officer. His office is located at Columbia Intermediate School and he will be responsible for the needs at J.F. Burns, KME, and the Kings Education Center.
The District hired Deputy John Downs in 2013 as the first district SRO who is based at Kings High School.
Be sure to give Deputy Hale your warmest Knight welcome!
Kings Junior High School is working to spread kindness. The KJH Kindness Campaign will support their Kindess Team as they work to spread
goodwill throughout Kings Junior High.
Thank You From Kings Band
The Kings Band Boosters, Band Directors and staff want to thank everyone in the community for supporting the Kings Marching Band on August 11. Band members
canvassed neighborhoods throughout the day, gratefully accepting donations to help cover the rising cost of travel, music fees, and equipment.
If they missed you, yet you're interested in supporting the band, please mail a donation to: Kings Band Boosters, PO Box 10, Kings Mills, OH 45034. Donations are tax deductible (they are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) and all donations directly impact the students who perform in band and bring school spirit and crowd entertainment to lots of games and events.
The Warren County Health District sent an alert this week regarding the West Nile Virus. They have identified 29 positive samples this season so far.
Read more
on how to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.
Parent/Student Emergency Notification Protocol
The Kings Local School District takes the safety and security of our staff and students very seriously. As a part of an Ohio Revised Code requirement, the District is required to inform students and parents/guardians before the first day of school each year of our emergency parental notification protocols.
In the event of an emergency where an evacuation of the school building is necessary, we have identified off-site locations (reunification sites) to transport students to safety. In emergency situations, we will disseminate information through our All-Call system, as well as use email, text messages, website, and district social media. Additionally, we will continue to provide updates through the above avenues as needed.
The Kings Local School District believes it is as important for parents to know the resources the district will use in the event of an emergency. It should be noted that an evacuation from any given campus may cause your children to be picked up at a secondary location. If this circumstance occurs, we will utilize a parent reunification form to reunite you with your child.
We will ask parents to be sure that their emergency contact information is up to date in our files in order to be contacted in case of emergency. Feel free to check your account in School Messenger for accuracy, as well.
A Reunification Information Document
will be used in the event of an emergency where a reunification process is required. This document will assist us in releasing your child to you at the reunification site. Please take some time to fill out the form and put it in a safe place in your vehicle to be used as necessary.
Follow us on Social Media
For up-to-date information about the Kings Local School District, please feel free to “like” us on
and follow us on
Mrs. Nenna Ready for Duty
J.F. Burns Elementary helped Mrs. Jennifer Nenna spice up bus duty. She sure makes bus duty look fun!
Kings Athletic News
Check out Kings Athletics
! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues.
Kings Football is MurphStrong
Kings Head Football Coach, Andy Olds is using a friend and colleague as inspiration for his Kings Football Players this season. He calls the campaign the "018 Energy Source."
At the center of the "energy source" is Jodi Murphy, Kings Junior High School Intervention Specialist. Jodi is a colleague of Coach Olds and has been fighting breast cancer since March. Jodi was chosen based on her courage, inspiration, and resolve.
Mrs. Murphy said she is overwhelmed with gratitude. She said, "I don't know if I can put into words how incredibly blessed, but also how inspired and encouraged I am with being chosen for this." She said that since the moment she was diagnosed, she wanted to give hope to her students and people who are affected by cancer. "I realized after Coach Olds talked to me about MurphStrong, one of the lessons that I have always passed on to my students through the years is that you never realize how many eyes are on you in everyday life, but even more so when you are going through tough times," she said.
Grades 7-12 players and coaches with be wearing a specially designed logo “MURPHSTRONG” on t-shirts, hats, and coaches sideline game gear. The unique design was created by former Kings student and alum football player, Andrew Winebrenner, son of our very own David Winebrenner.
This isn't the first time that Coach Olds and the KFB Knights have done something like this. He said, "Whenever the opportunity arises, we’ll recognize and help support them." In fact, last year the team supported the Lantz Family with a memorial decal after the passing of their son, Jonah.
Purchase Your 2018-2019 Athletic Season Pass
It’s that time again to order your Kings Athletics Season Pass! There are many options available from individual student and adult passes to family and club passes. You can purchase and/or renew your season passes
Season passes allow entry into all home high school and junior high athletic events (excluding tournament games).
If you have any questions regarding the passes or the process for ordering, please contact the Athletic Department at 513-459-2937.
Thank you for your continued support of Kings Athletics!
23rd Annual Kings Homecoming
5K & Mile Fun Run
Don't miss this year's Kings Homecoming 5K & Mile Fun Run! It will take place on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at the Kings Stadium. Fun Run starts at 6:15 p.m. and 5K starts at 6:30 p.m.
For more information and the registration form
click here.
Kings High School and Kings Junior High School Cheerleaders are hosting their first fundraiser of the year with t-shirts for cheer parents and future KHS Cheerleaders!
All flyers for school events and non-profit organizations are posted in our Virtual Backpack. Please be sure to check the Virtual Backpack weekly to stay up to date on district events.
Equine-Assisted Learning Workshops
This fall, Cincinnati Therapeutic Riding and Horsemanship (CTRH) in Milford is offering a variety of equine-assisted learning workshops for children in grades 3-6. These workshops are purposefully designed to equip children with critical skills to handle stress and pressure and minimize anxiety.
Each workshop is limited to 10 participants.
For more information about the workshops and registration,
click here
CTRH was at KME this week for Popsicles on the Playground.
Join Us for Kings Night at FC Cincinnati
Send us the news you want to see!
Dawn Gould | Community Relations Coordinator
phone: 513-459-2925
EBBN is a publication of the Kings Local School District
Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034