A Newsletter to Keep EBMA Membership Informed.
The mission of the Educational Book and Media Association is to foster a unique community that brings together a wide range of wholesalers and publishers in order to address the ever changing book & media buying needs of the educational marketplace.
Letter from the President
Hello EBMA Members!
I hope this finds all of you enjoying at least a few lazy summer hours here and there. I don't know about you, but there is something about summertime and reading for me - they go together like peanut butter and jelly! But alas, it's a workday, and it's time to send a few updates to keep all of you in the loop on what's happening behind the scenes with the EBMA Board as we work on the next annual conference, and on other ways that we can connect you to useful information in between conferences. Here goes:
- Member dues invoices went out via postal mail on 6/18 and were due 7/1. Please see notes below regarding the invoices.
- I feel like this one should have some kind of an unveiling, like "TA DA!!": The theme for our 2019 January meeting will be Visual Engagement. Our Vice President, Pat Nelson, and his co-chair Mark Von Bargen, are finalizing the details for the educational sessions as I write, and I can't wait to see what they've got lined up for us! Please see the co-chairs' overview of the 2019 Annual Meeting below.
- As members, we hope that you benefit from the value of EBMA. With some wordsmithing by Lisa Maisonneuve, we now have a one-page document to help prospective members see why they should join EBMA. Feel free to share this with your contacts.
- I'd like to give a shout out of warm welcome to our newest member, Hoopla - thanks for joining us, Hoopla!
- At our last couple board meetings we talked about some much needed updates to our bylaws. In short, in an industry full of constant change, our goal was to better understand and define Wholesaler Members and Publisher Members. You can see the amended bylaws here.
- We had an 18 item agenda for our May Board Meeting-it was productive and fast-paced. In addition to reviewing and planning the past and upcoming annual meetings, the bylaws, awards, and the budget, there was discussion around more effectively using publishers' time at the next meeting-logistics around how to rework the meeting schedule for more value-add events. Stay tuned for more later...
Feel free to contact us with questions or comments you may have. Have a wonderful summer!
Joyce Skokut President, EBMA Director, Collection Development, Ingram Library Services, LLC [email protected]
The Educational Book and Media Association is proud to announce the
Fall 2018 Publishing Operations and Logistics Meeting. This meeting is intended for your companies Supply Chain and Operations staff to learn how a few key suppliers operate.
As the publishing world continues to move at rapid pace, we were invited to by Penguin Random House and HarperCollins to visit their Indianapolis based facilities for a tour and a Q&A opportunity.
When: October 5, 2018 (Please plan to arrive the night before, on October 4th)
Who: Wholesalers Only: 55 person limit, first come basis
Where: Indianapolis, IN
EBMA Members: $500.00
Non EBMA Members* may attend may attend:
Registration fee includes bus and provided lunch at Penguin Random House Facility
*If non-member provides membership application prior to meeting and is approved, $100.00 will be refunded towards registration.
Holiday Inn Indianapolis Airport @ Ameriplex (we a have room block)
8555 Standsted Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46241,
hotel website
Cost: $150.00, per night, Breakfast included
Planning to attend?:
Click here to register
2. Call 317-856-6200 to make a hotel reservation and mention the EBMA room block
3. View the schedule of the day here
EBMA Board Member Contact:
Ben Conn
Classroom Library Company
[email protected]
Your company's EBMA administrator received the 2018-2019 member renewal invoice towards the end of June.
Please email [email protected] or call 540-318-7770 for updates about your company or for questions regarding your membership renewal. As a reminder, membership is required for attending the 2019 EBMA Annual Meeting.
EBMA is headed to Austin Texas for the 2019 Annual Meeting! The 44th Annual Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Austin on January 7-11.
The program Co-Chairs Patrick Nelson of Mrs. Nelson's Book Company and Mark Von Bargen of Macmillan Publishers have announced the 2019 meeting theme: Visual Engagement: How graphic novels and picture books are growing parts of developing literacy and pleasure reading for today's children.
Patrick and Mark are pleased to present the two educational sessions that will support the mission of this year's theme.
Graphic Novels: Format, Function, and Future
The last decade has seen an explosion in the graphic novel category. There is arguably no other format that covers as many topics and age ranges as the graphic novel. Not only are graphic novels diverse in topic and reading level, but they offer improved access to literacy for a wider range of readers than traditional formats. ELL and Special Education students can engage with graphic novels through visual cues, students are introduced to vocabulary at higher levels than traditional text, and difficult nonfiction subjects become accessible to a broader audience. Graphic novels also are brilliant at accomplishing STEM goals and are incredibly engaging with topics that might not normally connect with readers. This session will have a broad discussion of the current state of graphic novels, their use in classrooms and libraries, how the format is able to connect with a variety of readers, what is happening to further promote graphic novels in our industry, and where publishers and wholesalers have room to grow sales.
Picture Books: Not Just For The Little Ones!
Picture books have traditionally been associated with K-3 reading levels but recently there has been an increased focus on promoting and using picture books with more diverse reading groups. Teachers are using picture books as literacy aids for older readers with great success. The recent rise in subjects like Girl Power will be covered. This will be a presentation / discussion of the current state of picture books, their use in classrooms and libraries, how the format is able to connect with a variety of readers, and where publishers and wholesalers have room to grow sales.
Registration will open September 2018. Hotel rooms will cost $215 per night.
If you have questions regarding the meeting, please contact Maureen Gelwicks at [email protected]
EBMA is always looking for ways to keep our community informed about the professional activities and personal events of its members. Please email
[email protected] if there have been changes within your company, such as new employees, or if you have press releases that you would like to share with the EBMA membership. EBMA wants to connect at the personal level too, so if you have any notable anniversaries, birth or marriage announcements, or other fun events, please let us know those too!
Stay connected to your EBMA connections throughout the year.
Join the EBMA LinkedIn group
where you can share news, keep yourself informed, and keep in touch. Whether you want to share information with the group or just monitor posts, you're invited to join today.
Highlights of the May 2018 EBMA Board Meeting
Board of Directors met at the Annual Meeting for their winter board meeting in Palm Springs, CA. Highlights and outcomes of the meeting included:
- Presentation of the 2018-2019 fiscal year budget, the budget is still under consideration
- Reviewed and amended Article III, Section 1, paragraphs 2 of the EBMA Bylaws. This amendment further defined criteria to allow a publisher eligible for membership. To review the amended bylaws, click here.
- Reviewed the committee composition, adding new committee chairs/members to several committees.
- Discussed the 2018 Annual Meeting Survey Results; the 2018 Ludington Award, the 2019 program and theme specifics.
If you have questions about the work of the board or updates, please contact
[email protected].