EBTJV logo orane and olive green brook trout graphic over words Easter Brook Trout Joint Venture a Fish Habitat Partnership

EBTJV Habitat News Brief - RFP open

This captivating photo is from Ryan Cooper, taken on a weekend backpacking trip in WV. Ryan is a conservation Planner for TU in The Potomac Valley of WV and an avid fisherman in his spare time. See more from Ryan on Instagram: @blueline_angler

EBTJV's 2024 Project Funding NOW OPEN

The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV), as one of the 20 partnerships under the National Fish Habitat Partnership, is requesting project proposals that are focused on Brook Trout conservation actions. Many activities that improve brook trout populations are eligible. Take a look!

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Recently completed Engineered Log Jams on the Narraguagus River, Maine. Bill Bennett USFWS

Project snapshot - Restoration of Riverine Process and Habitat Suitability, Narraguagus River, Beddington, ME

This summer, Project SHARE was awarded 2022 EBTJV project funding and has already completed implementation of a 0.4 mi restoration project on the Narraguagus River. This project is in some of the best of the best riverine habitat for brook trout in the Downeast Maine watersheds.

This is one of four 2022 EBTJV/NFHAP funded projects.  The National Fish Habitat Partnership, with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, funded $172,598 in brook trout projects in CT, MD, ME, and VT. The projects will remove 3 barriers, reconnect 28 upstream miles, and improve 0.4 miles of stream. We will highlight others in future newsletters.

Click below to read more, and see the project 1 pager!

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EBTJV project named in NFHAP's annual Waters to Watch program

The National Fish Habitat Partnership recently announced its annual "Waters to Watch" program, and we are proud that a brook trout related project is featured. The project is the Upper White River, VT Large Wood Habitat Restoration Project, by Trout Unlimited. The project, funded in 2020 (partially by EBTJV), is in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service to improve brook trout habitat with large wood additions in 5 miles of stream.

A prior project by the White River Partnership (also highlighted in Waters to Watch in 2012) addressed flood- and flood recovery-related habitat modifications on four tributaries to the Upper White River in Rochester, Vermont following tropical storm Irene.

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More links and upcoming content

TU's Dustin Wichterman and Seth Coffman from TU's Home Rivers Initiative were recently featured on the Fly Fish Forever Podcast.

USFWS and NFWF Announce $3.5 Million in Grants to Restore and Protect Habitats in Chesapeake Bay Watershed

4 yr old reels in 24” brook trout on Moosehead Lake 

Partnership restores brook trout in five ponds within five years

DOT has released its long-awaited RFP for culvert passage projects for anadramous fish.

Fish passage projects on the Potomac River and Cheat River receive funding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Upcoming editions

We have more content coming! Please be sure that you add EBTJV emails to your safe sender list so that you can see what's coming next:

  • Interviews with Brad Fink and Steve Reeser, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and EBTJV Steering Committee members, on what excites them about working on brook trout, EBTJV history, and more.
  • Brook trout-related publications and news items.
  • Creator/artist spotlights.
  • Webinar and learning opportunities.
  • News items.
  • Updates on other funding programs..
  • Helpful information about crafting a successful application for EBTJV brook trout project funding.

Help us keep wild brook trout on the map! The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture accepts monetary donations through our 501c(3) nonprofit sponsor Beyond the Pond. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. When you select EBTJV as the Fish Habitat Partnership to support, all funds go to us and go towards outreach, coordination, and on-the-ground habitat projects that improve cold water habitat so that future generations can enjoy catching this beautiful fish.

Orange donate now button links to Beyond the Pond

The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is a geographically focused, locally driven and scientifically based effort to protect, restore and enhance aquatic habitat throughout the brook trout's Eastern US native range. Learn more

We are a member of the National Fish Habitat Partnership

Our 501c(3) sponsor is the Canaan Valley Institute

Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture | Website

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