ECA Industry Update
Join us at NECA's 1st Annual Safety Leadership Summit
Loew's Hotel Chicago - November 1 - 3, 2021

*ECA is offering a stipend for up to 4 attendees per company for this NECA conference. Register today!
ECA's Chicago's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training for Electrical Contractors
Webinar #2 Recording Available online +
October Weekly Activities for your Team!
ECA Chicago is proud to continue our partnership with Leadership Surge to create inclusive work environments in which all people feel as though they belong.  In September, Leadership Surge’s Alex Willis discussed ways to build trust and respect in our work environments and overcome bias.  In October, Alex is exploring overcoming judgment and broadening your window of tolerance. 
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion October Mini-Activities

The DEI Weekly Activities are for Company Employees to do on their own or with their team at work. They can be done in small group meetings, as a Tool Box talk, or simply when it best fits your Company's schedule. They typically only take a few minutes, and will help further the discussion from the Webinar held each quarter.
CISCO Project Award Nominations now being Accepted
Calling All Contractors!

CISCO is now accepting applications for the Pride in Construction Award Program, 2021 Project of the Year Awards. Six categories are available. Learn more by downloading the application form here.

Program submittal Deadline - December 3, 2021
NECA Education Updates /
NECA This Week (9/27/2021)
Please click on the "NECA Education" link for the most recent updates regarding available professional development programming from NECA.

Please click on the newly updated format of "NECA This Week" link for updates concerning: the NECA Convention and your input is needed with the 2021 NECA Officer and Overhead Personnel Compensation Study, among other articles.
NECA PLC Video / Peer Group Initiative
Please click on the links for the "Peer Group Initiative" and "The Benefits of Joining the NECA PLC" link.

The PLC link also includes information concerning the most recent Government Affairs updates and participation with the NECA Convention.
Follow ECA Chicago on Social Media!
LinkedIn Public Page
In Case you Missed It...
Woman Working From Home Having Group Videoconference On Laptop
Webinar recordings available online for ECA Members!
If you missed a meeting or webinar by ECA, you can now log-in to the website and view the program you missed. Many recordings are now available, and more will be added daily from webinars held over the past year. Go to and under the "Industry Resources" pull down menu, select "Member Education and Webinar Recordings". You will be prompted to log-in, and then you are free to browse webinar recordings you may have missed. Please contact ECA with questions (708)531-0022.
Stay up to date on the latest changes for our Industry including news releases, legislation and Government mandates, workplace safety and preparation guidelines, OSHA alerts, and more that affect electrical contractors in Chicago and Cook County.

October 14, 2021
Carlisle Banquets
Lombard, IL

October 20, 2021 
Drake Oak Brook Hotel

November 1 -3, 2021
Chicago, IL

November 9, 2021
Drake Oak Brook Hotel

November 10, 2021
Alsip, IL

This program will be open to all signatory contractors.
Mr. Don Finn, Local #134 IBEW Business Manager is the guest speaker.