The Season after Pentecost:

The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation

"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 


Sock & Underwear Drive for Shady Grove now through the end of October

Saturday, September 21

9am Gamblers Anonymous

12pm Altar Guild Appreciation Luncheon

Sunday, September 22

8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:45am Current Topics Adult CF

9:45am Bible Challenge Adult CF

10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II

Monday, September 23

7pm Buildings and Grounds Meeting

Tuesday, September 24

5:30pm ECW 'Food for Thought' Dinner

Wednesday, September 25

4:30pm Reach serving at Shady Grove


Saturday, September 28


Sunday, September 29

8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:45am Current Topics Adult CF

9:45am Bible Challenge Adult CF

10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II with the Blessing of the Animals under the Pavilion

October Starts the Cathy Norris Food Drive

Wednesday, October 2

Men's Fishing Trip Begins

Wednesday, October 9

10am British Tea Planning Meeting

Download Bulletin Here

The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 22, 2024

Proper 20

Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Jeremiah 11:18-20

Psalm 54

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a

Mark 9:30-37

Server Schedule for the Month of:


October schedule coming next week. Please send your requests now.

Thank you for Serving ECA!

We Need YOU!

A Letter from Senior Warden George MacDonald about our Stewardship Season:

Dear Friends,

As we prepare for our annual Stewardship Campaign, I am writing to invite you into prayer about the journey you make with our congregation – our spiritual home. We are companions for each other as we navigate the ups and downs of our shared lives. It is a walk of love that we make with each other. Throughout this year... Click here to continue reading | STEWARDSHIP 2025 LINK

Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting This Monday, Sept. 23 at 7pm. All are welcome to get involved with the ECA Buildings and Grounds Ministry. Typically meeting on the 4th Monday of each month at 7pm. Come and See!

Episcopal Church Women 'Food for Thought' Dates for Month of September The 'Food for Thought' dinner will be 9/24 at 5:30pm at the Marietta Fish Market. Contact Janice Maxwell to learn more or RSVP. All Ladies Welcome!

Reach Serving Dinner to the un-housed at Shady Grove this Wednesday, Sept. 25

All are invited to join the ECA Reach ministry in preparing and delivering a meal to the homeless population every 4th Wednesday of the month at Shady Grove Baptist Church. Socks, Underwear & toiletries are also being collected for this ministry. 

Mark Your Calendar! ECA Blessing of the Animals next Week at 10:30am Service

Join us for the Blessing of the Animals next Sunday September 29th at the 10:30am service only. This service will take place under the pavilion. All well-behaved animals welcome!

'ECA Youth & Reach Ministry Collecting Socks & Underwear Reach is collecting socks and underwear to help our unhoused community now through the end of October. The ECA Youth Sunday School class is taking this opportunity to learn about Jesus' service and giving. We will be collecting new, warm socks for our outreach programs and we are asking for your help! Our small but mighty group is excited about taking on this service project! Please drop off NEW, warm socks for men, women and children in our sock box through the end of October. Darker colors preferred. Underwear is also being collected. Our Youth and our un-housed community appreciate your support! Contact Cheryl Farr, Molly Norman, or Cindy Lippert with questions. Amazon wish list here :

It's Time! Last Call! Annual ECA Reach Yard Sale: September 28th! Collecting Donations & Recruiting Volunteers Now! Reach is collecting donations for the Annual Reach Yard Sale. We need volunteers to work the sale, donations and baked goods! Please drop donations off on Sunday morning (or contact the office to schedule a drop off). Contact Cindy Lippert or Molly Norman to volunteer and learn more. No mattresses please. Thank You!


ECA Reach Collecting Canned Goods for Ministries we Support ECA Supports Must Ministries and Papa’s Pantry by donating canned goods and non-perishables. Please bring donations on Sunday and place them in the baskets provided. We are also collecting travel-sized toiletries, socks and underwear for Shady Grove Homeless Ministry. Thank you for your support!

Last Call! Men’s Fishing Trip at Shell Island Fish Camp Oct. 2 – Oct. 6. RSVP Now Open

It's that time of year again when the men of ECA and guests head down to Shell Island Fish Camp for a weekend of fellowship, fishing, food & fun! Contact Horace Higgins to RSVP and/or learn more. Hope to see you there!

Altar Flower Dates Available! Sign up in the Narthex Help support our Altar Guild by dedicating Altar Flowers ‘in Memory of’ a loved one, or ‘with Thanksgiving’. A Flower Calendar and Forms are in the Narthex. Suggested donation is $35. Thank you!

Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available

(YTD) Through August 2024        Actual              Budget               +/-     

Revenues                                     $170,332          $185,859         $15527

Expenses                                     $160,815           $188,962        $28,146

Net Year                                       $9,517              $(3,103)        $(12,619)

Fr. Paul is available during the week, Monday - Thursday, for guidance, prayer, and support.

Fr. Paul is out of the office on Fridays. Please call 770-490-7234 or email with any concerns, needs, or questions.

The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation

1673 Jamerson Road

Marietta, GA 30066


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