The Season after Pentecost:

The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation

"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 


October: Cathy Norris Food Drive & Sock Drive for Shady Grove

Saturday, October 19

9am Gamblers Anonymous

Sunday, October 20

Children's Prayers of the People

8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:30am NO Bible Challenge Adult CF (resumes next week)

9:40am Children/Youth CF

9:40am NO Current Topics Adult CF (will resume 11/3)

10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II

12pm Southern Comforters

Wednesday, October 23

4:30pm Reach serving at Shady Grove


Saturday, October 26

9am Gamblers Anonymous

Monday, October 28

7pm Buildings and Grounds Meeting

Saturday, November 2

10am Watch Party for new Bishop Elect

Sunday, November 3


8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:30am Bible Challenge Adult CF

9:40am Current Topics Adult CF

9:40am Children/Youth CF

10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II

12pm ECW Meeting

November 9

11:30am Journeys Group

5pm Live Presentation of the Gospel of Mark!

Download Bulletin Here

The Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost

October 20, 2024

Proper 24

Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Isaiah 53:4-12

Psalm 91:9-16

Hebrews 5:1-10

Mark 10:35-45

Server Schedule for the Month of:


Thank you for Serving ECA!

We Need YOU!

November Coming next Week. Please email dates now.

Quarterly Giving Statements Now Available in the Narthex

ECA Testimonies on Sunday during Service

Click here to view Horace Higgins Stewarship Testimony from this past Sunday. His testimony starts at 19:40 CLICK HERE You won't want to miss this special time during our Stewardship Campaign: "Walk in Love", when ECA members share their stories of how they have been blessed by parishioners giving of their time, talent or treasure! Join us this Sunday to hear a special testimonial from one of our own. Click here to read more about our campaign this year: STEWARDSHIP 2025 LINK

Narthex Remodel to Start! We need your help! Empty your Mailboxes ECA is getting a facelift with the remodel of our Narthex and bathrooms. Please take a moment to remove all items from your mailbox this week so we can prepare to paint next week. Additionally, we need volunteers to stay after the Watch Party on November 2nd, and we need help November 3rd after services to help move items and prepare for flooring that will be replaced on November 4th. Thank you!

All Saints Sunday name Dedications to Remember our Loved Ones

All Saints Sunday is quickly approaching. This is a day we set apart to remember our loved ones who have passed on. "The day is set aside to remember and commend the saints of God".

Email your All Saints names to be printed in the bulletin to or fill out a form in the Narthex on Sunday. All Saints Sunday is November 3rd.

Children /Youth Christian Formation to meet this Sunday at 9:40am (Note: No Adult CF this week for both Ron Allen's class and Bible Challenge)

All children and youth are invited to join us every first and third Sunday at 9:40 am for Christian Formation (Sunday school). Note: Adult CF AND Bible Challenge will not meet this week. Ron Allen's Class will resume November 4th. Bible Challenge resumes next week.

Southern Comforters Meeting This Sunday at Noon in the Activities Building All are welcome to fellowship with those who knit and crochet to make blankets for children in difficult circumstances, and prayer shawls for our parishioners and friends. This ministry meets on the third Sunday of each month after services in the activities building. 

Reach Serving at Shady Grove this Wednesday, October 23 at 4:30pm All are invited to join the ECA Reach ministry in preparing and delivering a meal to the homeless population every 4th Wednesday of the month at Shady Grove Baptist Church. We meet at the church at 4:30pm and carpool. Travel Sized toiletries are also being collected for this outreach as well as socks and underwear.

Watch Party for new Bishop Elect: Sign up in Narthex! Let’s get together on Saturday, November 2 at 10am to watch as our newly elected Bishop Elect Sean Rowe becomes our Presiding Bishop!  The ceremony will be cast on our outdoor screen under the pavilion (rain or shine). Dress appropriately. Bring your comfy chairs and blankets if desired.  We need a few volunteers to provide biscuits and/or breakfast muffins along with drinks.  ECA will provide coffee.  Sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Drop in’s welcome! Contact Horace Higgins with questions.


The Month of October is the Cathy Norris Food Drive!

The ECA Reach Ministry challenges you to donate one non-perishable food item each day during the month of October to help fill the food pantries we donate to in honor of Cathy Norris. Please see the list of suggestions printed (flyer in Narthex). Thank you!

'ECA Youth & Reach Ministry Collecting Socks & Underwear Reach is collecting socks and underwear to help our unhoused community now through the end of October. The ECA Youth Sunday School class is taking this opportunity to learn about Jesus' service and giving. We will be collecting new, warm socks for our outreach programs and we are asking for your help! Our small but mighty group is excited about taking on this service project! Please drop off NEW, warm socks for men, women and children in our sock box through the end of October. Darker colors preferred. Underwear is also being collected. Our Youth and our un-housed community appreciate your support! Contact Cheryl Farr, Molly Norman, or Cindy Lippert with questions. Amazon wish list here :

Altar Flower Dates Available! Sign up in the Narthex Help support our Altar Guild by dedicating Altar Flowers ‘in Memory of’ a loved one, or ‘with Thanksgiving’. A Flower Calendar and Forms are in the Narthex. Suggested donation is $35. Thank you!

Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available

(YTD) Through Sept 2024        Actual              Budget               +/-     

Revenues                                    $194,824          $212,824         $18,000

Expenses                                    $173,878           $209,653        $35,775

Net Year                                      $20,946           $(3,171)      $(17,775)

Fr. Paul is available during the week, Monday - Thursday, for guidance, prayer, and support.

Fr. Paul is out of the office on Fridays. Please call 770-490-7234 or email with any concerns, needs, or questions.

The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation

1673 Jamerson Road

Marietta, GA 30066


Follow us on Facebook! 
