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ECA News & Events Update

IMSCA Update --

"Lame Duck" Session --

HB 4285 Amended 

One of the most important issue to the Illinois construction industry that saw “Lame Duck Session” action was a proposal to amend the Illinois procurement code. HB 4285 as amended sought numerous changes to the procurement code. Among the proposed changes was the inclusion to provide that any procurement of construction not exceeding $250,000 may be made without competitive source selection, which triggered opposition from the Illinois construction industry, including IMSCA.


IMSCA issued a Call to Action which resulted in many IMSCA members contacting their legislators, partners in organized labor and filing witness slips. Over 100 opposition witness slips were filed against HB 4285 as amended – many of which were from union contractors, organized labor and minority construction associations. Most importantly, IMSCA’s efforts resulted in an agreement with the proponents of HB 4285 to remove the provision that triggered our opposition.

The details of the agreement reached provided that a forthcoming trailer bill will include language that will restore current law, keeping the “small purchase” threshold at $100,000. Our language was included in SB 1720 House Floor Amendment 3; which was approved by the Illinois House late Friday night (January 6th) and approved by the Illinois Senate yesterday (January 8th). SB 1720 as amended has already been sent to the Governor for approval. It is anticipated that SB 1720 will be signed into law today (January 9th).  

If you have questions about this information, please feel free to contact IMSCA Executive Director, Jessica Newbold Hoselton by sending an email to: [email protected].

Click Here for "Lame Duck" Session Update

ECA Chicago's DEI Workshop Series Continues on

January 19, 2023!

The November workshop focused with the end in mind. The ultimate goal of Diversity Equity and Inclusion is to create belonging environments where all employees feel accepted, included and can bring their authentic self to work. 


Alex Willis will show companies how to carry out a DEI strategy that works. He will provide a step by step approach on what to do, who is the champion to carry it out, and why you need to do this now to achieve a culture of belonging at your Company. This will include identifying: “What is a Sense of Belonging”, what are the fundamental rules of establishing belonging, having accountability for violation of rules of company policy and a safe space for employees to report violations, and how to build belonging at every level. 


ECA Chicago's DEI Workshop Series will run every other month (afternoon session as outlined below) at locations surrounding Chicago. This is a 6-month series, but if you miss a session, we will be able to provide you with a toolkit and resource packet from that workshop. We recommend bringing a team of leaders and division / department supervisors to these workshops to help implement a DEI program effectively throughout your Company.

In the workshop on January 19, 2023, as well as upcoming workshops, discussion will include:

  • The 12 Elements that Measure Engagement and Maximize Performance
  • Four Lenses Activity to improve communication and teamwork in your Company
  • Identify the Fundamental Skills that are needed for building competence: Emotional Intelligence: Self-awareness, Self-Management, Environment, Manage Relationships.
  • How to start Bridging gaps and creating a foundation for a DEI program.

  Who Should Attend? Company Executives, Senior leadership, Division Managers, and anyone leading a team within your Company



Thursday, January 19, 2023

3:00pm - 5:00pm Workshop

5:00 - 6:00pm - Happy Hour and

continued discussion on learning outcomes

in relaxed environment.




2815 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, IL 60523

Meeting Room:

Grand Oaks Pavillion


Map and Parking Information


"Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023"

The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee is pleased to present a six-session series called, "Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023" facilitated by Sean Samsom Training, Ltd. at the Hyatt Lodge Hotel, 2815 Jorie Blvd., Oak Brook, IL 60523, (630) 568-1234. Breakfast and lunch are to be provided for each session.


The program dates are as follows:


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Thursday, July 27, 2023




If you're interested in attending the "Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023" program, please click on the link below to register or go on-line at the ECA website at: www.ecachicago.com (Event Calendar portion). Again, Total cost is $1,200 for the entire series. Single session option based on availability - there is a Registration link for each Calendar Date listing on website.

If you unable to attend all six sessions and still wish to participate in a select number, register for those particular dates from their Calendar listing on the ECA website. You would use the "Guest/Spouse" category for the individual session charge. Please see below:






(Please register soon as there are only 35 spots available for this program!)


Pictured above is Jared Christman, ELECTRI

Director of Construction Technology


ECA Regular Membership Meeting - Thursday, January 26, 2023

Jared Christman, ELECTRI Director of Construction Technology - Guest Speaker

The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) January Membership Meeting is to be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023 at the Drury Lane Conference Center in Oakbrook Terrace, IL. The ECA is proud to announce that the guest speaker is Jared Christman, ELECTRI Director of Construction Technology. Mr. Christman's will be discussing, "Bridging the Gap Using Your Digital Toolbelt."

This luncheon event is in conjunction with the Electric Association's Annual Conference, and is scheduled as follows:

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Drury Lane Conference Center

100 Drury Lane

Oakbrook Terrace, IL -- (630) 530-0111

Registration / Networking: 11:30 am

Lunch: 11:45 am

Business Session: 12:30 pm

Event Concludes: 1:00 pm

Please register, soon!

Pictured above is Dave Morton, Maxim Consulting Group

"Crew Level Production Planning and Execution:

Set Goals and Win" (2/2/23)


The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee seminar called, "Crew Level Production Planning and Execution: Set Goals and Win" is being conducted by David Morton, Maxim Consulting Company. 

The program will be held on a Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. at the Drake Oak Brook Hotel, 2301 York Road, Oak Brook, IL 60523, (630) 571-0000.

Breakfast and lunch are to be provided. Breakfast is to be made available at 7:45 am.

Pictured above is Josh Bone,

ELECTRI Executive Director


ECA Regular Membership Meeting -

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Josh Bone, ELECTRI Executive Director - Guest Speaker

The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) February Membership Meeting is to be held on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at Trulucks in Rosemont, IL. The ECA is proud to announce that the guest speaker is Josh Bone, ELECTRI Executive Director. He will be discussing, "Mega-Trends Transforming Electrical Contracting."

This is a dinner event and is scheduled as follows:

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


9860 Berwyn Avenue

(847) 233-9404


Registration / Networking: 5:30 pm

Dinner: 6:00 pm

Business Session: 7:00 pm

Event Concludes: 8:00 pm

Please register, soon!

CISCO Launches 2023 Scholarship Program

Seven scholarships available.

Deadline for applications Feb. 17, 2023

The Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) is accepting applications for its 2023 Scholarship Program. Their three different program categories enable a wider range of applicants for both building trade Union members and Union contractor employees to apply. CISCO offers (3), four-year scholarships ($2,000/year) to high school seniors; (2), two-year awards ($1,000/year) for seniors planning to attend community college; and (2), two-year continuing education awards ($1,000/year) to adult Union members or contractor employees.

CISCO’s three (3) scholarship program categories are:

– Three (3) four-year scholarships ($2,000/year). DOWNLOAD APPLICATION HERE

– Two (2) two-year awards ($1,000/year) for seniors planning on attending a community college. DOWNLOAD APPLICATION HERE

– Two (2) two-year continuing education awards ($1,000/year) to Union members or contractor employees. DOWNLOAD APPLICATION HERE

Applications for each of the three categories of scholarships are available at cisco.org/ scholarships, visit CISCO's Facebook page, or by calling CISCO at 630-472-9411. The program was established in 1994 in order to provide educational support for CISCO members and their families.

All applications and accompanying documents must be postmarked by February 17, 2023 to be eligible for consideration, and can also be sent via email. Winners will be notified in mid-March and awards will be presented at CISCO's Annual Luncheon in late April/early May, 2023. For judging criteria, application information, and eligibility requirements, please refer to the application forms.

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Julia Mulvey at 630-472-9411 or email [email protected]

"C" Program Registration

(Jan. 9 - 13, 2023)

Registration for the Communications Program will take place at the

IBEW-NECA Technical Institute

6201 W. 115th Street, Alsip, Illinois

on the following dates and times:

Monday, January 9, 2023 through Friday, January 13, 2023

9:00 A.M. until 11:00 A.M.

Click Here for Registration Information

NECA EC Essentials

February 21 - 22, 2023

NECA "Electrical Contractor Essentials" Program

The event is to be held on Tuesday through Wednesday,

February 21 - 22, 2023.

Please join us for this unique two-day program!

Topics to be covered include the following:


Insurance / Bonding / Risk Management

Legal Issues


Material Management

Construction Technology

More information to come!



WIN / FL 2023 Conference

(April 16 - 17, 2023)

The Women in NECA and Future Leaders (WINFL) Leadership Conference features two full days of education and breakout sessions including featured speakers, group discussions and networking opportunities for both groups.

The Women in NECA and Future Leaders (WINFL) conference will precede NECA Now 2023 in San Antonio, Texas. Both NECA Now and WINFL will be held at the J.W. Marriott Hill Country. For more information on NECA Now, please click here. Please note, the registration link will lead you to the NECA Now landing page but you will have the option to choose which event(s) you would like to attend.


NECA NOW Executive Leadership Conference

(April 17 - 20, 2023)

Please join us in San Antonio, TX!

Far from your typical meeting, NECA NOW 2023 is a three-day Executive Leadership Conference focused on your professional and personal growth.

This Executive Leadership Conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to gain insights on leadership development with presentation by top business experts.


IMSCA - "Substance" Winter 2023 Issue

Below is a link to the Winter 2023 Issue of SubStance Magazine brought to you by the Illinois Mechanical & Specialty Contractors Association (IMSCA).   In this issue, you will find a message from IMSCA's Immediate Past President, Chad Fricke. In addition, our "Featured Story", by Madeline Remish, provides important details on the recently approved "Workers' Rights" amendment to the Illinois constitution - and much more.  

We hope you find this issue useful and informative. Please feel free to forward this message to your friends and colleagues. The current issue of SubStance magazine can be viewed by clicking this link: Winter 2023

If you have questions about this information or if you would like to contribute an article for upcoming publications of SubStance, please feel free to contact IMSCA Executive Director, Jessica Newbold Hoselton by sending an email to: [email protected].

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Webinars & Member News
EAP solutions are available via on demand telephonic support and through video counseling, mobile app, work/life web portal and chat functionality.

ECA Members may log-in to the interactive work/life web portal for information on a variety of topics. Webinars are available at any time of day and our mobile app allows employees to access services such as counseling and work life resources right from the palm of their hand.



January 11 - 13, 2023

MEP Innovation Conference

Austin, TX

January 17 - 19, 2023


Scottsdale, AZ

January 19, 2023

ECA DEI Committee Program

Hyatt Lodge

Oak Brook, IL 

January 22 - 25, 2023

NECA-IBEW Employee Benefit Conference

St. Pete Beach, FL


January 26, 2023

ECA Regular Membership Meeting

Drury Lane Conference Center

Oakbrook Terrace, IL

February 2, 2023

"Crew Level Production Planning and Execution: Set Goals and Win"

Drake Oak Brook Hotel

Oak Brook, IL

February 15, 2023

ECA Regular Membership Meeting


Rosemont, IL

(Dinner Meeting) 

February 21 - 22, 2022

NECA EC Essentials

Two-day Program

Details to Follow, Soon!


February 28, 2023

"Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023"

Sean Samson Training, Ltd.

Session 2

Hyatt Lodge

Oak Brook, IL


March 15, 2023

ECA Regular Membership Meeting

Gibsons Steakhouse

Oak Brook, IL


March 16, 2023

ECA DEI Committee Program

Hyatt Lodge

Oak Brook, IL 


March 20 - 22, 2023

NECA Labor Relations Conference

Nashville, TN


March 27 - 29, 2023

NECA Legislative Conference

Mandarin Oriental Hotel

Washington, DC


March 30, 2023

"Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023"

Sean Samson Training, Ltd.

Session 3

Hyatt Lodge

Oak Brook, IL