Every attendee will receive a copy of Kelly's NY Times Best Selling Business Book " How to Work with and Lead People not like you".
ECA Membership Meeting
Kelly McDonald, McDonald Marketing - Guest Speaker
February 10, 2021 - 1:00 PM
Please join us for our February Membership Meeting! The VIRTUAL program will feature industry updates, and a guest presentation from
Kelly McDonald, McDonald Marketing. She will be presenting, "How to Work With & Lead People Not Like You."
The event is scheduled as follows:
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
1:00 pm - Business Session / Guest Presentation
2:30 pm - Event Concludes
Employee Assistance Program Upcoming Webinar:
Helping Students Thrive in the New Normal
Complimentary webinar for ECA Members
Two Dates Available:
Tuesday, February 9th | 12:30pm-1:30pm
Wednesday February 10th | 12:30pm-1:30pm
The pandemic, as well as other national events, have left university and college students with numerous challenges, and not living the carefree life they may have expected. We will discuss how you can help your student to get the most out of their educational and social experience, despite the challenges.
NECA NEEDS YOUR HELP: Participate in the Membership Survey & the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey Today! Learn more
Respirator Fit Tester Training -
Joint Safety Forum
February 12, 2021 at INTECH
The Electrical Contractors’ Association of City of Chicago (ECA) / Chicago & Cook County Chapter, NECA and the Northeastern Illinois Chapter, NECA are proud to present the next Safety Forum featuring the seminar, "Respirator Fit Tester Training."
"Respirator Fit Tester Training" is a FREE 4-hour safety training program to be held at the IBEW-NECA Technical Institute (INTECH) on Friday, February 12, 2021.
Pictured above is Stephane McShane,
Maxim Consulting Group
“KPI Performance Indicators: Using Lagging Information to Create Leading Indicators”
(Virtual Classroom)
February 18, 2021 at 1:00 pm
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee is pleased to announce a webinar called, "KPI - Key Performance Indicators: Using Lagging Information to Create Leading Indicators." The seminar is being conducted by Stephane McShane, Maxim Consulting Group. The program will be a virtual classroom program held on Thursday, February 18, 2021 from 1:00 pm. - 3:00 pm.
(Coupon Code is Required.)
(Virtual Classroom)
February 24, 2021 at 1:00 pm
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee is pleased to announce a webinar called, "Inequitable Payment Practices." The seminar is being conducted by Stephane McShane, Maxim Consulting Group. The program will be a virtual classroom program held on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 from 1:00 pm. to 3:00 pm.
(Coupon Code is Required.)
ECA Membership Meeting
Guest Presentations from
ERS-EAP, Equifax, eSafetyline,
NECA Safety Meeting App
March 17, 2021 at 1:00 pm
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) will hold its March Membership Meeting as a VIRTUAL program on Wednesday, March 17, 2021.
The program will feature industry updates, as well as presentations from representatives of:
· Employee Resource Systems – EAP
· NECA Safety Meeting App
· Equifax
· eSafetyline
The program is to re-familiarize you with current member benefits. If you're not active with any of these groups, we hope that this will encourage you and those in your company to participate!
(Virtual Classroom)
March 24, 2021 at 1:00 pm
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee is pleased to announce a webinar called, "Change Order Management." The seminar is being conducted by Stephane McShane, Maxim Consulting Group. The program will be a virtual classroom program held on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
(Coupon Code is Required.)
2021 ECA
Meeting Calendar /
Educational Programs /
Stipend Availability
Please click on the links for the ECA 2021 Membership Meeting Schedule and the ECA Educational Program Schedule. Please click on the link for the ECA Educational / Conference Stipends listing for 2021.
Please visit the ECA website for Registration / information regarding the above programs.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Webinars & Member News
EAP solutions are available via on demand telephonic support and through video counseling, mobile app, work/life web portal and chat functionality.
ECA Members may log-in to the interactive work/life web portal for information on a variety of topics. Webinars are available at any time of day and our mobile app allows employees to access services such as counseling and work life resources right from the palm of their hand.
NECA Video Update / NECA Events Update
Please click on the link below for a NECA Video Update highlighting the NECA Project Excellence Awards Submittal Process, eSafetyline February 2021 Safety Minute and an interview with Researcher Dr. Meik Daneshgari regarding "Estimating With and Pricing of Prefabrication."
Also, please visit the NECA website for updates concerning these upcoming events:
NECA Legislative Conference - Canceled
(Please click on link below.)
CSC / ASA Construction Expo. & Safety Conference (Virtual)
-March 2 - 3, 2021
The Construction Expo & Safety Conference, co-hosted by the Association of Subcontractors and Affiliates of Chicago (ASA Chicago) and the Construction Safety Council, is going VIRTUAL in 2021 (March 2 – 3)! While presented in a new format, these two days will serve construction industry professionals by providing valuable opportunities for business-to-business commerce, safety education, and professional networking. Register now as an Attendee or Exhibitor or Sponsor. Click here for details.
Stipend Available
The ECA Executive Committee has approved the educational stipends of the Registration fees for up to two representatives of participating ECA member firms for the CSC Virtual Safety Conference on March 2 – 3, 2021.
NECA Learning Center: Upcoming Programs Available in 2021
NECA has resumed charging for online training licensed from third party providers, but will continue to provide free webinars and their own on-demand online training courses with code NECA2021. All courses included in this promotion can be found here.
COVID-19 Resources for ECA members:
Stay up to date on the latest changes for our Industry including news releases, legislation and Government mandates, workplace safety and preparation guidelines, OSHA alerts, and more that affect electrical contractors in Chicago and Cook County.
February 10, 2021
Kelly McDonald, McDonald Marketing
February 12, 2021
INTECH - 8 am - 12 pm
February 18, 2021
Maxim Consulting Group
February 24, 2021
Maxim Consulting Group
Virtual Event
March 9-10 2021
March 17, 2021
ERS-EAP, Equifax, NECA Safety App, e-Safetyline
March 24, 2021
Maxim Consulting Group
March 31, 2021
Top Golf, Schaumburg