Registration is now open for Signatory Contractors and their Office Staff for COVID Vaccinations!
Please click on the link for registration information for signatory contractors and their office staff to receive COVID Vaccinations through a joint labor effort!
Check out the highlights from NECA Now 2021!
Attendees can view the education sessions for the next 30 days on demand at
Pictured above is Matt Firestone,
Commonwealth Electric Company of the Midwest
“Driving Success with a Remote Workforce"
(Virtual Classroom)
April 22, 2021 at 1:00 pm
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee is pleased to announce a webinar called, “Driving Success with a Remote Workforce.” The program is being conducted by Matt Firestone, Commonwealth Electric Company of the Midwest. The program will be a virtual classroom program held on Thursday, April 22, 2021 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
(Coupon Code is Required.)
Powering Chicago teaming with Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago - Volunteers Needed this Saturday, April 24th and Saturday's in May
Powering Chicago is teaming up with Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago for National Rebuild Day (formerly Christmas in April) this Saturday, April 24th and on Saturdays in May. Contractor trucks are needed with ladders and tools for the initiative this year. Click the link below to learn more and sign up to Volunteer.
Registration is now open for the ECA 49th Annual Spring Conference - June 9 - 10, 2021!
-Registration Closes April 30!
Available to all ECA accredited representatives, Registration is now open for the Electrical Contractors’ Association of City of Chicago (ECA) 49th Annual Spring Conference, which will be held on June 9-10, 2021 at The American Club in Kohler, Wisconsin.
ECA Chicago is pleased to kick-off the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training program designed for Electrical Contractors!
Session #1: May 5th @ 1p.m.
This program was designed with a Multi-Tier Top-Down Approach, while implementing inclusion prerequisite skills at the frontline level. This approach will guarantee that the Diversity & Inclusion lessons are sustainable and have maximum impact throughout all levels of leadership within the company. It is the first of it's kind in the nation, and we are pleased to offer it to our members beginning this spring.
Who should attend? Company leaders, and frontline supervisors from all levels within your Company. (Owners, Executive Team, HR, Division Managers, Project Managers, Team leaders and more)
Did you miss our first in-person Membership Meeting last week? Check out this video from the event. Join us next month as we meet in the evening at the Union League Club of Chicago on May 19th. More information and registration below.
Pictured above is Matthew, Beaudet, Chicago Department of Buildings Commissioner.
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) will hold its May Membership Meeting on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at the Union League Club of Chicago.
The evening program will feature industry updates, as well as a presentation from Matthew, Beaudet, Chicago Department of Buildings Commissioner.
We welcome back our members to the first evening Membership meeting of 2021!
NECA Government Affairs Update (4/16/2021) /
Meeting with Congressman Brad Schneider /
Recognition of additional PLC Members from Chapter
Please click on the links for the most recent NECA Government Affairs update, as well as highlights from a recent meeting with Congressman Brad Schneider, 10th Congressional District and ECA members.
The Chapter, as well as NECA appreciates that Stefan Lopata of Kelso-Burnett Co., and James McGlynn, Sr. of McWilliams Electric company, Inc. have recently renewed their PLC membership! Also, congratulations to Rick Jamerson, ECA President, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc. who won the "Green Egg" during the recent NECAPAC Sweepstakes during the NECA NOW Conference! We encourage all to participate with the NECAPAC.
IMSCA Legislative Update (4/16/2021)
Please click on the link for the most recent IMSCA Legislative update. This report includes an overview of legislation debated the week of April 12 - 16, 2021 by the Illinois General Assembly that is important to the Illinois construction industry. For your convenience, this report has also been added to IMSCA’s website,
If you have any questions regarding the update, please contact Jessica Newbold Hoselton, Executive Director, Illinois Mechanical & Specialty Contractors Association (IMSCA) at (217) 523-4361.
NECA/IBEW Agreement to Suspend the National Disease Emergency Response Agreement (NDERA)
The National Disease Emergency Response Agreement (NDERA) was implemented on March 16, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click on the tab for a letter from NECA CEO David Long and IBEW International President Lonnie Stephenson, concerning the "Suspension" of the NDERA. This letter suspends the NDERA effective June 1, 2021 until further notice.
If you have employees that have been laid-off with the "recall" provision and wish to have them back with your company please put in "calls" for them as soon as possible, but certainly prior to June 1. If the individual is not "recalled" by June 1 they will remain on the out of work list in their sequential spot.
CSC Offering Complimentary Fall Hazard Awareness Training
The Construction Safety Council is a proud supporter of the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. This annual campaign is intended to address this leading cause of death among construction workers. Join forces with fellow industry professionals by helping to identify the root causes of these oftentimes tragic incidents. Be a part of the solution by taking a brief, anonymous Fall Experience Survey - click here.
Register to attend FREE Fall Hazard Awareness (OSHA #7405) training. This one-day course delivers instruction on how to evaluate, control, and prevent fall hazards on jobsites.
Pictured above is Robert Mooty,
former NECA Education Instructor
“Basic Estimating of Electrical Construction"
May 10 - 12, 2021 (Revised Dates)
-- Drake Oak Brook Hotel
The program is being conducted by Robert Mooty, former NECA Education Instructor. The program will be held May 10 - 12, 2021 at the Drake Oak Brook Hotel, Oak Brook, IL.
The Drake Oak Brook Hotel is to follow all applicable COVID-19 Protocols.
Pictured above is Bruce Boger,
Bruce Boger Company
“Transformational Leadership: Creating High Performance Work Teams"
May 27, 2021
-- Drake Oak Brook Hotel
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee is pleased to announce a workshop called, “Transformational Leadership: Creating High Performance Work Teams.”
The program is being conducted by Bruce Boger, Bruce Boger Company. The program will be held May 27 2021 at the Drake Oak Brook Hotel, Oak Brook, IL.
The Drake Oak Brook Hotel is to follow all applicable COVID-19 Protocols.
2021 ECA
Meeting Calendar /
"In-Person" Educational Programs /
Stipend Availability
Please click on the links for the ECA 2021 Membership Meeting Schedule and the ECA Educational Program Schedule. Please click on the link for the ECA Educational / Conference Stipends listing for 2021.
Please visit the ECA website for Registration / information regarding the above programs.
NECA Learning Center: Programs Available in 2021 / On-Demand Programming
NECA has resumed charging for online training licensed from third party providers, but will continue to provide free webinars and their own on-demand online training courses with code NECA2021. All courses included in this promotion can be found here (NECA Learning Center Home Page) .
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Webinars & Member News
EAP solutions are available via on demand telephonic support and through video counseling, mobile app, work/life web portal and chat functionality.
ECA Members may log-in to the interactive work/life web portal for information on a variety of topics. Webinars are available at any time of day and our mobile app allows employees to access services such as counseling and work life resources right from the palm of their hand.
COVID-19 Resources for ECA members:
Stay up to date on the latest changes for our Industry including news releases, legislation and Government mandates, workplace safety and preparation guidelines, OSHA alerts, and more that affect electrical contractors in Chicago and Cook County.
April 22, 2021
Virtual Event
Solar & Energy Storage Design & Estimating Course
Anticipated: May 6 - 7, 2021
Location: TBD
May 10 - 12, 2021
Drake Oak Brook Hotel
May 19, 2021
Union League Club of Chicago
May 27, 2021
Drake Oak Brook Hotel
June 9 - 10, 2021
The American Club - Kohler, WI
ECA Summer Social Event
Theater on the Lake, Air and Water Show Rehearsal
Friday, August 13, 2021
August 23, 2021
Olympia Fields Country Club
August 26-27, 2021
The Journeyman Hotel, Milwaukee, WI