The deadline for submitting your online data is
Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
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NECA Safety Recognition of Achievement / Zero Injury | It's time to register to participate in NECA's Recognition of Achievement in Safety Excellence and Zero Injury program. The application process will begin on January 1, 2023. The deadline for submitting your online data is Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Each year participants must register and create a new account. The application can be accessed HERE. | |
$100 per seat, $1,000 for a table of 10
Complete tables of 10 people will have a reserved table for their company. Groups and seats of less than 10 will be open seating.
Registrations, cancellations and changes are due no later than March 3, 2023. Cancellation refunds cannot be guaranteed after March 3, 2023. Contact Ali Novinger at with any questions or changes regarding your registration. This event will be compliant with the safety policies of the Hilton Chicago. Current policy will be emailed to attendees the week of the event.
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67th Annual Paddy's Day Luncheon
Start Time 11:00 a.m.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Chicago Hilton and Towers
720 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago IL
Don't Miss:
-Shannon Rovers
-Door Prize Drawing
-Francis P. Cummins Award Presentation
-2024 Big Shillelagh Announcement
The Paddy's Day Lunch is THE opportunity to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with hundreds of colleagues in the electrical industry of Chicago.
The Paddy's Day Lunch Registration Form will prompt you for online payment OR
To pay via check, mail check payable to The Chicagoland Electric Association Education Foundation (CEAEF) to:
17W733 Butterfield Road, Suite B
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Tables of Ten Will Be Given Priority Seating
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ECA 2023 Membership Meetings - Educational & Special Events Programming | Please click on the link for a listing of upcoming programs sponsored by the Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research & Education Committee, as well as National NECA events, Chapter programs. Registration links provided in pdf. | |
ECA 2023 Educational / Various Event Stipends |
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Executive Committee recently approved a number of educational stipends for various events throughout 2023. Please click on the link for the current listing. The registrations will be reimbursed to the applicable companies after the applicable Conference.
After you have registered for the applicable event, please e-mail a copy of your completed registration transaction to the Association office at This will allow us to have a record of your registration information, should you need any assistance after registering.
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ASA / CSC - Construction Expo. & Safety Conference
March 6 - 7, 2023
Registration is Open!
The ECA Executive Committee approved the educational stipends of the Registration fees for up to two representatives of participating ECA member firms for the CSC / ASA Safety Conference EXPO on March 6 – 7, 2023. The registrations will be reimbursed to the applicable companies after the Conference.
After you have registered, please e-mail a copy of your completed registration transaction to the Association office at This will allow us to have a record of your registration information, should you need any assistance after registering.
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Register for the IMSCA Lobby Day --
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
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IMSCA’s 2023 Lobby Day event will be held on Wednesday, April 26th at the Sangamo Club located at 227 E. Adams Street, Springfield, IL.
Lobby Day activities will begin promptly at 12:00 p.m. and will include an abbreviated Board and Membership Meeting and a Special Guest Speaker (TBA). Lobby Day attendees will receive an overview of current legislation being considered by the Illinois General Assembly that has an impact on the Illinois construction industry. Most importantly, attendees will have the opportunity to visit their State Senators and Representatives at the Illinois State Capitol to discuss important legislative matters. Lunch will be provided upon arrival. This year’s event will also include a “Construction Industry Legislative Reception” co-hosted by the Illinois Mechanical & Specialty Contractors Association (IMSCA) and the Illinois Construction Industry Committee (ICIC) from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., also at the Sangamo Club.
All IMSCA members are encouraged to attend this event to discuss issues important to the Illinois construction industry with your legislators. Please click the link below for the Lobby Day Registration Form. Please return the registration form by email to The deadline to register for Lobby Day and the Legislative Reception is Friday, April 14. For the convenience of our out of town guests, we are working diligently to secure a block of hotel rooms. Hotel accommodation details are forthcoming.
For the convenience of our out of town members who plan to attend IMSCA Lobby Day on April 26th, a block of rooms have been secured at the President Abraham Lincoln – a Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, located at 701 E. Adams Street in Springfield at a rate of $119 plus tax. Overnight accommodations can be made by calling (217) 544-8800, ask for reservations and use the group code MSC. Alternatively, you can also make reservations by clicking this link: IMSCA Room Block Link The deadline to reserve your hotel room at our special rate is midnight on April 12, 2023.
If you have any questions or need additional details, please don’t hesitate to contact:
Jessica Newbold Hoselton
Executive Director
Illinois Mechanical & Specialty Contractors Association (IMSCA)
P: 217.523.4361
M: 217.891.3675
Paid Leave for All Workers Act - Update
SB208, as amended creates the "Paid Leave for Workers Act." This sets the minimum standard for paid leave for all Illinois workers. Please CLICK HERE for an IMSCA Update regarding SB208.
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IMSCA Legislative Update - 2/17/2023
Please click on the link below for IMSCA's Legislative Update (2/17/2023). The report includes an overview of the current status of legislation that is important to the Illinois construction industry. Both chambers are scheduled to return to Springfield next week, February 21-23 (Senate) and February 21-24 (House).
If any questions, please contact Jessica Newbold Hoselton, Executive Director, Illinois Mechanical & Specialty Contractors Association (IMSCA) at: (217) 523-4361.
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IMSCA Legislative Updates - 1/13/23 & 1/31/23
Please CLICK HERE for IMSCA’s January 13th Legislative Update. This report includes a comprehensive overview of important legislative matters that were debated in the final days of the 102nd General Assembly. You will also find an overview of upcoming activity for the 103rd General Assembly. The Illinois Senate is scheduled to return to Springfield on Tuesday, January 24th. The House is not scheduled to return to Springfield until Tuesday, January 31st.
Please CLICK HERE for IMSCA's January 31, 2023 Legislative Update.
If any questions, please contact Jessica Newbold Hoselton, Executive Director, Illinois Mechanical & Specialty Contractors Association (IMSCA) at: (217) 523-4361.
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March 1, 2023 – Young Professionals of ECA, 1st Quarter Event:
GAME OF IRONS, OAKBROOK (5 pm to 8 pm)
More information coming soon to
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ECA Chicago's DEI Workshop Series Continues on
March 16, 2023!
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Who Should Attend? Company Executives, Senior leadership, Division Managers, and anyone leading a team within your Company
Thursday, March 16, 2023
3:00pm - 5:00pm Workshop
5:00 - 6:00pm - Happy Hour and
continued discussion on learning outcomes
in relaxed environment.
2815 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, IL 60523
Meeting Room:
Grand Oaks Pavillion
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"Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023" |
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee is pleased to present a six-session series called, "Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023" facilitated by Sean Samsom Training, Ltd. at the Hyatt Lodge Hotel, 2815 Jorie Blvd., Oak Brook, IL 60523, (630) 568-1234. Breakfast and lunch are to be provided for each session.
The program dates are as follows:
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Thursday, July 27, 2023
If you're interested in attending the "Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023" program, please click on the link below to register or go on-line at the ECA website at: (Event Calendar portion). Single session option based on availability - there is a Registration link for each Calendar Date listing on website.
If you unable to attend all the sessions and still wish to participate in a select number, register for those particular dates from their Calendar listing on the ECA website. You would use the "Guest/Spouse" category for the individual session charge. Please see below:
(Please register soon for this program!)
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ECA Regular Membership Meeting -
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Legislative Issues Focus:
NECA Government Affairs Rep.
IMSCA - Jessica Newbold
Chicago / Cook County Lobbyist - Michael Alvarez
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) March Membership Meeting is to be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at Gibsons Steakhouse in Oak Brook, IL. The ECA is proud to announce that the focus will be on legislative / governmental updates regarding national, state and local issues.
This event is scheduled as follows:
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Gibsons Steakhouse
2105 Spring Road
Oak Brook, IL
(630) 954-0000
Registration / Networking: 12:00 pm
Lunch: 12:30 pm
Business Session: 1:15 pm
Event Concludes: 2:00 pm
Please register, soon!
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WIN / FL 2023 Conference
(April 16 - 17, 2023)
The Women in NECA and Future Leaders (WINFL) Leadership Conference features two full days of education and breakout sessions including featured speakers, group discussions and networking opportunities for both groups.
The Women in NECA and Future Leaders (WINFL) conference will precede NECA Now 2023 in San Antonio, Texas. Both NECA Now and WINFL will be held at the J.W. Marriott Hill Country. For more information on NECA Now, please click here. Please note, the registration link will lead you to the NECA Now landing page but you will have the option to choose which event(s) you would like to attend.
The ECA Executive Committee approved the educational stipends of the Registration fees for up to two representatives and their guest and/or spouse, if applicable, of participating ECA member firms for the NECA WIN / FL Conference on April 16 – 17, 2023. The registrations will be reimbursed to the applicable companies after the Conference.
After you have registered, please e-mail a copy of your completed registration transaction to the Association office at This will allow us to have a record of your registration information, should you need any assistance after registering.
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NECA NOW Executive Leadership Conference
(April 17 - 20, 2023)
Please join us in San Antonio, TX!
Far from your typical meeting, NECA NOW 2023 is a three-day Executive Leadership Conference focused on your professional and personal growth.
This Executive Leadership Conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to gain insights on leadership development with presentation by top business experts.
The ECA Executive Committee approved the educational stipends of the Registration fees for up to two representatives and their guest and/or spouse, if applicable, of participating ECA member firms for the NECA NOW Conference on April 17 - 19, 2023. The registrations will be reimbursed to the applicable companies after the Conference.
After you have registered, please e-mail a copy of your completed registration transaction to the Association office at This will allow us to have a record of your registration information, should you need any assistance after registering.
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Please be aware...Hotel Registrations must be made by March 10, 2023! |
Stipend Available
The ECA Executive Committee approved the educational stipends of the Registration Fee, Transportation costs and Hotel costs for each attending ECA member for the NECA Legislative Conference on March 27 - 29, 2023. The registrations and other costs will be reimbursed to the applicable companies after the Conference. After you have registered, please e-mail a copy of your completed registration transaction to the Association office at This will allow us to have a record of your registration information, should you need any assistance after registering.
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NECA Legislative Conference March 27 - 29, 2023 --
Registration is Open!
Registration is open for the premiere legislative conference for electrical contractors to hear about top issues affecting the industry. Meet the leaders who are working to provide real solutions. Attendees will also hear from top guest speakers, and get an opportunity to have their voices heard by those on Capitol Hill.
The conference will take place on March 27 - 29, 2023 at the Salamander Hotel (formerly Mandarin Oriental). It will start at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, March 27 and end with a Congressional Reception on Wednesday, March 29.
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IMSCA - "Substance" Winter 2023 Issue |
Below is a link to the Winter 2023 Issue of SubStance Magazine brought to you by the Illinois Mechanical & Specialty Contractors Association (IMSCA). In this issue, you will find a message from IMSCA's Immediate Past President, Chad Fricke. In addition, our "Featured Story", by Madeline Remish, provides important details on the recently approved "Workers' Rights" amendment to the Illinois constitution - and much more.
We hope you find this issue useful and informative. Please feel free to forward this message to your friends and colleagues. The current issue of SubStance magazine can be viewed by clicking this link: Winter 2023
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If you have questions about this information or if you would like to contribute an article for upcoming publications of SubStance, please feel free to contact IMSCA Executive Director, Jessica Newbold Hoselton by sending an email to: | |
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Webinars & Member News
EAP solutions are available via on demand telephonic support and through video counseling, mobile app, work/life web portal and chat functionality.
ECA Members may log-in to the interactive work/life web portal for information on a variety of topics. Webinars are available at any time of day and our mobile app allows employees to access services such as counseling and work life resources right from the palm of their hand.
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February 28, 2023
"Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023"
Sean Samson Training, Ltd.
Session 2
Hyatt Lodge
Oak Brook, IL
March 1, 2023
ECA Young Professionals Event
Games of Irons
Oak Brook, IL
March 6 -7, 2023
ASA/CSC Construction Exp. & Safety Conference
Drury Lane Conference Center
Oakbrook Terrace, IL
March 10, 2023
Paddy's Day Luncheon
Chicago Hilton & Towers
March 15, 2023
ECA Regular Membership Meeting
Gibsons Steakhouse
Oak Brook, IL
March 16, 2023
ECA DEI Committee Program
Hyatt Lodge
Oak Brook, IL
March 20 - 22, 2023
NECA Labor Relations Conference
Nashville, TN
March 27 - 29, 2023
NECA Legislative Conference
Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Washington, DC
March 30, 2023
"Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023"
Sean Samson Training, Ltd.
Session 3
Hyatt Lodge
Oak Brook, IL
April 12, 2023
ECA Regular Membership Meeting
Shaw's Crab House
Schaumburg, IL
April 13, 2023
"Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Using Lagging Information to Create Leading Indicators"
Drake Oak Brook Hotel
Oak Brook, IL
April 16 - 17, 2023
WIN / FL Conference
JW Marriott Hill Country Resort & Spa
San Antonio, TX
April 17 - 19, 2023
JW Marriott Hill Country Resort & Spa
San Antonio, TX
April 26, 2023
IMSCA Lobby Day
Springfield, IL
April 27, 2023
"Empower Your Electrical Contracting Business in 2023"
Sean Samson Training, Ltd.
Session 4
Hyatt Lodge
Oak Brook, IL
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