"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 
Worship Service Changes Required!! No Grinches
It is with consistency and transparency we are having to adapt and adjust to current conditions surrounding COVID transmission rates not only the state, but higher numbers surrounding our community. With this is mind, we are asking all those who attend our worship services in the following weeks, return to wearing masks INDOORS as recommended by the CDC and medical community. We know there are a variety of strong opinions either way on this request, our hope is to provide a worship experience that is free from opinions and focused more on why we are gathering together in the first place. The reason for the season is to celebrate the birth of our "Emmanuel," and we look forward to sharing in this opportunity with as many of you as possible. Jesus had to spend the night in a smelly stable in a hard wooden manger, lets keep focused on the Gift of God's love that came to be among us who was in uncomfortable surroundings too. There will be prizes for the most creative and positive masks to celebrate the best message of Christ who came to save all sinners! Thank you for your understanding with the very difficult decision we had to make during this special season. We will not let any GRINCHES steal our message of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love we wish to share during this Christmas season. Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! In Christ, Fr. Paul and the Vestry.
What is the Christmas Spirit? It is to be caught up in the glory of God. God is always about light, and for us, a great light has entered the darkness. This light guides and warms us.
2022 Pledge Campaign "Every Perfect Gift" update
Our Pledge campaign is coming to at the end of December. At this time, we have 91 pledges for $229,268 that have been made so far for our 2022 budget year with 11 new pledges received to date. Please prayerfully consider your pledge gift for 2022 and turn your pledge in as soon as possible in order for us to finalize our 2022 ministry budget. We are very thankful for all who continue to support our ministry together. We are blessed indeed with the gifts you have blessed ECA with.
Vestry Nominations Open for 2022: We are Seeking those who feel Called to Serve. Those interested in serving on Vestry at ECA, please contact Wanda Ziembinski, Jamie Hreha, or Fr. Paul. Vestry is a 3-year commitment and meets once a month with a retreat in January. Vestry qualifications are: any confirmed communicant in good standing of the parish not less than 18yrs of age, a regular attendant of church services the preceding year before election, and known by the treasurer to have made and fulfilled a stated financial commitment for church support throughout preceding year before election.
Adult Christian Formation will Pause until January 30
Adult CF is on break for the holidays and will resume at the end of January. Christian formation class is usually held on Sundays at 9:40 am either in person, or via Zoom. Please contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Use this link to join via zoom Adult Christian ED Meeting ID: 727 5393 3010 Passcode: 064556 Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community. 
Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available
(YTD) Through Nov. 2021            Actual                    Budget                 +/-     .
Revenues                                         $228,284              $224,493              $3,791 
Expenses                                         $189,192               $217,763            ($28,071)
Net Year to date                               $39,092                  $6,730             $31,862