"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others."
New Life Emerging at ECA as We Come back to Worship. If you take a close look at the picture, you will see new life emerging on the branches. This was a very powerful image for me as I was going into the office, and it made me think about all that has taken place this past year. The church Bldgs were empty and bare seeming like there was no life. The new growth on the branches is symbolic of our new growth. Many lifestyles have changed and different priorities have surfaced. It is my hope that being a part of ECA and the ministry and mission that is a part of our common life together will become a part of our new routines. Attendance is still about 40% below what it was before the pandemic. It is my hope that ECA will see new life again and be better and stronger than we were before. I have enjoyed seeing our numbers slowly increase each week and hope they will continue to do so. We have a baptism and reception coming up and it will be a great way to celebrate our common life together. In Christ, Fr. Paul+
Holy Baptism & Reception THIS Sun. July 18th at the 10:30AM Service We will celebrate a Holy Baptism and have a reception on Sunday July 18th formally welcoming Melynn Norman as a member of Christ’s Body the church. Everyone is encouraged and invited to attend this wonderful event. St. Martha's guild will be hosting the reception, please bring covered dish items to share for the reception, we look forward to seeing you there. For more information about food items please ccontact Debbie Hreha or Robbye Miller found in the directory.
Adult Christian Formation this Sunday
Christian formation class is usually held on Sundays at 9:40 am either in person, or via Zoom. Please contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community.
Anyone for Tea? Annual Ladies Tea Planning Meeting July 25 Please mark your calendars for Sunday July 25 right after the 10:30 am service for a meeting in the Activities Building to discuss and plan for our annual tea. Many of you have been asking about it, and have given us suggestions such as: mother/daughter tea, fashion show during the tea; but we need your help. If you've never been to our annual tea, please come to the meeting and find out what it is all about! It's a lot of fun, and we need your ideas. Hope to see you on the 25th! If you have any questions, please contact Wanda Ziembinski.
Reach Meeting: Next Meeting August 8th
No meeting in July - The next meeting will take place August 8th. Reach typically meets the second Sunday of the month after Sunday services. All are Welcome! Come see what in-reach and out-reach are all about.
Name Tags are HERE
If you emailed a request for a name-tag, they are available this Sunday. There is no charge for new members. If you ordered a replacement name-tag and would like to reimburse us, our cost is $8. Please check the spelling and make sure your tag is correct. Thank you!
Altar Flowers: Dates Still Available
Thank you for supporting the Altar Flower Ministry. Please fill out a flower form at the church, or email your dedication (complete with wording in thanksgiving for/in memory of) to There are numerous dates available for September and October.
Ushers, Lectors and Counters Needed: Especially at the 8:30 am Service As we transition back to traditional worship, we are beginning to schedule volunteer positions again. Currently, we are in need of ushers, lectors and counters. If you are interested in volunteering on Sunday mornings, please email Thank you!
Reach Collecting Food items for Local Food Pantries We Support We may not be gathering for in-person worship due to diocesan restrictions, but the need for food items at our local food pantries continues. ECA is supporting local charities such as Never Alone and Papa’s Pantry in their food ministries. You are welcome to come by on Sundays to drop off these much-needed items, or drive-by the office during the week. Thank you for your continued generosity and support of helping those in need!
Education for Ministry to Resume
ECA will offer Education for Ministry again this year. Dates and times are to be determined. Education for Ministry is a small mentored group that provides the framework for understanding life and shaping actions as Christian faith is deepened. This is a study to help discern your calling. If you are interested or need more information, contact Katie Dunlap at 404-444-6874 or
Do you need Prayer, Counseling or Confidential Assistance?
Fr. Paul is making his Pastoral Rounds virtually via telephone calls and online check-ins. If you are in need of counseling, prayer, simple virtual visit or confidential assistance; please contact Fr. Paul directly at or call him at 770-490-7234. You may also contact the ECA Senior Warden, Wanda Ziembinski at Part of what makes ECA so special is the community and support we offer to one another!
Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available
(YTD) Through June 2021 Actual Budget +/-
Revenues $130,461 $121,687 $8,774
Expenses $103,963 $117,527 ($13,564)
Net Year to date $26,498 $4,160 $22,338
1673 Jamerson Road Marietta, Georgia 30066
8:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II