"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others."
Stewardship Season is Upon Us: 'Every Perfect Gift' Prayerfully join us as we begin the 2022 Stewardship Season. Mark your calendars: Stewardship Sunday is November 7. This year's theme is 'Every Perfect Gift', "We are called in this moment to reflect on the cycle of abundance sparked with the first light and made manifest in the Creation, in the calling of prophets, and in the gift of God’s own son on Earth. As we share our gifts through the Eucharist and through our service to the world, we participate in the ongoing creation of abundance and generosity." - Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift is from above...". - James 1:17
Giving Statements Now Available
Giving Statements are available in the Narthex or you may request an emailed statement. Thank you for contributing to ECA. We cannot do what we do without you!
Bagpiper playing at the 10:30AM Worship Service, Oct. 10
Thanks to a special gift given to ECA, a bagpiper will be joing us on Sunday morning at 10:30am to do a special musical service with us. You wont want to miss Joe Lozier, our pianist team up with Brad Beaton and the bagpipes, we are in store for a special treat!
Journeys Group Postponed to Nov. 13
Journeys is a group that offers support, care, and compassion to those coping with grief, loss or any difficult life challenge. If you are seeking support through fellowship, please join us the second Saturday of each month from 11:30am-12:30 in the Activity Building. Please call Suzie Hart at 404.234.5294 for more information. See calendar for dates.
Congrats to Zack & Laura Crookless Alger on their Baby!
Welocme to the world Charlotte Michelle Alger, Born October 6th at Northside Forsyth Hospital, weighng 3.14 Lbs. Little Charlotte is in the NICU gaining a little bit more weight, but everyone is doing fine. Keep them in your prayers as they give thanks for the birth of their daughter. We are very excited for them and can't wait to meet her in person.
Adult Christian Formation this Sunday
Christian formation class is usually held on Sundays at 9:40 am either in person, or via Zoom. Please contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Use this link to join via zoom Adult Christian ED Meeting ID: 727 5393 3010 Passcode: 064556
Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community.
Reach Ministry Meeting this Sun., Oct. 10 after Services
Come see what in-reach and out-reach are all about at ECA! All are welcome. Reach typically meets the second Sunday of each month after services.
ECA Grounds Day on Sat Oct 16 from 8AM to Noon
We need your help! There are many projects we have on the grounds we need to accomplish. We will be gathering on the grounds on Sat. Oct 16th at 8am to put down pine straw and other projects to beautify the grounds. Breakfast and snacks will be provided. Many hands make for light work and it’s a great way to get together and fellowship. We hope to see you there!
Southern Comforters Sunday, October 17
All are welcome to fellowship with those who knit and crochet to make blankets for children in difficult circumstances, and prayer shawls for our parishioners and friends. This ministry meets on the third Sunday of each month after services in the activities building.
Ushers, Lectors and Counters Needed: Especially at the 8:30 am Service As we transition back to traditional worship, we are beginning to schedule volunteer positions again. Currently, we are in need of ushers, lectors and counters. If you are interested in volunteering on Sunday mornings, please email Thank you!
Reach Collecting Food items for Local Food Pantries We Support We may not be gathering for in-person worship due to diocesan restrictions, but the need for food items at our local food pantries continues. ECA is supporting local charities such as Never Alone and Papa’s Pantry in their food ministries. You are welcome to come by on Sundays to drop off these much-needed items, or drive-by the office during the week. Thank you for your continued generosity and support of helping those in need!
A Caregivers Support Group has started at ECA: Second Tuesday of each Month at 7:30pm If you are involved with the care of someone with a terminal or chronic illness, you are invited to join a support group offering support, connection, resources, and coping strategies. This group is led by Robin Racoff, an experienced Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. This group is for caregivers, no patients please. Please contact Robin for details: (404) 290-1550 or To join the meeting via Zoom, click on the link below
Meeting ID: 874 7570 5326 Passcode: 458965 Note: During the Zoom Session you may participate with or without video, audio, or just observe. It will not be recorded and confidentiality will be the standard. Also, if you have any concerns or questions regarding ZOOM, please contact Robin directly at (404) 290-1550.
Education for Ministry Registration NOW OPEN EFM is now open for registration! We need 6 participants to resume the program. Dates and times are to be determined. Education for Ministry is a small mentored group that provides the framework for understanding life and shaping actions as Christian faith is deepened. This is a study to help discern your calling. If you are interested or have questions, call or email Katie Dunlap at 404-444-6874 or
Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available
(YTD) Through August 2021 Actual Budget +/-
Revenues $167,920 $163,649 $4,271
Expenses $138,330 $157,036 ($18,706)
Net Year to date $29,590 $6,613 $22,977
1673 Jamerson Road Marietta, Georgia 30066
8:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II