The Season after Pentecost
"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others."
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It's Almost Stewardship Season! A Letter from Fr. Paul
Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! I am extremely grateful to you, and to all the members of our congregation. Throughout the year I have witnessed such generosity of care and love as you contribute your ideas, your funds, your time and your talent to our parish and the community. We have been able to accomplish so much because of your willingness to support ECA’s mission of bearing witness to God’s love in everything we do.
Our pledge campaign this year “More than Enough” focuses on the miracle of sharing the ways in which our means meet the needs of the world, the ways in which we respond to the Gospel, and the ways in which we sustain our parish and surrounding community.
The words More Than Enough brings us back to ... click here to read more
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And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. Luke 9:16-17, NRSV
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Journeys Group to Meet This Saturday at 11:30am This is a group that offers support, care, and compassion to those coping with grief, loss or any difficult life challenge. If you are seeking support through fellowship, please join us the second Saturday of each month from 11:30am-12:30 in the Activity Building. Please call Suzie Hart at 404.234.5294 for more information.
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Reach Ministry to Meet THIS Sunday after the 10:30am Service: All Welcome! Come see what Inreach and Outreach are all about at ECA. We need you! Reach Ministry typically meets the second Sunday of each month after services.
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United Thank Offering Boxes will be Collected Next Two Sundays! The blue boxes for the UTO will be collected the following two Sundays at both services. The United Thank Offering is a ministry of The Episcopal Church that is designed to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church.
New Christian Education Opportunity on Sundays:
The Bible Challenge Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible, but felt intimidated or even confused about how to do so? Do you engage regularly with God's Word, or have you wondered how reading scripture might affect your life? Do you love a challenge? Bliss Peterson decided to challenge herself to read the entire Bible over the course of a year, and she'd love it if you'd join her. To help guide us, we will be using the book The Bible Challenge: Read the Bible in a Year, by Marek Zabriskie. You can order the book new or used (or in Kindle format) on Amazon or the E-book at Barnes and Noble. If you have any difficulty obtaining the book, please let Bliss or Father Paul know so we can help.
We will gather between services on Sunday mornings in the nave of the church, to discuss and reflect on our experience with the scriptures in the preceding week. This is not a class - this is an opportunity to journey with fellow parishioners seeking to deepen their faith. There's also no requirement to be there each week, but hopefully we will all benefit from gathering regularly. The journey begins September 11 - we gather that day just to talk about how we will proceed and begin our reading the following week. If you have any questions, please contact Bliss at (678) 662-0508 or
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Connecting Ministry Dinner Tuesday, September 13 at 5:30pm All are welcome to attend. The Connecting Ministry exists to help connect others at ECA. There is a monthly lunch & dinner to foster a sense of community and fellowship. Please contact Janice Maxwell for more details. Remaining Dates for September:
Tuesday, September 13th at 5:30pm - Dinner at Taco Mac on Hwy 92 near 575.
Saturday, September 24th at 11am- Brunch at Elevation Chophouse, Kennesaw
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Mark it on your Calendars! 3 Reasons to Celebrate! October 15th at 4:00PM You don't want to miss this event: Saturday October 15th starting at 4:00pm we will celebrate Father Paul and Katie's marriage, give thanks for the ECA church building mortgage that has been paid in full, and Bishop Rob Wright has visitation with us! Whenever we celebrate, we do it in BIG fashion. We will have a Holy Eucharist service and then follow-up with lots of Fellowship, Food and Fun! Bar-B-Que, Fish Fry, and Low Country Boil provided. There will be LIVE music and a fire pit to be enjoyed as well. We look forward to celebrating with you. RSVP by Registering HERE
Adult Christian Formation This Sunday!
Christian formation class (Sunday School) is usually held on Sundays at 9:40 am either in person, or via Zoom. Please contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community.
Sunday Worship Volunteers Needed: Lectors, Greeters & Ushers
Sunday worship happens each week because of numerous volunteers who participate in many areas of the worship service. Please consider volunteering for one of these ministries. Please contact Fr. Paul for more information. Thank you for serving!
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Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available
(YTD) Through July 2022 Actual Budget +/-
Revenues $153,624 $154,136 ($503)
Expenses $131,726 $150,045 $18,319
Net Year to date $21,907 $4,091 $17,817
Fr. Paul is available during the week, Monday - Thursday, for prayer, guidance and support.
Fr. Paul is out of the office on Fridays. Please call 770-490-7234 or email with any concerns, needs, or questions.
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The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation
1673 Jamerson Road
Marietta, GA 30066
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