"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 
Reminder: Limited activities are now allowed on the outside grounds of ECA following CDC and Health Dept. guidelines. Read ECA guidelines HERE
Updated guidelines for Phase I (limited outside attendance) HERE
Annual Parish Meeting February 14 at 9am via Zoom Virtual Platform All are invited to the ECA Annual Meeting. This is a time of reflecting on the past year, planning for the new year, and thanking the Lord for his many blessings! You won't want to miss this. An email will be sent with a link to join the meeting.

Directions to create a zoom account are below:
1. Go to
2. Click the button in the upper right hand corner that says “sign up, its free”.
3. Type in your email address or sign up with your Google or Facebook account.
4. It will then send an email with a confirmation link. Click on the link in the email.
5. Create account by filling in the information it asks for.
6. Skip the “invite colleagues” step.
7. Click “go to my account”. 
Once you have an account, simply click on the link we email next week to join the meeting!
Preparing for Lent
You are invited to participate in Devotional Practices for Lent, 2021 created by Sally Urley for the Episcopal Diocesan of Atlanta. Simply click HERE to view a calendar with daily devotions, meditations, and preparation.  
Ash Wednesday services will be held on Feb. 17th from
Noon-2pm & 6pm-8pm
We will hold two Drive through services on Ash Wednesday with the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion from the reserve sacrament from noon-2pm and 6pm-8pm to begin our observance of Lent. A virtual service of the Ash Wednesday liturgy will be streamed on Facebook at 11am and the recorded service can be watched anytime thereafter. 
2021 Lenten Program to be Different this Year
Due to the bishop and diocesan restrictions concerning in-person activities we will not be able to do a Lenten program like we have done in the past. This year on Wedneday nights during Lent we will host Zoom virtual gatherings and be doing virtual reflections from parishioners sharing their stories of hope and strength during these unprecedented times. Stay tuned for further information.
Pavilion is well under way and will be completed Soon! We are happy to report on the pavilion being almost complete. Soon we will not have to worry about the rain canceling our outside worship opportunities. We will keep you posted on the progress.
Sunday Morning Prayer this Week: Join Us!
Join us online this Sunday at 9:00am for Morning Prayer online via Facebook and at 10:30am for a Drive-in Morning Prayer with Communion. All are Welcome (see instructions for drive in parking below).
Christian Formation (Sunday School) this Sunday
Adult Christian Formation will be held via zoom this Sunday at 9:40am.  Contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current COVID-19 climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community.
Vestry Volunteers and Nominations at Critical Status
We have not yet met our requirements for nominations to Vestry. We have one member who has volunteered and another individual who is considering serving. We now have 4 (FOUR) positions we need to fill. If you have ever thought about serving at ECA, now is the time! We need you. We have never been in this position before and COVID may have something to do with it. Vestry members are a VITAL role in the life of the parish and we can not operate without a functioning VESTRY. Please contact Fr. Paul or Wanda Ziembinski to learn more about serving on Vestry. Stay tuned for details on the upcoming Annual Meeting.  
End of Year Pledge Statements are Available for Pick up or emailed: Help us Save on Mail Expenses Thank you to all who gave to ECA in 2020!  End of year pledge statements are currently at the church for pick up, we can also email them to you. We are trying to save on the expense of mailing out $75 worth of mail. Feel free to contact the office at ecaparish@gmail.comwith any questions. 
Drive-In Service Instructions when we Gather outside
While we are still not allowed to gather for large crowds for in person worship inside, providing opportunities for worship is still our top priority: Currently, we are offering a Drive -In Service to allow parishioners to stay in their warm vehicle for the service. See parking diagram to the right (please park straight and not diagonal).  Notice the parking pattern to allow every car the opportunity to see directly in front of them. Join Us! All in-person activity and group meetings at ECA must still go through Fr. Paul to ensure contact tracing accountability measures. Here is the latest information we have. Click on the links below to review:
·        Gathering Guidelines for Phase I limited outside Sunday Service as of 9/10: Click Here
·        Click here for Guidelines for Activities at ECA during COVID -19
·        Latest bishop's directive as of August 19, 2020. Please click on the link HERE
Altar Flowers & Easter Flowers: Dates Available!
ECA is taking dedications and donations for Altar Flowers. Altar Guild will continue their ministry of preparing the altar for services streamed online. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Please email your dedication (complete with wording in thanksgiving for/in memory of) to or print and mail the form here. There are many dates available for 2021. Easter Flower dedications are also being accepted now.
Volunteers being Sought for Sunday Service including Readers! We need YOU! If you are interested with helping during the service, please contact Fr. Paul at There are several minor tasks we need help with in order to make sure we are able to live stream and record for parish members. I look forward to hearing from those who may be interested. Volunteers are especially needed to read the Sunday lessons. 
Do you need Prayer, Counseling or Confidential Assistance?
Fr. Paul is making his Pastoral Rounds virtually via telephone calls and online check-ins. If you are in need of counseling, prayer, simple virtual visi or confidential assistance, please contact Fr. Paul directly at or call him at 770-490-7234. You may also contact the ECA Senior Warden, Wanda Ziembinski at Part of what makes ECA so special is the community and support we offer to one another!
  ECA Finances to Date
   (YTD) Through Dec. 2020   Actual                      Budget               +/-         
   Revenues                             $222,646                  $235,508                ($12,862) 
   Expenses                             $207,518                  $235,479                 $27,960 
   Net Year to date                    $15,127                            $29                  $15,098