"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others."
Reminder: Limited activities are now allowed on the outside grounds of ECA following CDC and Health Dept. guidelines. Read ECA guidelines HERE
Updated guidelines for Phase I (limited outside attendance) HERE
Join us for Morning Prayer/Communion this Sunday: Services at 9 am (online) and 10:30 am (Drive-In)
As we transition through these difficult and uncertain times with COVID-19, ECA is adapting services with your health and well-being as a priority. This Sunday, ECA will offer two services: one at 9 am online via Facebook, and one outside drive-in service in the parking lot behind the swift building at 10:30am.
Please note: we must follow strict physical distancing guidelines and attendance limits in accordance with the Diocese of Atlanta, CDC & Health Dept. details. See guidelines below or on our website for details.
Greening of the Church this Sunday
This Sunday: All are welcome to ECA's Greening of the Church (with social distancing and staggered participation times). Simply stop by the church between 10-11:30am (Outside drive-in services are at 10:30am) and place your ornaments on either the inside tree, or the outside tree. We will be staggering participation and promoting social distancing to adhere to CDC and diocesan guidelines. Come and See!
Drive-In Sunday Service with Communion at 10:30am!
While we are still not allowed to gather for large crowds for in person worship inside, providing opportunities for worship is still our top priority: Currently, we are offering a Drive -In Service to allow parishioners to stay in their warm vehicle for services. See parking diagram to the right (please park straight and not diagonal). Notice the parking pattern to allow every car the opportunity to see directly in front of them. Join Us!
All in-person activity and group meetings at ECA must still go through Fr. Paul to ensure accountability measures. Here is the latest information we have. Click on the links below to review:
· Gathering Guidelines for Phase I limited outside Sunday Service as of 9/10: Click Here
· Latest bishop's directive as of August 19, 2020. Please click on the link HERE
Last Adult Christian Formation Class for the Year
This Sunday is the last CF for the year. Contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Current topics have been about how to remain a faithful Christian in a divided community. Stay tuned for details on when CF will begin again.
Christmas Services: Dec 24 at 5pm, 7pm and 9pm. Christmas Day at 10:30am ECA will offer a drive-in service at 5pm and at 7pm. Please let us know if you are interested in attending by clicking the link here. We will stream services live at 9pm via Facebook. The Virtual Children's Christmas Pageant will also air this evening (we hope to show it all services). Be sure to watch! Also, join us Christmas Day online at 10:30am. Merry Christmas!
Directory Access for your Christmas Card Addresses
You can access ECA's NEW online directory to get up-to-date addresses for your Christmas Cards here. This link is on our webpage as well. There is a handy app to download and keep on your phone, so that all your ECA family will be at your fingertips! The password will be published on our private group Facebook page (or email to request it). Not a member of that private group? Take a moment to join (here)!
2021 Pledge Campaign “Faith Filled Generosity” to Date Numbers We received 90 pledges to date and we are overjoyed at the Generosity that has been displayed during these difficult and trying times. Thank you to ALL who pledged their financial support to ECA in order for us to continue our ministry and mission. There are multiple ways to send in your pledge, you can mail the envelope we sent back to ECA, you can email us at or Fr. Paul if you wish, you can leave in the secure mailbox down at the street, or leave with us when you attend a service at ECA. We are deeply grateful for all who continue to support ECA and our ministry and worship together and we hope to be back together soon.
Last Call for Christmas Poinsettias & Flower Contributions for Christmas Season If you would like to make a contribution for Christmas poinsettias, greens, etc. please email your request to Even though we are limited on our in person meetings, we are still decorating for the season for our online streaming. Simply indicate whether your gift is "in memory" or "in thanksgiving for." The amount is voluntary, but the suggested donation is $25. Thank you for your gift! Thank you and blessings to you during Christmas!
Pavilion Update
Construction is well underway on the pavilion. Unfortunately, uncooperative weather will prevent us from completing before Christmas. In order for work to progress, please be careful on the site and stay away from the area until construction is complete.
Pictured in the photo below is (left to right) Richard and Joyce Arnotti, Don and Jane Gray, Bud and Kay Thompson Horace Higgins, Fr Paul, Jamie Hreha and Wanda Ziembinski.
Vestry Nominations Still Open
Those interested in serving on Vestry at ECA please contact Wanda Ziembinski, Chris Renaud or Fr. Paul. Vestry is a 3 year commitment and meets once a month with a retreat in January. Vestry members serve in a leadership role with a ministry within the parish. Vestry qualifications are: any confirmed communicant in good standing of the parish not less than 18yrs of age, a regular attendant of church services the preceding year before election, and known by the treasurer to have made and fulfilled a stated financial commitment for church support throughout the preceding year before election.
Volunteers being Sought for Sunday Service: Counters & Readers Needed! While we are still not allowed to meet in our worship space, we continue to stream a Sunday service to our parish and cyber community and conduct limited outside drive-in services. If you are interested with helping during the service, please contact Fr. Paul at There are several minor tasks we need help with in order to make sure we are able to live stream and record for parish members. I look forward to hearing from those who may be interested. *Volunteers needed to read the Sunday lessons.
Do you need Prayer, Counseling or Confidential Assistance?
Fr. Paul is making his Pastoral Rounds virtually via telephone calls and online check-ins. If you are in need of counseling, prayer, simple virtual visi or confidential assistance, please contact Fr. Paul directly at or call him at 770-490-7234. You may also contact the ECA Senior Warden, Wanda Ziembinski at Part of what makes ECA so special is the community and support we offer to one another!
ECA Finances to Date
(YTD) Through NOV. 2020 _ Actual Budget _+/-____
Revenues $199,764 $217,232 ($17,468)
Expenses $190,264 $210,025 $19,761
Net Year to date $9,500 $7,207 $2,293
1673 Jamerson Road Marietta, Georgia 30066
8:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II