"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 
Reminder: Limited activities are now allowed on the outside grounds of ECA following CDC and Health Dept. guidelines. Read ECA guidelines HERE
Updated guidelines for Phase I (limited outside attendance) HERE
Funeral service for Tom Wilson Saturday October 24th at 11:00AM
We will hold an inside memorial service for Tom Wilson, husband of Elizabeth Wilson, on Saturday Oct. 24th at 11AM in the church and seating will be limited to 50. We pray for the repose of the soul of Tom Wilson, husband of Elizabeth Wilson, “May he rest in peace and rise in glory”
All Saints Sunday November 1st - Email Names of those Honored Now.
All Saints Sunday is November 1st. Please take a moment to email ( the names of those you wish to honor this week (deadline Wednesday, October 28). It is our privilege to honor those who have died and gone to be with the Lord. 
Stewardship 2021: “Faith Filled generosity, Taking a step forward - for Christ and his church” 
During the month of October, we focus and reflect on what Faith Filled Generosity means. Last week, you should have received a letter from Father Paul in the mail. Also, Wanda Ziembinski shared how much giving has blessed her. You may access all stewardship testimonies and letters on our webpage anytime. Stay tuned for more stewardship testimonies from members of the parish. This time of reflection and gratitude helps us prayerfully consider what gifts we can give back. Pledge cards will be brought to the altar and blessed on November 1st. Click Here to view the stewardship page on our web-page.
"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.
-- 1 Timothy 6:18-19 NRSVA
Stewardship Testimony #2: “A Journey of Faith” by Cal Beck
Friends, I would like to share some personal history and perspectives on this year’s Stewardship drive, “Faith Filled Generosity, Taking a step forward for Christ and His church.”
I started attending ECA some twelve years ago. At the time I was a Lutheran, where I was not attending church regularly or participating in church activities. Upon finding ECA through friendship with the McCabe’s, I felt a change in my attitude due to the warm welcome and friendliness of our church family. Since then, I’ve grown to believe that fellowship through church membership takes us on a journey in our faith to be better individuals. This is where we are supported and nurtured into who He wants us to be. ... to read more, click here.
Join us for Morning Prayer/Communion this Sunday: 2 Services at 9AM (online) and 10:30AM*
Join us this Sunday for an online Morning Prayer/Communion service via Facebook live at 9:00am, an Outdoor (weather permitting) Morning Prayer/Communion service*(limited seating, reservations required) at 10:30 am and Christian Formation at 9:40 am virtually. See below for more details.

Note: We have agreed to follow the recommendations of the Bishop diocesan task force by enforcing and following the CDC, health Dept guidelines, as well as Diocese of Atlanta Phase 1 re-opening guidelines regarding physical distancing and attendance limits. The ECA Vestry has adopted detailed plans to comply with the Diocese of Atlanta phase 1 re-opening guidelines, as soon as we are given the green light again, we will gather. Please see below, or go to our website at to read about our worship guidelines.
Please RSVP for Sunday Service at 10:30am
As we transition through these difficult and uncertain times with COVID-19, ECA is adapting services with your health and well-being as a priority. This Sunday we will offer one outside service for 50 people in the field by the playground *(weather permitting / reservations required) at 10:30am,   Please email to sign up to attend the service. Additionally, we will continue to offer an online service streamed via FB at 9am.
Please note: we must follow strict physical distancing guidelines and attendance limits in accordance with the Diocese of Atlanta, CDC & Health Dept. 
Cathy's Closet Food Drive for the Month of October.
ECA Reach Ministry is hosting the Cathy's Closet food drive during the month of October. Ameris Bank will match the cost of donated items during the month! Drop off items while attending the outside service, or drive-by and drop between 11:30- 1:00 pm on Sundays. Drop off will include protocols for social distancing. Thank you for supporting both the Reach Ministry and our local community!
ECA Reach Poinsettia Fundraiser 2020
ECA is holding it's annual Reach Poinsettia Fundraiser again! Attached is the order form. It can easily be emailed and shared with family and friends. Please complete the order and return it to ECA with your payment (mail to: 1673 Jamerson Road Marietta, GA 30066) Deadline for orders and payment is Sunday, November 15th, 2020. They will be delivered to the church between December 1 and December 8th. Thank you for your continued support! Click here for the ORDER FORM
Vestry Nominations Open
Those interested in serving on Vestry at ECA please contact Wanda Ziembinski, Chris Renaud or Fr. Paul. Vestry is a 3 year commitment and meets once a month with a retreat in January. Vestry members serve in a leadership role with a ministry within the parish. Vestry qualifications are: any confirmed communicant in good standing of the parish not less than 18yrs of age, a regular attendant of church services the preceding year before election, and known by the treasurer to have made and fulfilled a stated financial commitment for church support throughout the preceding year before election.
Adult Christian Formation Class Sunday at 9:40am
Adult Christian Formation this week at 9:40 am via Zoom. Contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current COVID-19 climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community.
Volunteers being Sought for Sunday Service
While we are still not allowed to meet in our worship space, we continue to stream a Sunday service to our parish and cyber community. If you are interested with helping during the service, please contact Fr. Paul at There are several minor tasks we need help with in order to make sure we are able to live stream and record for parish members. I look forward to hearing from those who may be interested.
Meal Train for Stinchcomb Family
Many of you have asked how you can help the Stinchcomb family after the birth of Josalynn Audry, who remains in the NICU (mom and baby are dong well). In addition to your prayers, ECA has set up a Meal Train to provide meals on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays. You can log on at to schedule delivery of a meal or call Brenda Pinkston at 770.977.7664 or Megan Miller at 770.516.7224 to get on the schedule. Our love and prayers go out to the Stinchcomb family.
Altar Flowers: One date left this year
ECA is still taking dedications and donations for Altar Flowers during this time of quarantine and social distancing. Now that services may be streamed from the church again, Altar Guild will continue their ministry of preparing the altar for services. This includes flowers. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Available dates: November 15. Please email your dedication (complete with wording in thanksgiving for/in memory of) to
Do you need Prayer, Counseling or Confidential Assistance?
Fr. Paul is making his Pastoral Rounds virtually via telephone calls and online check-ins. If you are in need of counseling, prayer, simple virtual visi or confidential assistance, please contact Fr. Paul directly at or call him at 770-490-7234. You may also contact the ECA Senior Warden, Wanda Ziembinski at Part of what makes ECA so special is the community and support we offer to one another!
(YTD) Through Sept 2020    Actual                                  Budget                            +/-       
Revenues                                            $161,818                    $176,631            ($14,844)
Expenses                                           $153,979                    $175,813             $21,833
Net Year to date                                 $7,839                           $818              $7,021