"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others."
Reminder: Limited activities are now allowed on the outside grounds of ECA following CDC and Health Dept guidelines. Read ECA guidelines HERE
Join us for this Sunday's Service Streamed Live
Join us this Sunday for an online Morning Prayer service via Facebook live at 9:30am. Christian Formation for adults to follow at 10:30am.
Note: We have agreed to follow recommendations of the Bishop diocesan task force and follow strict CDC, health Dept guidelines, as well as Diocese of Atlanta Phase 1 re-opening guidelines regarding physical distancing and attendance limits. The ECA Vestry has adopted detailed plans to comply with the Diocese of Atlanta phase 1 re-opening guidelines, as soon as we are given the green light again, we will gather. Please see below, or go to our website at to read about our worship guidelines.
Thank you to all who donated to the Open Hearts Reach Ministry Event!
Open Hearts was a huge success, thanks to YOU! ECA was able to meet their goal and bless those in our local community through the Reach Open Hearts Event last week. What an honor to serve in ministry along with the parishioners of this great church body. THANK YOU!
Join us in Congratulating the Norman's: Birth Announcement
Many blessings on the birth of Melynn Elaine Norman, daughter of Hammy & Molly Norman. Melynn was Born August 10 at 3:32am coming in at 8lbs 13oz, 22 inches long, we are happy for the proud new parents.
Dear Friends: The birth of a child is a joyous and solemn occasion in the life of a family. It is also an occasion for rejoicing in the Christian community. I bid you, therefore, to join Hammy & Molly in giving thanks to Almighty God our heavenly Father, the Lord of all life, for the gift of Melynn Elaine Norman to be their daughter. Amen
Did you know.....
Janice Maxwell is the ECA Connecting Ministry liaison. The Connecting Ministry helps to connect people and newcomers at ECA. As a native Atlantan, Janice Maxwell was baptized, confirmed and married at Holy Trinity in Decatur. She joined ECA in 2017 “because it felt like home when (she) walked in the door”. In addition to Vestry, Janice serves at ECA on Altar Guild and teaches Sunday school. She is also a member of ECWomen, Reach Ministries and Southern Comforters. Janice recently retired from a career involving accounting, human resources and the financial industry. Janice is a ‘people person’ and loves to help connect people in meaningful ways. She is always willing to lend a helping hand!
New Online Directory: Please Check your Information
We have been working on transferring and updating members information into a new directory format. This new format will allow us to print our own directories, immediately update information and photos, add new members, and access the information via an app for all your devices. Before we go live with the new directory, we ask that you log-in and check your information. Because all names, addresses, dates, etc. had to be manually entered; there is margin for error. We are asking that you review TWO items in the directory:
- Your general information (name, address, phone, etc.).
- Birthday and Anniversary dates (listed on the last few pages of the directory- please scroll down). There are several families without BD & Anniversary dates listed.
Additionally, if you would like to update or add a photo, you may email that along with any updates or changes to . Stay tuned for details on how to access or print new directories once all updates are completed. Thank you!
Password to access the directory: Godshands. Click here to view the new directory
Adult Christian Formation class this Sunday at 10:30
Those who are interested can participate in our Adult Christian formation class via Zoom. Contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current COVID-19 climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community.
ECA Men’s Fishing Trip, Shell Island Fish Camp
Sept 30th – Oct 4th, Reserve Space Now
It’s that time of year again when the Men of ECA and guests plan to head down to Shell Island Fish Camp for a weekend of fellowship, fishing, food & Fun. You can go down on Weds, Thu, or Fri, and you don’t have to fish. Reserve your space now with a $100 deposit. We are aware of the current COVID-19 issues and understand those who choose not to go. But what better way to get away from it all than going fishing with Jesus and friends. Please get with Horace Higgins, Tom Floyd or Fr. Paul+ for more information. For more information, here is the flyer with price break down. Click HERE
Financial Report and Giving Statements to be Sent out Soon
Every Month we will make available our year to date financial results. Currently, for the year we are in good financial shape. The finance committee, in conjunction with the Vestry, has been paying close attention to our expenses during the current hardships we are facing with no in-person services at ECA. We are $7,630 below projected revenue with pledge and non-pledge income and plate collection revenues. Since our expenses are down, we are in positive scenario with income/expenses. Thank you for your continued financial support during these difficult times! We will send out giving statements in the coming weeks.
(YTD) Through July 2020 Actual Budget +/- .
Revenues $128,073 $136,030 ($7,958)
Expenses $126,010 $137,013 $11,003
Net Year to date ($2,063) ($983) $3,045
Do you need Prayer, Counseling or Confidential Assistance?
Fr. Paul is making his Pastoral Rounds virtually via telephone calls and online check-ins. If you are in need of counseling, prayer, simple virtual visi or confidential assistance, please contact Fr. Paul directly at or call him at 770-490-7234. You may also contact the ECA Senior Warden, Wanda Ziembinski at Part of what makes ECA so special is the community and support we offer to one another!
Pavilion Update. Site work is being Done
We have begun working on the site area for our outdoor pavilion and we are looking forward to moving ahead with the project. We ask that you please refrain from going to the church to see what is happening. We will keep the parish updated as work progresses. We do not have an end date for the project to be completed because we have to order materials and we have been told there is a 4-6 week wait period due to COVID-19. We are excited about this next phase and look forward to its completion. We are very blessed and we thank all those who have contibuted to the project to help make it happen.
Altar Flowers: Dates Available
ECA is still taking dedications and donations for Altar Flowers during this time of quarantine and social distancing. Now that services may be streamed from the church again, Altar Guild will continue their ministry of preparing the altar for services. This includes flowers. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Available dates: August 30, All of September, October 4 & 11. Please email your dedication (complete with wording in thanksgiving for/in memory of) to
Important COVID-19 Guidelines and Information for when we get back together for In-person worship
Click on the links below to review:
1673 Jamerson Road Marietta, Georgia 30066
8:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II