"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 
Reminder: Limited activities are now allowed on the outside grounds of ECA following CDC and Health Dept guidelines. Read ECA guidelines HERE
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there!
Father's Day is a special day we put aside to give thanks to all the fathers out there who do all the things they do. It is celebrated on third Sunday of June every year. This week, we salute all the wonderful fathers who have touched the lives of many people; be it their own kids; somebody else's kid; family; people they have mentored; people they have coached and the world at large. Thank you for being great fathers. ECA celebrates you! "Heavenly Father, you entrusted your Son Jesus, to the care of Joseph, an earthly father. Bless all fathers as they care for their families. Give them strength and wisdom, tenderness and patience; support them in the work they have to do, protecting those who look to them, as we look to you for love and salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen".
Services at ECA: Watch us Online! Sunday at 9:30am
As we transition through these difficult and uncertain times with COVID-19, we will continue to stream online Sunday services via Facebook at 9:30 am. Christian Formation is offered virtually at 10:30 am (see details below). Check Facebook often for Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, virtual fellowship, announcements, and more!
Bishop's COVID-19 Task Force Phase 1 re-opening Worship Services
The diocese of Atlanta bishop's COVID-19 task force has released information concerning phase 1 re-opening of in person worship services. Fr. Paul and the Vestry are hard at work implementing all that is required to partcipate in worship services on campus. We are currently reviewing our options and will put out the info to ECA as soon as we can. Here is the link to the latest bishop's directive. Please click on the link HERE
Reach Meeting via Zoom: Monday, June 22 at 7pm
All are welcome to the ECA Reach Ministry meeting on Monday, June 22 at 7:00 pm. To join you must have the zoom link (located here), the meeting ID and the password. Please contact Nicole File for the password and meeting ID if you wish to join.
Adult Christian Formation class this Sunday
Those who are interested can participate in our Adult Christian formation class via Zoom. We may use another platform, but at this time, those who are interested can contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current COVID-19 climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community.
Altar Flowers: Dates Available
ECA is still taking dedications and donations for Altar Flowers during this time of quarantine and social distancing. Now that services may be streamed from the church again, Altar Guild will continue their ministry of preparing the altar for services. This includes flowers. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Available dates: July 5, July 19, July 26, August 30. Please email your dedication (complete with wording in thanksgiving for/in memory of) to
Join us for Morning & Evening Prayer
As most of you already know, ECA has been streaming morning prayer at 9 am and evening prayer at 6 pm via our public Facebook page several days each week ( We offer a BIG THANK YOU to our dedicated parishioners who make this happen, especially Sandi Harden and Cal Beck who have committed to keeping Morning Prayer going, a beautiful form of worship during this uncertain time of COVID. We couldn't do what we do without you, and the others who are committed to make Sunday mornings happen. Thank you!
Current ECA Financial Statement for Quarter Ending May 2020
Financials will be uploaded to our website this week. To view the current financial statement for ECA, go to You can also see the May 2020 Financials HERE . This information is typically printed in the bulletin, however, with the current change in services; we are making this information available online. Contact Fr. Paul with any questions.
Father Paul Continues to make Pastoral Calls during COVID-19 as Needed
Fr. Paul is making his Pastoral Rounds virtually via telephone calls and online check-ins. If you are in need of counseling, prayer, or simply a virtual visit, please contact Fr. Paul directly at Part of what makes ECA so special is the community and support we offer to one another!
Several Ways to Give During the Change in Activities and Worship at ECA
Due to the bishop's directive ECA members are still not able to gather in person on our campus. Our bills have continued to come in, and because of your support we have been able to continue to function. During this time, please continue to support the ministry of ECA and we are providing several ways you can continue to give in your absence. 

For your convenience, ECA now offers online giving. It's fast and easy! Please note, there is a 2.2% fee plus $0.30 per transaction the church incurs. Simply click the 'Online Giving" button on our website and designate what your funds are for. You can also set up Check Pay through your bank and designate to ECA. Additionally, you may mail your check or take it to the church and place in the securely locked mailbox at the street, address is 1673 Jamerson Rd. Marietta, GA 30066.  We greatly appreciate your support during these difficult times! 

Click here  to make a one time donation online through paypal. Please note, ECA is charged a $ .30 per transaction fee plus 2.2% of the donated amount.