The Season of Christmas and

Happy New Year!

 "Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 


Sunday, January 1

Happy New Year's Day!

*8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II 

(also streamed online)

*9:45am NO Adult/Children Christian Formation (will resume after the Annual Meeting) 

*10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II 

*Nursery Provided

Note: No ECW meeting or Adult/Children's Christian Formation today - Will resume in February.

Saturday, January 7

11am ECW Brunch


Sunday, January 8


**Note Time change for service

**8:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II 

(also streamed online)

9am Annual Parish Meeting

10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II 

*Nursery Provided at both services

12:00pm Reach Ministry Meeting

Download Bulletin Here

The Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ

January 1, 2023

Eternal Father, you gave to your incarnate Son the holy name of Jesus to be the sign of our salvation: Plant in every heart, we pray, the love of him who is the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

Numbers 6:22-27

Psalm 8

Philippians 2:5-11

Luke 2:15-21

Server Schedule for the Month of:


Thank you for Serving ECA!

We Need YOU!

We are crucially low with volunteers (Ushers & Lectors) to serve during Sunday Services. We especially need volunteers for the 8:30am Service. Please email if you would like to volunteer. Thank you!

Last Call for Vestry Nominations for 2023

Please Prayerfully Consider Serving! Those interested in serving on Vestry at ECA, please contact Jamie Hreha, or Fr. Paul. Vestry is a 3-year commitment and meets once a month with a retreat in January. Vestry qualifications are: any confirmed communicant in good standing of the parish not less than 18yrs of age, a regular attendant of church services the preceding year before election, and known by the treasurer to have made and fulfilled a stated financial commitment for church support throughout preceding year before election.

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Update for January: Brunch January 7 at 11am

Because of the New Year's holiday on our regularly scheduled meeting date (first Sunday of each month), we will not have a business meeting in January. Please plan to attend the next meeting on Sunday, February 5. Toni Hufford will be hosting a brunch for ECW members at her home at 4727 Rubes Creek Court in Jamerson Forest on Saturday, January 7, at 11 am.  Please contact her if you want to bring something 404-797-5735. 

ECA Annual Parish Meeting January 8, 2023 at 9am

All are invited to the ECA Annual Parish Meeting to stay up-to-date with ECA plans for our future, and to review this past year in ministry. The meeting will be beginning at 9am in the church. Come and See all we have done in 2022!

Shady Grove Un-Housed Ministry Special Request The ECA Reach Ministry serves along-side Pastor Bass at Shady Grove Baptist Church to minister to the homeless population.  Pastor Bass has expressed a need for men’s jeans size 30-36. Thanks for donating to help this ministry!

Connecting Ministry

Connecting Ministry January Food & Fellowship Dates Come Connect with us! The January dates are as follows: Wednesday, January 18 for lunch (location TBD) and Thursday, January 26 for dinner (location TBD). Contact Janice Maxwell for more info. 

Update on the Demidovich Family 

Irina, Timur, and Natan are settling in nicely at their new home. The boys started at Mabry Middle School last week, and they love it! Everyone is so supportive and some school staff even bought the boys bikes for Christmas (shhhh!) and are helping out with school supplies.  We have applied for Medicaid, SNAP/food stamps, refugee benefits, Read more: You can also go to "Give in Kind" page for updates, you will need to sign up to do so.

Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available

(YTD) Through Dec. 2022  Actual            Budget      +/-             

Revenues                 $246,367       $259,088        $12,721

Expenses                $220,416        $259,127            ($38,711)

Net Year to               $25,951             ($39)             $25,988

Fr. Paul is available during the week, Monday - Thursday, for guidance, prayer, and support.

Fr. Paul is out of the office on Fridays. Please call 770-490-7234 or email with any concerns, needs, or questions.

The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation

1673 Jamerson Road

Marietta, GA 30066


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