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The Season after Pentecost

 "Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 

ECA Weekly Calendar

Saturday, July 16 

9:00am Gamblers Anonymous

Sunday, July 17

*8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II (also streamed online)

9:45am Adult Christian Formation 

*10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II

*Nursery Provided

Wednesday, July 20

2:00pm Cultured Pearl Book Club

6:00pm Food, Faith & Fellowship Dinner

Friday, July 22

8:30am ECA Meeting to serve at Emmaus House: Volunteers Needed

Saturday, July 23

9:00am Gamblers Anonymous


July 27

4:00pm  Reach Serving Homeless

July 29

7:00pm Dominoes Adult Game Night

August 13

Safeguarding God's Children Training Offered


Bulletins Here


Proper 11

July 17, 2022

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking: Have compassion on our weakness, and mercifully give us those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask; through the worthiness of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Genesis 18:1-10a

Psalm 15 

Colossians 1:15-28

Luke 10:38-42

Server Schedule for the Month of


AUGUST Coming Soon! Please email any requests now.  

Thank you for Serving ECA!

Fr. Paul is available during

the week, Monday - Thursday,

for prayer, guidance and support.

Please call 770-490-7234 or email with any concerns, needs, or questions.

Adult Christian Formation this Sunday! Adult CF will continue through Summer. Christian formation class is usually held on Sundays at 9:40 am either in person, or via Zoom. Please contact Ron Allen at or contact Fr. Paul for Zoom meeting information. Current topics have been about how to adjust to the current climate as a faithful Christian in a divided community. 

ECA Children/Youth Sunday School to Begin Soon: Volunteers Needed!  ECA is seeking volunteers to help with Sunday School. Sunday school will be once a month beginning in September. We are looking for individuals who can help facilitate the lessons and activities. Anyone interested can email Molly Norman at

ECA Book Club: Cultured Pearls to Meet July 20 at 2pm    All are welcome to join the Cultured Pearls Book Club, meeting monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 2pm. Contact Lillian Stanton for more details. July Book: "The Mill River Recluse" by Darcie Chance (August book: "To the Light House" by Virginia Woolf).

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July 20 at 6:30pm: Faith, Food & Fellowship: A New Program at ECA  

Our first meeting of this new program is July 20 at 6pm. All are welcome to Join us for food, fellowship and fun faith centered activities! We are looking for volunteers to rotate preparing dinner and share in conversations. If you’d like to help with this new program, please email Robin Keith at or call 404-918-6335. Come and See! 

Emmaus House ‘End of Summer School Program’ BBQ: Volunteers Needed 7/22! On Friday, July 22,ECA will be hosting the end of Summer bash for Emmaus House and providing food for up to 150 people. Volunteers are needed to help cook and serve. Volunteers will meet at the church at 8:30am and carpool to Emmaus House. Bring a chair, hat/sunscreen, water, etc. This is an outdoor event.  For more info, please contact Nicole File or Horace Higgins.  Thanks for all you do for our community!  

Do You need Safeguarding God's Children Training?

There will be an in-person Safeguarding God's Children training in our convocation, at St. David's in Roswell on August 13th.   If you need to complete this training, either first timers or renewals (after 3 years). PLEASE REGISTER here:

Who is Required to take Safeguarding God’s Children Training?  All clergy/volunteers  who are engaged in ministry or service to the church; all persons who teach, supervise or assist with supervising children or youth in ministries, programs or activities; all vestry members or members of similar decision making groups who have the authority to approve the creation of ministries, programs or activities for children or youth. Safeguarding Website Here

Reach is Collecting School Supplies to Serve our Community  Reach is currently collecting school supplies for a Title 1 School in our community. If you would like to help, please consider buying items from the list below. A drop off box is located in the Narthex. Contact Jane Sanders with any questions. Thank you for all you do!

  • Tissues
  • Clorox wipes
  • Ear buds
  • Headphones
  • Pencils
  • 1 or 1.5 inch three ring binders
  • crayons
  • composition notebooks
  • 3 prong, 3 pocket folders
  • Preteen size sanitary napkins
  • child size belts--boys and girls
  • flushable wipes

ECA Men's Shell Island Fish Camp: Sep 28 – Oct 3rd

Reserve Space Now It’s that time of year again when the Men of ECA and guests plan to head down to Shell Island Fish Camp for a weekend of fellowship, fishing, food & Fun. You can go down on Weds, Thu, or Fri, and you don’t have to fish. Reserve your space now with a $100 deposit. Please get with Horace Higgins or Fr. Paul for more information. Please note the dates, it was printed wrong in the bulletin.  

Sunday Worship Volunteers Needed: Lectors, Greeters & Ushers 
Sunday worship happens each week because of numerous volunteers who participate in many areas of the worship service. Please consider volunteering for one of these ministries. Please contact Fr. Paul for more information. Thank you for serving!

Ministry Spotlight on the ECA Faith & Spirituality Ministry  

Did you know that ECA Faith & Spirituality Ministry exists to create unity and opportunities to grow and share our faith and spirituality with one another? In order to do this, we offer:

  • Faith, Food and Fellowship monthly dinners (starting in July -Come and See!)
  • Prayer Partners - Coming Soon!
  • Bible Challenge 
  • EFM
  • Prayer vigils 
  • Adult Christian Education
  • Lenten Series

If you are interested in being part of the Faith and Spirituality planning committee, please reach out to Robin Keith or call/text 404-918-6335. 

Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available

June 2022                            Actual                 Budget                    +/-                   

Revenues                          $118,861             $129,544          ($10,683) 

Expenses                          $110,680            $129,408           $18,728

Net Year to date                $8,181                $136                  $8,045

The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation

1673 Jamerson Road

Marietta, GA 30066


Follow us on Facebook! 
