Pentecost Sunday & The Birthday of
Christ's Body, the Church
"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others."
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ECW Food for Thought Dinner TODAY, May 25th at 6pm All Ladies are invited to join the ECW ministry on Thursday evening for dinner at 6pm at Amigos Nueves on Sixes Road in Canton. Invite a Friend!
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Dominoes Game Night THIS Friday May 26th at 7pm: Let's Get this Train Rollin' Again! Join us for adult fellowship time playing Mexican Train Dominoes Friday, May 26 at 7pm in the Activities Building! Bring a simple snack to share and your favorite beverage. Dominoes typically meets the fourth Friday of each month. Newcomers are always welcome!
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Pentecost Sunday May 28th and Fr. Paul's last Sunday before Sabbatical Starts! Wear RED!! We will be celebrating Pentecost and the birthday of the Church on Sunday May 28th in grand style with hamburgers and hotdogs and all the fixin's. We will also have a cornhole championship competition with prizes. Side dishes needed (some suggestions for sides include deviled eggs, potato salad, macaroni salad, baked beans, watermelon, fruit salad, and desserts) Please bring your picnic item in a throw away container or be sure to pick up your dish when you leave! Contact Debbie Hreha for more info. This will also be Fr. Paul's last Sunday with us as he starts his sabbatical on May 29th and will be back with us on Sun. Sept. 10th
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Daughters of the King Initiation & Dedication This Sunday at the 10:30am Service The DOK will initiate Janice Maxwell as it's newest member this Sunday at the 10:30am Service. There will also be a time of rededication for those who are already members. Join us as we celebrate this!
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Father Paul Sabbatical Starts May 29th
Fr. Paul will be away during the months of June, July, and August on a well-deserved sabbatical for rest and refreshment. He will return with us on Sunday September 10th. The Rev. Frank Baltz and the Rev. Roger Allen will be filling in on the Sundays he is away. If you have any questions or needs during this time, Robin Keith, Sr. Warden or Foster Peterson, Vestry person of worship, will be available or contact the Church office with any questions.
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No Adult Christian Formation or Bible Challenge this Week The ECA Adult CF and Bible Challenge will not meet this Sunday due to our Pentecost Celebration. We will resume next week. All adults are welcome to come join the discussion Sunday's at 9:40am.
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Open Hearts Camp Planning Meeting Tuesday, May 30 at 6:30pm in the Activities Building All who are interested in helping with Open Hearts Camp (June 19-26, 2023 from 9am - 3pm), please plan to attend! Volunteers are needed to help make this the best camp ever! We also need snacks (Cheese Crackers, individual bags of Potato Chips, Fruit Snacks, Pop Tarts, Cookies, Cheese-It’s, Tube Popsicles, Granola Bars, Fruit Roll Ups, Pretzels - no nut products due to allergies-), supplies & financial donations. If you would like to participate in any way or have questions, please contact Lainey Gaines at or call 678-431-0894.
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It’s Yard Sale Time! The Annual ECA Yard Sale is Saturday, June 3rd It’s nearly time for our Annual Yard Sale! Volunteers are needed to work the sale. The last donation drop off day is 5/28 after Services. Please contact Molly Norman with any questions or to volunteer.
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Reach Collecting Food items for Local Food Pantries, Thank you for your Continued Support ECA supports local charities Never Alone and Papa’s Pantry in their food ministries. This month we are also seeking feminie products for the unhoused at Shady Grove. Please bring donations Sundays before worship. Now collecting nonperishable food, travel size toiletries and feminie products. Thank you for supporting these local charities!
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Spotlight on Ministry: Connecting Ministry!
Do you like to greet people and make them feel welcomed? Do you have the gift of Hospitality? Join the Connecting Ministry! Contact Horace Higgins to learn more.
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Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available
(YTD) Through Apr. 2023 Actual Budget +/-
Revenues ($91,861) $95,677 ($3,816)
Expenses ($84,298) $108,150 $23,852
Net Year to ($7,563) ($12,473) $20,036
Fr. Paul is available during the week, Monday - Thursday, for guidance, prayer, and support.
Fr. Paul is out of the office on Fridays. Please call 770-490-7234 or email with any concerns, needs, or questions.
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The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation
1673 Jamerson Road
Marietta, GA 30066
Follow us on Facebook!
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