Dear Climate Friend,
We are a few days away from what may be the most important election of our time. I am an American, a naturalized immigrant, a Jew, a mom and grandma -- facing the threat that perhaps my American born children will no longer be citizens. My heart is broken for the families of those who have been the victims of the incredible hatred that surrounds us. The loss that they have experienced is unimaginable. When I close my eyes I see the numbered tattoo on my cousin’s arm, I hear the voice of my father telling the story of the liberation of Bergen Belsen concentration camp in Germany. Are we as a nation not better than this?
My heart also is breaking for what may lie ahead for our grandchildren, all future generations and democracy as we know it. Will we abandon all civility and allow hatred to dominate our lives and destroy our democracy? Will we allow continued degradation of our laws until there are no protections for the health and wellbeing of our residents? There are times when I feel completely helpless and then I realize each of us must stand up for what we believe.
If you have not already done so, please VOTE. Your future depends on it as does the future of all of the grandchildren. We remember all the victims of senseless hate and violence and we stand with the survivors.
The elder voice is critical, VOTE on November 6th.
For the our grandchildren, future generations and all life,
Geri Freedman
ECA Co-Chair
Elders Take Action To Get Informed and Engaged in the Midterm Election.
Elders across the country are stepping up and taking action to get out the vote in the midterm election on November 6th. Here are some of the ways ECA members have stepped up:
- 70 candidates for office have signed the ECA Pledge
- 0ver 50,000 text messages were sent by ECA Volunteers on behalf of the Environmental Voter Project.
- One ECA member became a candidate for state office
- 2 more ECA Chapters are in formation in South Carolina and Tennessee!
- ECA is represented on two US Climate Action Network national teams
Way to Go Elders!!!
From ECA Member Frances Stewart
Nathaniel Stinnett, who founded the Environmental Voter Project, gave a webinar for Elders Climate Action. He told us that 10 million environmentalists didn’t vote in the 2016 presidential election.
Stinnett sees this more as an opportunity than a problem. Over the past three years, the EVP has developed ways to identify environmentalists who don’t consistently vote and to get them to vote. This year they’re working in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Colorado, and Nevada.
ECA members and other volunteers reach out by texting voters. I do it mostly at my dining room table using my Mac, but I’ve also used my iPad to text from many other places.
Sending a text is quick and easy. Everyone on a list gets the same initial text. Some ask questions I can’t answer, but a Google search lets me find the answers to most of them.
We ask voters to pledge to be consistent voters. It’s the same pledge you’ve seen on the ECA website. Having people pledge to vote in every election is surprisingly helpful.
The Environmental Voter Project is in it for the long haul, building an army of environmental voters.
I'm grateful to be able to help them.
From ECA Member Hazel Chandler
The Candidates Pledge Climate Action project began here in Arizona. Members of the Arizona Chapter reached out to candidates for a variety of offices including federal, state, local and municipal candidates asking from their pledge on climate action. We received a number of signed pledges including from candidates for House, Senate and Governor.
I enjoyed working on this project and personally asked a number of candidates to sign the pledge before deciding myself to run for office. It was working on the pledge that led me to decide to seek candidacy in my retirement. I realized that more individuals need to be stepping up to take a strong stance on climate action from within our systems of government, and I decided,
why not me, why not now!
I encourage allof us to decide what we are willing to do for climate action and step up now.
Tell us what you have been doing for climate action. Send a 150 word (max) summary of what you've been doing and we'll share it in a future newsletter. Send to
ECA 2019 Action Plan is in the works....
ECA National Leadership has been at work planning for 2019 and as a result has proposed some goals for the upcoming year. Our message will be Elders are ready to stand together for climate action.
We value and depend on input from you, our members, to help our leadership team plan for the coming year. We have lofty goals and limited resources, so it's essential that we focus our efforts on areas where we can make the greatest impact. Please take a few minutes to tell us which initiatives are most important to you in 2019. We welcome your involvement!
In 2019 we hope to accomplish the following:
- ECA members across the country will work to influence action on climate change by Federal, State and Local elected officials.
- Provide support and guidance for the creation of more ECA chapters and action teams across the country.
- Raise funds through campaigns and grants
- Build a more comprehensive organizational infrastructure to support our growth through increasing volunteers
- Deepen and expand relationships and collaborations with other organizations.
- Offer new opportunities for members to be engaged and informed while building a strong community of elder climate activists.
We Need YOUR HELP. Tell us what you think our priorities should be -- Take a quick survey and let us know which actions you feel are important in 2019, click the button below.
We love the NASA Climate Quizzes. Test Yourself!
Test your climate knowledge by taking the NASA Climate Quizzes. There are multiple quizzes covering the many impacts of climate change. Learn more today, share with your friends and family.
Nothing is more important to climate action and our future than your VOTE this election.
Please be sure to get to the polls and let your voice be heard. We know, with the release of the IPCC Report that climate change CANNOT WAIT. We have little time to implement solutions to dramatically reduce greenhouse gases and our dependence on fossil fuels.
Get Free or Reduced Fare Rides to the Polls
To find out more click the image to connect to the website
Help Us Spread the Word About ECA!
Download and Share ECA Social Media Graphics.
Share on your Facebook or Twitter page! Email to Friends and Family and include a message.
Send a Letter, We've Made Some Samples
“What will the future be for our grandchildren if we don’t do anything?”
This is a real question, and a critical question.
The government struggles to admit the reality of climate change, let alone do anything about it. Corporations work to protect their financial interests and strongly lobby against any action on climate change. Largely it has been left to us, the people, to educate, convince and inspire others into action, to ask businesses for their commitment and action, to demand our elected leaders support climate legislation, and to build the political will that will demand action.
So we've created a few sample letters to make your climate outreach a little easier.
Cut and paste the 200 word message ECA has prepared for you to use to contact your Local Media - Letter to the Editor section, typically an online form
Ask Local Business or Corporations in your area to commit to climate action. Cut and paste this letter sample to help formulate your letter.
Use our simple online template to send a letter to Members of Congress to urge their immediate action on climate change. Add your info, personalize the message, and hit send. It's that easy
Your voice and your vote have power. By showing up to the polls for EVERY election, you help to ensure a safe climate future for our grandchildren, future generations and all life.
No matter who you vote for, we need politicians at every level to know that we care about the climate and WE VOTE. To see the most change, our representatives need millions of reasons to act on climate. There is power in numbers, and we are mobilizing elders.
Elders Climate Action has partnered with our friends at the Environmental Voter Project to make climate change a priority voting issue. Confirm your commitment to climate by signing the Environmental Voter Pledge. We will let you know when elections are coming up and help you stick to your pledge to give the CLIMATE the ELDER VOTE
Join us for Climate Tea & Talk
Make yourself a cup of tea and connect with us for an “elder hour” of casual discussion about climate change. We can make new friends across the country and learn ways to engage from each other. We hope you will join us for climate tea & talk!
Second Tuesday of Each Month
November 13
6:00 PM Eastern | 3:00 PM Pacific
No RSVP Needed
Or Telephone: 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 185 337 579
If you are unable to attend the National Call, RSVP and we'll send you the recording.
Join our Monthly National Call
4th Tuesday of the Month
Tuesday, November 27
7:00 PM (ET) | 4:00 PM (PT)
With Stephanie Mines, Organizer of Upcoming Climate Change & Consciousness International Conference in Findhorn, Scotland in 2019,
Elders Climate Action, a project of Conscious Elders Network |