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As the new school year begins, we at ECAC want to extend our heartfelt wishes to all students, families, and school staff across North Carolina. We know that this time of year brings excitement, challenges, and new opportunities. Whether you're stepping into a new grade, navigating the complexities of special education, or preparing for the transition to adulthood, ECAC is here to support you every step of the way.

Remember, our team is just a call or click away to assist with navigating health care systems, early intervention, special education, and more. We’re committed to serving you across all 100 counties at no cost. Let’s make this school year one filled with growth, learning, and success!

Best wishes for a fantastic year ahead!

The ECAC Team

When ECAC’s Executive Director Aimee Combs tracked down Valerie Williams last week at the 2024 OSEP Leadership and Project Directors’ Conference in Washington, DC, there was definitely some fan-girling happening!  Valerie is not only the Director at the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) but she is also the parent of a child with a disability. Aimee snagged a selfie and asked Valerie for one quick Back-to-School tip for families. Her tip? BREATHE! 

Amidst all the hustle and bustle of back to school shopping, open houses and completing school forms, remember to take a moment for yourself - it can make all the difference!

DPI Parent & Family Updates - Welcome Back to School

August Tool Time Tuesdays

ECAC has several Tool Time Tuesday webinars scheduled this month to help you prepare for the school year. Tool Time Tuesday segments are 30 minutes every Tuesday at noon. 

August 13th - Join the Battle Against Bullying

August 20th - Advocates for Medically Fragile Kids NC

August 27th - Introduction to the Pre-ETS Achieve Program

Click here to register for TTT

Thank you to WBTV News in Charlotte for taking the time to give ECAC the opportunity to share information about ECAC with their "Doing Good: On Your Side"  audience. Executive Director, Aimee Combs, shared why ECAC is important to her and our very own Youth Advisory Board member, Jaxson, provided some very important advice. Great job Aimee & Jaxson!

Click Here to Watch the News Report

Smart Beginnings 2024

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will be hosting the Smart Beginnings 2024 webinar series August 27 - 29, 2024. The webinars will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about resources for supporting children with disabilities as we head into a new learning year.

Click Here for More Information

Back-to-School Worksheet to Start the Year Strong


Parents: use this worksheet to help your child get ready to go back to school by filling out this worksheet together.

Educators: Share this worksheet with your students’ families at the start of school or at the end of the school year.

Click Here to Download the Worksheet

10 Ways to Make the Switch From Summer to School

Tips for when it's time to make the switch from summer-fun to school-time. o encourage another successful school year, take time to create a game plan no matter what grade your child is going into this fall with these helpful tips:

Read the 10 Tips

Back-to-School Tips - Child Mind Institute rounded up resources to help prime kids for a positive start before the big day. They offer dos and don’ts for easing back into school-year routines 

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For Teachers & Parents

Easily Distracted? How to Tune Out

Distractions & Focus on School

From ADDitude, children with ADHD experience a lower level of brain arousal, which means they are easily distracted by internal and external stimuli. Use these school and home strategies to improve focus and comprehension.

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Painting the Big Picture

Children benefit when the adults in their lives are able to see “the big picture” by understanding them as unique individuals. Parents and other caregivers help to “paint the big picture” when they share who their child is, what they can do, and how others can relate and respond to the child.

Parents know many things about who their children are and what their children can do. After all, parents are their children’s first teachers! When parents share what they know about their children, school staff are better able to support their students to learn, participate and succeed.

Parent's Guide to Special Education

This guide provides information and tools needed to be an informed and effective advocate for your child during your child’s years in school, from preschool through high school.

The focus of the Guide is the federal special education law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that promises each child with a disability a “free, appropriate, public education". This Guide is not designed to be read from beginning to end; instead it is designed so that a reader can get quickly to the part that will be most helpful at any given time.

Talk Tools

Talk Tools provides questions that families can use in conversations and meetings about their child. These are questions that ECAC's Parent Educators often use with families and professionals. They provide effective ways to request clarification in conversations about behavior, accommodations, modifications, support or intervention strategies, classroom or community situations, teaching methods, or a child's

response to any of these. Asking for more information is also a great way to help you maintain your focus and cool!

Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education
IEP Checklist

November is Family Engagement Month!

Tell Us Something Good Award

This is an opportunity to highlight the important role families and educators play in the education and well-being of children throughout the school year. Families who have children enrolled in NC public schools are invited to nominate their child’s school /teacher for the, “Tell Us Something Good” award. Share an experience that you’ve had with your child’s teacher/ school that shows their welcoming attitude and enthusiasm in working with families to create a positive experience for students with disabilities and their families. You can submit a video clip that is no more than two minutes or a written submission of 260 words or less. It could be an experience from this past school year through October 2024.

The winner will be determined by the number of “likes” each video clip or written submission receives on ECAC’s Facebook page. The contest will open on Tuesday, October 1st and submissions will be accepted until 11:59 am on Friday, November 1st, 2024. The school with the most votes will receive a $1000.00 award to go towards a family engagement activity for families at their school. The parent/ caregiver who submitted the winning entry will receive a $200.00 gift card. The winning school will be announced live during ECAC’s Tool Time Tuesday Broadcast in November.

Start early as the transition back to school begins. Be on the lookout for that winning submission. More details will be made available in September. For more information contact Beverly Roberts, Have a great start to the school year!

Family engagement is about families, schools and community partners working together to support and boost children's learning, development, and health. It happens in many places, including at home, in school, and during other community activities. Research shows that meaningful family engagement results in better outcomes for students, for families, for schools, and for their communities.

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Questions for the Upcoming School Year? Please click here to contact a Parent Educator
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