Wishing You a Blessed 2025! | |
January 1, 2025 | Next eNews: January 15 | |
Welcome to Marsha McCurdy Adell |
ECCT is delighted to welcome Marsha McCurdy Adell as Director for Lay Vocations & Ministry. In this newly created position, she will work closely with the Reverend Rebekah Hatch (Canon for Lay & Ordained Vocations) to provide vital support and resources for the development and formation of lay leaders across the diocese.
Her hiring at The Commons follows her 24-year career of distinguished service with the West Hartford Fire Department. As the first Black woman to graduate from the CT Fire Academy, she climbed the ranks and recently retired as Deputy Fire Marshal.
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Bi-Weekly Immigration Updates Begin Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 1 PM
The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations and the Episcopal Migration Ministries will host bi-weekly immigration updates at 1 PM on Tuesdays beginning on January 7. The updates will be 30 minutes long.
You must register at the link below in order to receive the Zoom information.
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Ordinations to the Priesthood at Christ Church Cathedral: Jan. 11 at 11 AM
By the Grace of God The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey W. Mello, Bishop Diocesan, and The Rt. Rev. Laura J. Ahrens, Bishop Suffragan, will ordain Dane Andrew Collins, Robert Morrison Lofberg, Phoebe Kaelin Oler, and Marta Schoonmaker Rivera Monclova to the Sacred Order of Priests in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on January 11, 2025, at 11 AM
The service will also be livestreamed via the Cathedral's YouTube and Facebook.
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Safe Church Training: Registration for Spring Semester Now Open
As followers of Christ, we all share responsibility for creating safe spaces in our worshipping communities. ECCT’s Safe Church policies & training are grounded in our baptismal call to “seek and serve Christ in all persons and respect the dignity of every human being.”
Safe Church is a requirement of The Episcopal Church for all ordained persons, adults who minister with minors, youth in leadership roles, and adults who minister with vulnerable humans.
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Registration Open for VISIONS, Inc. Anti-Racism Workshop: Jan. 24-25, 2025
The Episcopal Church in Connecticut is offering a two-day workshop in collaboration with VISIONS, INC. This training is for those who are interested in expanding ideas and creating community around concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.
VISIONS is a multicultural organizational development process that incorporates a variety of approaches and techniques that address what people think, what they do, and how they feel about cultural differences and changes.
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Parochial Report Orientation for 2024 Filing
Zoom Sessions
January 30, 9-10:00 AM
February 4, 3-4 PM
February 5, 7-8 PM
Join Canon for Finance & Operations, Rosanna Rosado, and her team for one of three Zoom sessions to review requirements, changes, and best practices for submitting accurate and complete parochial reports for the year 2024.
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FORMA 2025 Conference: "Come Away Together"
The Faith Formation Network of Province I (the New England dioceses) is combining its annual formation conference with FORMA to offer the best of both worlds!
We will gather January 27-30, 2025, with colleagues from across New England onsite at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center to connect with our provincial colleagues, participate in the FORMA workshops and content and share inspiration and learning.
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Congratulations to Bishop Laura & Deacon Bonnie! | |
At the Province 1 meeting in December, Bishop Laura Ahrens was elected Provincial Vice President and Deacon Bonnie Matthews was elected to the Executive Committee of the Province. In these new roles, they will help to support the work of Province 1 and its focus on diocesan collaboration.
Province 1 consists of seven dioceses in the New England area: ECCT, The Diocese of Maine, The Diocese of Massachusetts, The Diocese of New Hampshire, The Diocese of Rhode Island, The Diocese of Vermont, and The Diocese of Western Massachusetts. The Province 1 mission is to further the work of, and deepen relationships throughout, these seven Episcopal dioceses. Province 1 accomplishes this by coordinating the interdependent ministries of the seven dioceses in a spirit of mutual responsibility.
Congratulations, Bishop Laura and Deacon Bonnie!
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News & Updates from Our Cathedral
Christ Church Cathedral has put together a "2024 Year in Review" video. The video highlights those important people, teams, liturgical moments, and community moments that made 2024 a special year in the life of our cathedral.
As Dean Miguelina Howell writes in her End-of-Year Message on CCC's Facebook page:
"As we close 2024, I give thanks to God for the meaningful growth and deepened connections we have shared this year. Together, we have taken thoughtful steps forward in ministry, reflecting our vibrant and welcoming community."
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News & Updates from Our Camp
Camp Washington has hired James Williams as its new Summer Camp Programs Director. Welcome, James!
Camp Washington will host ECCT author and priest, the Rev. Margie Baker, for two special retreats in early January that will explore her new book, God, Gospel, and Gender. There is still time to sign up for these special weekends!
January 3-5
Youth Retreat
Designed for queer youth, their allies, and those who want to be allies.
January 10-11
Adult Retreat
Designed for clergy, parents, and teachers.
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Join our Bishops, clergy, and lay leaders around the diocese for a time of discussion and connection Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30 AM.
All Wardens' Call: January 8
Wednesday Bishops' Call for Clergy & Lay Leaders: January 15 (No call on January 1)
Wardens' Without Clergy: January 22
Zoom information is the same for all calls.
By video: https://episcopalct.zoom.us/j/2010776405#success
By phone: +1-646-558-8656 US; Meeting ID: 201 077 6405
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Ordinations to the Priesthood
Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford
Learn more
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Simple Rhythms Zoom Service
Zoom, sponsored by Christ Church, Pomfret
Learn more
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FORMA Hybrid Conference
Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center
Learn more
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290 Pratt Street, Box 52
Meriden, CT 06450
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