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May 24, 2023

Last week of Easter


Save the Date(s):

Mark your Calendars!

A Celebration of New Ministry for Fr. Brett Michael Figlewski as Rector

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


  • St. Paul's Church, Bantam
  • The Rt. Rev. Jeff W. Mello, Bishop Diocesan of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, will be presiding.

Clergy Camp Day

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


  • Camp Washington, Lakeside
  • Gather as colleagues to move, pray, rest, craft, and eat.
  • Register HERE

Special Thanks to our ECCT Clergy!

*Click the Photo for an additional message!

Thank you to all of the Clergy that joined us for Clergy Conference '23!

We thank God for the gift of our Clergy. Lord, grant them a continuous burning love for you, a deep faith, mindful rest to sustain their work in your word, and a bright and firm hope for the world. Amen.

A Prayerful Life is the Bees Knees

May 20th is World Bee Day

*A Visit with the Bees at St. John's, Guilford

When I think of World Bee Day (May 20th), the word “Opportunity” immediately comes to mind. So many opportunities to lace this #ECCTStory with bee puns because unbeknownst to the ECCT masses, your Digital Storyteller is quite punny. All jokes aside, there is something very buzz-worthy about this worldly holiday that expands beyond the confines of honey. World Bee Day presents an opportunity for us to get closer to our Lord.

In college, one of my three roommate’s had an assignment where they had to identify a plant that symbolized everyone in their acting class based on their personality, essence, or what I like to call, their overall vibe, then present it. After hours of researching a series of floral arrangements, there was one particular classmate that gave my roommate major planter’s-block.

The block was so prevalent that me and my other two roommates were immediately inducted into the garden consensus of Room 304 that evening. While the makeshift floral advisory committee, aka my two roommates, offered suggestions for what flowers could be attributed to my roommate’s final classmate, I sat quietly and listened.

Finally, after some internal deliberation, I spoke up...

Read Full Story Here

2023-2024 ECCT Planning Calendar



ECCT is actively recruiting for the position of Canon to the Ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut.

This position is open to lay and ordained candidates. If the idea of joining ECCT as the Canon to the Ordinary seems to be where God is calling you next, we encourage you to apply.

We are seeking a passionate and curious leader who is interested in furthering the vision and mission of ECCT. While the following is a general overview of the position, the portfolio will be guided by the gifts and interests of the candidate, in conversation with the Bishop Diocesan.

Apply Here


Clergy in Transition


The Rev. Martha Rogers has been appointed Priest in Charge, part-time, of Holy Advent, Clinton beginning June 1, 2023.


The Rev. Joseph Shepley, Rector at St. Paul’s Parish, Brookfield, has been called as Rector of St. Mary’s Church in Stuart, Florida. His last Sunday in Brookfield will be June 25.

The Rev. Tara Shepley will be ending her ministry at St. George’s Church, Middlebury. Her last Sunday will be June 18.


The Rev. Tony Dinoto will be retiring from St. John’s Church, Niantic. His last day is June 30.


The Rev. Tom Jackson will be retiring from St. Luke’s Church, New Haven. His last day is June 30.


*Please reach out to the Diocesan Transition Minister, Amber Page Gehr, ( if you are interested in any of our parishes or have questions about the transitions process.


Parishes seeking clergy


Trinity Church, Collinsville                               Seeking ½ time PIC

Christ and the Epiphany Church, East Haven Seeking ¼ time PIC

St. James’ Church, Glastonbury                      LOA in process

Christ Church, Guilford                                    Seeking FT PIC

St. Martin’s Church, Hartford                           Seeking ¼ time PIC

Emmanuel Church, Killingworth                      Seeking ¼ time PIC

St. John’s Church, North Guilford                    Seeking ¼ time plus PIC

All Saints with Christ Church, Oakville             Seeking ¼ time PIC

St. Paul’s Church, Plainfield                            Seeking ¼ time PIC

Christ Church, Sharon                                    Seeking ¼ time PIC

St. Mark’s Chapel, Storrs                                Seeking ½ time PIC

St. John’s Church, Waterbury                         Seeking ¼ time bilingual PIC

Trinity Parish, Wethersfield                             Seeking ¼ time plus PIC

St. Paul’s Church, Windham                           Seeking ¼ time PIC


JUNE is Pride Month: Observance in celebration of lesbiangaybisexualtransgender, and queer people—and the history, culture, and contributions of these people and their communities.

*See Below for ECCT PRIDE Events

Teen Pride Dance, June 10

Dance the Night Away, Meet Spectacular People, and Eat Fantastical Snacks on June 10th 7-9PM at Camp Washington, Lakeside Teen Pride Dance! Grades 9-12 are welcome.

Register Here

From Shame to PRIDE, June 13

Join for a LGBTQIA+ conversation and explore what spirituality means for this community.


Iconography Project: Kelly Latimore Reception, June 20

With the support of Bishop Mello, on Tuesday June 20th 5:30PM - 8:00PM The Racial Healing, Justice & Reconciliation Network and the Office of Mission Advocacy, Racial Justice, and Reconciliation are creating an Art Exhibition at The Commons, Meriden which diversifies sacred images as an embodiment of our collective spirituality followed by a lecture with artist, Kelly Latimore.


Complete Iconography Survey Here!

NC Region Potluck Dinner, June 17

Grace Church, Newington invites you to bring your favorite dish to share and join them for conversation, hosted by the NC Region Leadership Team!

Clergy Summer Retreats, June 22-24 and August 24-26

For Clergy who are under 45 and ordained for less than 7 years.

The focus is Rest and Renewal, and your facilitators Rev. Mo Lederman and Rev. Rachel Field will combine silence, guided meditation, and centering prayer along with opportunities for fellowship around the campfire.

Deacons Make a Meaningful Difference

The Episcopal Province of New England Celebrates Deacon Sunday, June 4


Parishes are encouraged to lift up diaconal ministry this June 4th, Trinity Sunday, or any Sunday in June. Please consider inviting a deacon to preach or asking your preacher on a Sunday in June to tell the story of diaconal ministry in the Episcopal Church. 


Feel free to Contact Bishop Laura J. Ahrens to highlight our ECCT Deacons.

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