The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association                                                   June  2016

Letter from the Editor
Badri Roysam,
University of Houston
Dear ECEDHA Members, Industry Partners, and Colleagues,

Welcome to the June issue of the Source!

Is your department experimenting with fresh approaches to transform the first-year ECE student experience?  We would like to hear from you.

In this edition of the Source, we are pleased to feature some of the efforts at the University of Maryland. The faculty team at Maryland is exploring dramatic ways to convey the excitement, societal impact, and impressive breadth of our discipline to freshmen with the overarching goal of advancing the learning experience and improving student retention.  By carefully hiding the technical complexities that the students will learn later in the curriculum, they are able to provide freshmen with an early "bird's eye view" of a surprisingly advanced (for freshmen) range of topics.

>>  Read more
Featured Article
Romel Gomez,
University of Maryland, College Park
ENEE 101 "What's Cool in ECE" - A Teaching Innovation for First Year Retention
By R.D. Gomez, B. Babadi, S. Bhattacharyya, J. Goldhar, A. Khaligh, N. Mogul, W.S. Levine, M. Wu, and R. Chellappa

Institutional data averaged over the last 5 years show that every year our department retains just over 80% of the declared electrical (EE) and computer (CpE) engineering students after the freshman year. Yet over the same period, the AJ Clark School of Engineering retained more than 90% of its majors, while the University as a whole retained 97% of its freshmen students.  This suggests that students leave their majors not primarily due to poor academic performance, but factors such as the lack of context about their curricula and quite possibly, ambiguity about their careers.  What is worrisome is that students make up their minds to transfer with just a meager understanding of the relevance of ECE in every day life, in favor of programs that are more conspicuous.

Featured Video
ECEDHA 2016 Keynote Address:
Sanyogita Shamsunder,  Director of Strategy-Technology, Verizon Wireless
Wireless Leadership in the U.S. - Transforming the Consumer Experience

Sponsored Article
Reinventing Control Education for the Modern ECE Curriculum
By Tom Lee, Chief Education Officer, Quanser

"Reinvention" seems to be a topic of lively discussion in many circles these days and ECE is no exception.  For the past several years, the reinvention of the ECE image or brand has been a significant topic as we reconcile our academic traditions with emerging societal and technological realities.

My company, Quanser, has a long history and pedigree in inventing and reinventing efficient lab test beds for validating formal control systems concepts as studied in teaching and academic research.  Twenty years ago, commercialized control test plants for academia was, without argument, an innovation and their adoptions had a definite impact on quality of teaching and proficiency of research.

Special Announcements
ECEDHA 2016-2017 Election Results

The 2016-2017 Election has officially concluded.  We are pleased to announce the results of our election for Secretary-Treasurer.

ECEDHA welcomes the following officer to the ECEDHA Board of Directors:

Anthony Maciejewski
Professor and Department Head
Colorado State University

Congratulations to our new officer.  We look forward to a continued strong leadership for the association.

ECE in the News
Harris Corporation Honored for Contributions to Engineering Education at ECEDHA 2016

Harris Corporation was honored with the Industry Award at the 2016 ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECExpo in La Jolla, California this past March.  Craig Miller accepted the award on behalf of Harris Corporation at the ECEDHA Awards Banquet.

The award is given in recognition of seminal contributions to engineering education - especially in the ECE disciplines - that go well beyond typical industry-university relations.   Harris Corporation has participated in numerous initiatives with ECE departments from 22 schools across the country.  These include sponsored research projects for undergraduates and graduates, representation on ECE Advisory Boards, support for senior design projects and scholarships, among others.

Above (from left to right): John Janowiak, ECEDHA Executive Director, Craig Miller, Harris Corporation, and Zhihua Qu, ECEDHA Awards Committee Chair
Corporate Feature


Produced by: 

In This Issue
Calendar of Events
March 17, 2017
ABET Workshop
Presented at the ECEDHA Annual Conference
Hilton Sandestin - Miramar Beach, FL
March 17-21, 2017
ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECE xpo
Hilton Sandestin - Miramar Beach, FL
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by National Instruments
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by COMSOL
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by ConRes/Tektronix
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by National Instruments
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Quanser
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by COMSOL


We're interested in hearing from you!

We welcome all feedback - drop us a line at:
Reminder: Finalize Your
2016 ECEDHA Membership!

2016 ECEDHA membership renewal for ECEDHA department heads is currently underway. 

Membership runs on a calendar year beginning January 1st through December 31st.

Renew your membership today to keep receiving ECEDHA membership benefits, including:
  • Access to the ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECExpo
  • Complimentary registration for ECEDHA's ECE Webinars
  • The opportunity to participate in the ECEDHA Annual Survey, a valuable tool in benchmarking your organization in lab and office space, faculty and department head salaries, research budgets, student retention, graduation rates, and much more.
  • Complimentary job posting service via the ECEDHA website
  • And much more!

For questions, please contact Megan Bekolay at or 312.559.3724
ECEDHA Member and
Partner News
AIST Foundation Electrical Engineering Grant

T o address the increased industry need for electrical engineers, the AIST Foundation has established a new grant to challenge North American university teams (students and professors) to submit proposals for a one-year US$10,000 grant in the theme area of an electrical challenge within the steel manufacturing industry. 

Professors of industrial control systems, power and energy systems, and electrical machines and motor drives are encouraged to apply.  Proposals will be accepted through 30 June 2016 for the inaugural grant.

For more information, please visit our website.

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2016

>>   Read more
2016 IEEE Virtual Conference on Applications of Commercial Sensors

To submit a presentation and paper, or register for the conference, please visit:

Submission Deadline: December 15, 2016


At the ECE Source, we strive to cover topics that are relevant and timely to ECE  department heads.  We welcome your comments, feedback, and suggestions of topics t o cover in our next issue.  Thank you.